1|26.08.2000|sample titel|sample artikel|sample author|1
2|26.11.2000|rdf/rss channel file export capability|With myNews V2.0.4 you can now export the data to the RSS compliant file format by pressing \"rdf\" in the menu list.<br><br>See the <a href=./rss.php target=_blank>mynews.rdf</a> contents!|Urs|1
3|17.01.2001|login/passwords are now within the config file|1)<br>I erased the passwd.txt file due to constant security reasons. the login/password pairs are now held within an array in the file.<br><pre><br>$authentication = array ( <br> \"test\" => \"test\",<br> \"myLogin\" => \"myPassword\",<br> \"whatever\" => \"whatever\" );<br></pre><br>2)<br>On login you can choose to save the login/password in a cookie and keep this information for longer, or to login for just this session.<br><br>3)<br>more easy configuration due to hash array setup.<br><br>4)<br>moved include files to /include folder|Urs|0
4|17.01.2001|WAPalize your myNEWS entries|I added a functionality, which allows you to wapalize your most recent myNEWS headlines. Have a look at the config.php file.<br><br>Goto <a href= target=_></a> for WAP emulators.<br><br>Verify your wml code <a href= target=_></a>|Urs|1
5|26.04.2001|Slight modification|There has been made some slight modifications.|Urs|1