Просмотр файла restdininguide/installation.txt

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myDininGuide release ver. 0.80
Installation Guide 2002
V. Christianto [email protected]

http://www.eazt.com, Freedownload page

1. Prior setting: Install Apache, PHP4, and MySQL (see short guide below)
2. Create a new folder on your server.
3. Configure and set parameters (explained below).
4. Upload the contents of the zip file to your server.
5. Create and configure your mySQL tables (also explained below).
   Database file to create Langevin backend was included (langevin.sql)
6. That's it!


1. MySQL (such as mysql-3.23.27-beta-win.zip for windows system)
2. PHP 4.0 (such as php-4.0.2-Win32.zi. If you're not sure about what version you have,
   run the phpinfo.php script which comes with this release)
3. Apache Web Server for Linux (Others may be possible, but have not been tested)
4. Perl 5 or above
5. CGI.pm (usually included in Perl distribution)

(you're on your own if you want to change aesthetic elements)

1. Copy the emailform.cgi file into your CGI directory (usually cgi-bin) and give it a 755 file permission. 
   Make sure you FTP the file in ASCII mode and not Binary - it will not work otherwise.
2. Modify the emailform.wml file and change the URL linking to the emailform.cgi script.
3. Modify the emailform.cgi file and add your e-mail and other details where requested.
4. To test the script, access the emailform.wml in your WAP browser.

(If you're looking for a true primer on mySQL, this probably isn't the place)

ALTERNATIVE WAY: using myphpadmin (easier to configure)
Also, sometimes, if you're using a program like phpMyAdmin, you need to add the lines one at a time...
sometimes with a ; after each line as well. Play around with it...

you need to make two tables in that database -
create table auth 
(username VARCHAR(30), 
password VARCHAR(30), 
admin INT, 
primary key(id));

create table info 
(name VARCHAR(30), 
location VARCHAR(30), 
phone_number INT, 
type_of_food VARCHAR(30),
description TEXT,
primary key(id));


We recommend you install Apache 1.3.12, as that is the version against the PHP4 module is 
compiled. Newer versions of Apache should be ok too, but you never know.

Start apache_1_3_12_win32.exe. The installation wizard will guide you through the initial 
installation of Apache. 

When finished start apache from the start menu and check whether it is running by pointing 
your browser to http://localhost/. If all is well, stop apache, we'll start it up later 

If you want to learn more about Apache, go to the Apache website at http://www.apache.org/.
Or read the PHP/Apache instruction pdf file included in this package.


Because the official PHP4 distribution doesn't come with a module for Apache, we recommend 
you install PHP 4.0.2 for windows and get the PHP4 module for 4.0.2. If you
 install a later version of PHP4, you also need a later version of the module.

First unzip the file php-4.0.2-Win32.zip to a suitable directory, e.g. C:\Program Files\PHP\. 
Then copy the file php4ts.dll to \winnt.

Unzip the file mod_php4-4.0.2.zip. Copy the file apache_dir\conf\mod_php4.conf to the conf 
directory in the Apache installation directory. Copy the file apache_dir\modules\mod_php4.dll
 to the modules directory in the Apache installation directory.

Now edit the file httpd.conf in the Apache conf directory. Find the line with 'DirectoryIndex' 
and add 'index.php' at the end. Then at the end of the file add the line:

Include conf/mod_php4.conf

The file httpd.conf contains numerous other configuration settings, for more information on
 configuring Apache for Windows goto http://www.apache.org/docs/windows.html#use. 

PHP needs to be configured a bit before it can run without problems. Start a text 
editor and create a new file with the following line:

	magic_quotes_gpc	=	Off

Save this file as \winnt\php.ini. Make sure it doesn't get saved as php.ini.txt

Now you need to test whether Apache will run with PHP4. Start a command shell and change
directory to the Apache installation directory. Then type:


Apache should respond with a single line message like this:

	Apache/1.3.12 (Win32) PHP/4.0.2 running...

If Apache starts and runs without error messages you can stop it again, by typing Ctrl-C.
Now install the apache server as a service as follows:

	apache -i -n apache

And start the service with:

	net start apache

To check if everything is installed correctly, create a file 'info.php' in the apache htdocs
directory, containing:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Then start a web browser and go to http://localhost/info.php. If everything installed ok, 
you should see a formatted page displaying some information about PHP and Apache.

If you want to learn more about PHP, go to the PHP website at http://www.php.net/. 


Start by unzipping the file mysql-3.23.27-beta-win.zip. If you use WinZip you can 
immediately press Install, otherwise you can unzip the files to a temporary directory and 
start setup.exe.

The installation wizard will guide you through the initial installation of MySQL. 

After the installation wizard finishes, start the program winmysqladmin.exe from the bin 
directory under the Mysql installation directory. This program will first ask you to enter 
a username and password. You can use these to connect to the MySQL database from now on. 
The program has nestled itself in the system tray, so click on the 'traffic light' icon 
there and select 'show me'. Now press the 'my.ini Setup' tab. Enter the correct values for 
the base directory and select 'mysqld-nt'. Check the entries in the my.ini file and then 
press 'Save Modification'. Note: if you are running Windows NT4, you should make sure that 
all the filenames in the my.ini are 8.3 compatible. You might also have to reboot before 
MySQL will start.

If you want to learn more about MySQL, go to the MySQL website at http://www.mysql.com/


V Christianto 
Recent revision: June 14, 2002
Feel free to ask via e-mail to [email protected]. But please do it frankly (no virus, no
  big attachment file; and no, no, and once again no junks)

The Programmers' Cheer 

Shift to the left, shift to the right!
Pop up, push down, byte, byte, byte!