Просмотр файла faqman/install.txt

Размер файла: 1.93Kb
1. Open cFaq.php in a text editor
2. Change line: var $sPath = ""; to the absolute path where your data files are located
   		var $sPath = "/home/sites/htdocs/data/";
3. Chmod 777 to the data directory
4. Open admin.php
5. Change the line: require("cFaq.php");
	 to include any path you may need in order to access cFaq.php.
	 It is BEST to put the admin.php in a secure area of your server that is
	 password protected and not accessible by all users.
6. Run admin.php and add the information you wish. Start by adding a category.
7. Your installing a now done :)

In order to view the faq you must do the following.

1. Open a PHP file that you wish to use to view the faq. There is a demo file included named test.php
	 that will show you exactly how to use the FAQ in your websites layout.
	 There is a couple things you MUST include on the page you wish the FAQ to show up.
	 First at the very top of the file you must have the following:
require("cFaq.php"); //Line 1
$faq = new cFaq; //Line 2
$faq->cFaqfGetdata();//Line 3

Line 1: Will include all the program function it needs to be able to display the faq.
Line 2: Tells PHP to "start" the faq program.
Line 3: Tell the program to gather all the data it needs to display the FAQ

These 3 lines MUST be included or the faq will not function.

Next, you need to tell the program to print out the faq. You do this by the following 2 line:

<?  $faq->cFaqfDisplayQ(); ?>

The above line will show the Questions only with a link to the answers below and sorted by category.

<?  $faq->cFaqfDisplayA(); ?>

This line above will display the answers to the questions sorted by categories.

For further reference open test.php in a text editor or place this file on your server and run it.
Make sure to modify Line 1: require("cFaq.php"); to point to the exact location of the cfaq.php