Просмотр файла WapRedirect/ReadMe.txt

Размер файла: 987B
WapRedirect 1.2

/// Description

- This scirpt redirect phone at HTML or WML page.
- If phone does not support HTML version of page, phone will open WML version.
- This is updated RastaClub v1.00 script.

/// Version description

- In this ver. you did not must put the same code at both (WML and HTML) pages. File have smaller size in KB now.

/// Installation

- Unpack .zip file WapRedirectBySallSon.zip and edit code at specifyed part of code.
- Experienced users can change other parts of code, like background-color...

/// Other

- You can download this script in serbian language from http://sallson.host-mb.info/master/skr/WapRedirect/srb/
- Other free scripts avalaible for download at http://sallson.4mak.net/scripts/
- If I update this script, it will avalaible in script directory at my site.
- If you update this script, contact me from my site (http://sallson.surfs.it) and send URL of updated script in .zip to me.

