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<? php header ( "Content-type:text/vnd.wap.wml; charset=utf-8" ); print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?> "; print ' <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN"'. ' "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml"> '. ' <wml><head><meta http-equiv = "Cache-Control" content = "no-cache" forua = "true" /></head> '; include "./ini.php"; mysql_query ("select * from bannedib WHERE ci='$ci' AND (ip = '".getenv(REMOTE_ADDR)."')and(browser = '".getenv(HTTP_USER_AGENT)."')"); if(mysql_affected_rows()!=0){include "b.php";} $login = autorize(); $q_count = @mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM `".$px.$utable."` WHERE ltime>'".intval(time()-$offline )."'and ci='$ci'"); $count = @mysql_fetch_array($q_count); print ' <card title = "'.$lang['who_online'].' ('.$count['count(*)'].')" > '. ' <p> '; if($login['fsize'] == "small") { $fsize1 = " <small> "; $fsize2 = " </small> "; } elseif($login['fsize'] == "big") { $fsize1 = " <big> "; $fsize2 = " </big> "; } elseif($login['fsize'] == "verysmall") { $fsize1 = " <small><small> "; $fsize2 = " </small></small> "; } else { $fsize1 = ""; $fsize2 = ""; } print $fsize1; $q = @mysql_query("select `var`,`val1` from `".$px.$stable."` where mod='room' and ci='$ci' order by val3;"); while($droom = @mysql_fetch_array($q)) { $q_online = @mysql_query("SELECT `login` FROM `".$px.$utable."` WHERE ltime>'".intval(time()-$offline)."' AND room='".$droom['var']."' and ci='$ci' order by ltime desc;"); print ' <a href = "./room.php?ci='.$ci.'&id='.$id.'&pass='.$pass.'&room='.$droom['var'].'" > '.$droom['val1'].' </a> : <br/> '; while($donline = @mysql_fetch_array($q_online)) { print $donline['login'].", "; } print ' <br/> '; } $pr_count = @mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM `".$px.$utable."` WHERE ltime>'".intval(time()-$offline)."' AND room='' and ci='$ci';"); $pdc = @mysql_fetch_array($pr_count); print " <a href = \"enter.php?ci=$ci&id=$id&pass=$pass\" > ".$lang['holl']." (".$pdc['count(*)'].") </a><br/> "; print $fsize2; print ' </p> '. ' </card> '. ' </wml> '; @mysql_close(); ob_end_flush(); ?>