Просмотр файла mynews/wap/data/data_3.wml

Размер файла: 879B
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<p>login/passwords are now within the config file</p>
<p>1)<br/>I erased the passwd.txt file due to constant security reasons. the login/password pairs are now held within an array in the config.inc.php file.<br/><br/>$authentication  = array ( <br/>   &#34;test&#34;     = &#34;test&#34;,<br/>   &#34;myLogin&#34;  = &#34;myPassword&#34;,<br/>   &#34;whatever&#34; = &#34;whatever&#34; );<br/><br/>2)<br/>On login you can choose to save the login/password in a cookie and keep this information for longer, or to login for just this session.<br/><br/>3)<br/>more easy configuration due to hash array setup.<br/><br/>4)<br/>moved include files to /include folder</p>