//------Mod by Shur1k------//
////Скопируйте понравившийся вам версию в дат файл в папке локал, датамаин. короче поняли куда.
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
//JavaScript generator under the GNU General Public License
var today = new Date;
var Future0 = new Date;
ThisYear = 2009;
var FutureMonth = 11;
var FutureDate = 31;
var faraevent = "";
Future0.setMonth(FutureMonth, FutureDate);
today1 = Date.parse(today);
future1 = Date.parse(Future0);
secleft = future1 - today1;
miliday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
daysleft = secleft/miliday;
daysleftint = Math.round(daysleft);
if (daysleftint > 1)
document.write("<font color=#00FF00><b>До нового року залишилось ", daysleftint, " днів</b>", faraevent , "!</font>");
else if (daysleftint == 1)
document.write(faraevent, " is tomorrow! ");
else if (today1 == future1)
document.write(faraevent, " is today! ");
</script><div align="left" >А точніше</div>
<div id='x1' style='padding:0px; border: 0px dashed black;'></div>
<div align="left" ><script Language="javascript">
var timeStr, dateStr, ostStr, x;
function clock() {
now= new Date();
ex = new Date(2010,0,1,0,0,0);
hours= now.getHours();
minutes= now.getMinutes();
seconds= now.getSeconds();
timeStr= "" + hours;
timeStr+= ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes;
date= now.getDate();
month= now.getMonth()+1;
year= now.getYear();
dateStr= "" + date;
dateStr+= ((month < 10) ? "/0" : "/") + month;
dateStr+= "/" + year;
ostStr= "";
x = (ex.getTime() - now.getTime())/1000;
ostStr = Math.floor(x/60/60) + ' годин. ';
ostStr = ostStr + Math.floor((x/60/60 - Math.floor(x/60/60))*60) + ' хвилин. ';
x = (((x/60/60 - Math.floor(x/60/60))*60) - Math.floor((x/60/60 - Math.floor(x/60/60))*60))*60;
ostStr = ostStr + Math.floor(x) + ' секунд. ';
document.getElementById('x1').innerHTML = 'До Нового Року залишилось: ' + '' + ostStr;
Timer= setTimeout("clock()",10);
<img src="http://wap.rovno.ua/newyear.gif" alt="">
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
//Script courtesy of Sharon Gartenberg's Date Countdown
//JavaScript generator under the GNU General Public License
var today = new Date;
var Future0 = new Date;
ThisYear = 2009;
var FutureMonth = 11;
var FutureDate = 31;
var faraevent = "";
Future0.setMonth(FutureMonth, FutureDate);
today1 = Date.parse(today);
future1 = Date.parse(Future0);
secleft = future1 - today1;
miliday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
daysleft = secleft/miliday;
daysleftint = Math.round(daysleft);
if (daysleftint > 1)
document.write("<font color=#00FF00><b>До Нового Года Осталось ", daysleftint, " дней</b>", faraevent , "!</font>");
else if (daysleftint == 1)
document.write(faraevent, " is tomorrow! ");
else if (today1 == future1)
document.write(faraevent, " is today! ");
</script><div align="left" >А точнее</div>
<div id='x1' style='padding:0px; border: 0px dashed black;'></div>
<div align="left" ><script Language="javascript">
var timeStr, dateStr, ostStr, x;
function clock() {
now= new Date();
ex = new Date(2010,0,1,0,0,0);
hours= now.getHours();
minutes= now.getMinutes();
seconds= now.getSeconds();
timeStr= "" + hours;
timeStr+= ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes;
date= now.getDate();
month= now.getMonth()+1;
year= now.getYear();
dateStr= "" + date;
dateStr+= ((month < 10) ? "/0" : "/") + month;
dateStr+= "/" + year;
ostStr= "";
x = (ex.getTime() - now.getTime())/1000;
ostStr = Math.floor(x/60/60) + ' час. ';
ostStr = ostStr + Math.floor((x/60/60 - Math.floor(x/60/60))*60) + ' мин. ';
x = (((x/60/60 - Math.floor(x/60/60))*60) - Math.floor((x/60/60 - Math.floor(x/60/60))*60))*60;
ostStr = ostStr + Math.floor(x) + ' сек. ';
document.getElementById('x1').innerHTML = 'До Нового Года Осталось: ' + '' + ostStr;
Timer= setTimeout("clock()",10);
<img src="http://wap.rovno.ua/newyear.gif" alt="">