Просмотр файла AlberT-cache/Documentation/ric_ChangeLog.html

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<!-- template designed by Julien Damon based on PHPEdit's generated templates, and tweaked by Greg Beaver -->
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" ><div align="center"><h1>ChangeLog</h1></div>
2004-12-15  Emiliano 'AlberT' Gabrielli  &lt;[email protected]&gt;

 * --&gt; Version 0.5 &lt;--
 - Fixed bug in use of flock()
 - Fixed missing check in $_SERVER use
 - Made comments good for phpDocumentor, Documentation dir added

2003-02-14  AlberT  &lt;[email protected]&gt;

 * --&gt; Version 0.4 &lt;--
 - Made the cache to be a single class

2002-09-09  AlberT  &lt;[email protected]&gt;

 * --&gt; Version 0.3 &lt;--
 - Fixed a bug in creating storage file
   (tnx to Andreas Mokros &lt;mockey_at_gmx.net&gt;)
 - Fixed a bug in config (missing braket)
 - Added function comments and cleaned up code
 - Fixed the nasty bug in '304 Not Modified' header.
   Now the check is truly portable

 * --&gt; Version 0.2 &lt;--
 - Fixed a bug in '304 Not Modified' header.
   Now works fine in mod_php and in CGI
 - added CHANGELOG
 - added LICENSE
 - added README

	* --&gt; Version 0.1 &lt;--
	- rewritten from jpcache (locking, cgi/IIS compatibility)

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		Documentation generated on Wed, 15 Dec 2004 15:11:09 +0100 by <a href="http://www.phpdoc.org" target="_blank">phpDocumentor 1.2.3</a>