Просмотр файла games/LuckyDice.php

Размер файла: 13.73Kb
 *                                mides.ru
 *                            -------------------
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = './';
include($phpbb_root_path . 'extension.inc');
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_luckydice.' . $phpEx);

// Start session management
$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX);
// End session management

$user_id = $userdata['user_id'];
$username = $userdata['username'];

if ( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] )
	$redirect = "LuckyDice.$phpEx";
	header('Location: ' . append_sid("login.$phpEx?redirect=$redirect", true));

$bet = ( isset($_POST['bet']) ) ? $_POST['bet'] : '0';
$played = $board_config['luckydice_played'];
$taken = $board_config['luckydice_taken'];
$given = $board_config['luckydice_given'];

// check if game is disabled, ifnot then continue:
if( $board_config['luckydice_enable'] == '0' )
  message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, ''.$lang['game_disabled'].'');
$page_title = 'LuckyDice';

$mainsub = $lang['game_explanation1'] . $lang['game_explanation2'] . $lang['game_explanation3'] . $lang['game_explanation4'];

$game = '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">'
	.'function DisabSub(frm)'
	.' var btn = frm.play;'
	.'btn.disabled = true;'
	.'return true;'
	.'</SCRIPT> ';

//version 1.4.0::
//-- max bets a day --
$stop = false;
//check if this feature is enabled: (the config value has to be bigger than 0 (zero)
if( $board_config['luckydice_betsaday'] > 0 )
	//this function is enabled::
	//verify the user his stats (reset counter if needed)
	$userBets = $userdata['luckydice_bets'];
	//first the timer:
	$timerstarted = $userdata['luckydice_time'];
	$currenttime = time();							//--> these are UNIX timestamps !!
	$diffTime = 86400;	//24 hours in seconds.
	if( ($currenttime - $timerstarted) >= $diffTime )
		//counter reset --> update db and let him play:
		$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . " SET luckydice_time='0' WHERE user_id = ".$user_id;
		if(! ($db->sql_query($sql)) ) 
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Fatal Error Resetting Counter!', '', __LINE__, __FILE__ ,$sql ); 
		$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . " SET luckydice_bets='0' WHERE user_id = ".$user_id;
		if(! ($db->sql_query($sql)) ) 
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Fatal Error Resetting Amount of Bets for the Day!', '', __LINE__, __FILE__ ,$sql ); 
		$userBets = 0;
	if( $userBets >= $board_config['luckydice_betsaday'] )
		//stop user from playing --> show a message.
		$game = sprintf($lang['toomanyplays'], $board_config['luckydice_betsaday']);
		$stop = true;

if(! $stop ) //--> user has played too many times already, just show the message!

if ( $bet == '0') 
	$main = $lang['home1'] . $lang['home2'] . $lang['home3'];

	$game .= '<tr>
      <td class="row1"><form method="POST" onSubmit="return DisabSub(this);">';
	$game .= '<input type="text" name="bet" class="liteoption"><br/>';
	$game .= '<input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="Поехали" name="Поехали" ></form></td>
      <td class="row1"> '.$lang['maxbetis'].''. $board_config['luckydice_maxbet'] .' '. $board_config['points_name'] .'';
	$game .= '<br>'.$lang['youhave'] . $userdata['user_points'] .' '. $board_config['points_name'] .'.';
	$game .= '<br>'. $lang['played'] . $played . $lang['_times']	.'<br>'	. $lang['taken'] . $taken .' '. $board_config['points_name'] .' '	. $lang['given'] . $given .' '. $board_config['points_name'];
	//version 1.4.0::
	//-- max bets a day --
	//check if this feature is enabled: (the config value has to be bigger than 0 (zero)
	if( $board_config['luckydice_betsaday'] > 0 )
		//update the user's amount of bets for the day (update the counter if needed) ::
		$newTime = $userdata['luckydice_time'];
		if( $userdata['luckydice_time'] == 0 )
			$newTime = time();
		$newBets = $userdata['luckydice_bets'] + 1;
		$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . " SET luckydice_bets='".$newBets."' 
											, luckydice_time='".$newTime."'
						WHERE user_id = ".$user_id;
		if(! ($db->sql_query($sql)) ) 
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Fatal Error Increasing Counter!', '', __LINE__, __FILE__ ,$sql ); 
	if(! is_numeric($bet) ) 
		message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, ''.$lang['error_values'].'');
	if( $bet < '0')
	  message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, ''.$lang['zero_error_values'].'');
	if( $bet > $userdata['user_points'] ) 
		message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, ''.$lang['error_money'].'');
	if( $bet > $board_config['luckydice_maxbet'] )
	 	message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, ''.$lang['error_maxbet'].'');
	// where are the dices ??
	$dice1_place = rand(1,6);
	$dice2_place = rand(1,6);
	// what's the top-number ??
	$dice1_num = rand(1,6);
	$dice2_num = rand(1,6);
	// what are the bonusses ??
	$bunus_hi_lo = rand(1,2);
	if( $bonus_hi_lo == 1 )
	 	$bonus1 = rand(1,3);
		$bonus2 = rand(4,6);
	 	$bonus1 = rand(4,6);
		$bonus2 = rand(1,3);
		case 1: 
			$bonus1_pic = 'one.gif';
		case 2: 
			$bonus1_pic = 'two.gif';
		case 3: 
			$bonus1_pic = 'three.gif';
		case 4: 
			$bonus1_pic = 'four.gif';
		case 5: 
			$bonus1_pic = 'five.gif';
		case 6: 
			$bonus1_pic = 'six.gif';
		case 1: 
			$bonus2_pic = 'one.gif';
		case 2: 
			$bonus2_pic = 'two.gif';
		case 3: 
			$bonus2_pic = 'three.gif';
		case 4: 
			$bonus2_pic = 'four.gif';
		case 5: 
			$bonus2_pic = 'five.gif';
		case 6: 
			$bonus2_pic = 'six.gif';

	// all possibilities:
		if( $dice1_place == $dice2_place )
		 	$win_count = ( isset($win_count) ) ? ($win_count + 1) : 1;
		if( $dice1_num == $dice2_num )
		 	$win_count = ( isset($win_count) ) ? ($win_count + 1) : 1;
		if( $dice1_place == $dice1_num )
		 	$win_count = ( isset($win_count) ) ? ($win_count + 1) : 1;
		if( $dice2_place == $dice2_num )
		 	$win_count = ( isset($win_count) ) ? ($win_count + 1) : 1;
		if( $dice1_place == $dice2_num )
		 	$win_count = ( isset($win_count) ) ? ($win_count + 1) : 1;
		if( $dice2_place == $dice1_num )
		 	$win_count = ( isset($win_count) ) ? ($win_count + 1) : 1;
	// the possibilities:

	$game .= '<tr>
      <td class="row1"><a href="'. append_sid("LuckyDice.".$phpEx) .'" class="nav">'.$lang['again'].'</a><br/>';
	$game .= '<form method="POST" onSubmit="return DisabSub(this);"><input class="liteoption" type="text" name="bet" value="'.$bet.'"><br/>';
	$game .= '<input type="submit" class="liteoption" value="Поехали" name="Поехали"></form><span class="gensmall"> '.$lang['maxbetis'].''. $board_config['luckydice_maxbet'] .' '. $board_config['points_name'] .'</div>';
	switch ($win_count)
		case 6:	// the perfect, bet X5
	 	$win_numb = ( $dice1_place );
		if( ($win_numb != $bonus1) || ($win_numb != $bonus2) )
		 	$winnings = floor( $bet * $board_config['luckydice_winperfect'] );
			$l_main .= $lang['winperfect'] . $winnings .' '. $board_config['points_name'].'.';
			$money_str = ' + '.$winnings;
		else if( ($win_numb == $bonus1) )
		 	$winnings = floor( $bet * $board_config['luckydice_winperfect'] * $board_config['luckydice_bonussmall'] );
			$l_main .= $lang['winbonussmall'] . $winnings .' '. $board_config['points_name'].'.';
			$money_str = ' + '.$winnings;
		else if( ($win_numb == $bonus2) )
		 	$winnings = floor( $bet * $board_config['luckydice_winperfect'] * $board_config['luckydice_bonusbig'] );
			$l_main .= $lang['winbonusbig'] . $winnings .' '. $board_config['points_name'].'s';
			$money_str = ' + '.$winnings;
	case 3:// a triple, bet X3
	 	$winnings = floor( $bet * $board_config['luckydice_wintriple'] );
		$l_main .= $lang['wintriple'] . $winnings .' '. $board_config['points_name'].'.';
		$money_str = ' + '.$winnings;
	// 2 pairs, bet X2
	  case 2: 
		$winnings .= floor( $bet * $board_config['luckydice_windouble'] );
		$l_main = $lang['windouble'] . $winnings .' '. $board_config['points_name'].'.';
		$money_str = ' + '.$winnings;
	case 1:	// no winning, no lose (1 pair)
			$l_main .= $lang['winpair'];
			$winnings = $bet;
	default:// if the user lost...
	 	$l_main = $lang['lose'];
		$money_str = ' - '.$bet;
	} //switch end
	// show the javascript of the rolling dices:
  $main = "<!-- Keith Drakard ([email protected]) v0.10 on 9th September 98
	<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"><!-- //
	  // global variables
	  var noof_dice= 4;
	  var rolled= new Array(noof_dice);
		var imgpath = 'images/lucky_dice/';
	  function roll(x) {
	    // roll the dice
	    if (x> 0) {
	      // carry on rolling:
	      for (d=0; d<noof_dice; d++) {
					// on last roll, show the right number:
					if( x == 0 ){
							// show dices there id.
	        		switch( d )
							 	case 0 : rolled[d]= ".$dice1_place."; break;
								case 1 : rolled[d]= ".$dice1_num."; break;
								case 2 : rolled[d]= ".$dice2_place."; break;
								case 3 : rolled[d]= ".$dice2_num."; break;
							// show the 'winnings'-text:
							Win_text.innerHTML = \"".$l_main."\";
					} else{
						rolled[d] = rand(6);
	        document.images[\"die\"+d].src= dice[rolled[d]].src;
	      setTimeout('roll('+x+')', 200);
	  function preload() {
	    if (document.images) {
	      dice= new makeArray(7);
	        dice[0].src= imgpath+\"blank.gif\";
	        dice[1].src= imgpath+\"one.gif\";
	        dice[2].src= imgpath+\"two.gif\";
	        dice[3].src= imgpath+\"three.gif\";
	        dice[4].src= imgpath+\"four.gif\";
	        dice[5].src= imgpath+\"five.gif\";
	        dice[6].src= imgpath+\"six.gif\";
	      for (d=0; d<noof_dice; d++) {
	        document.images[\"die\"+d].src= dice[rand(6)].src;
	    } else {
	      alert(\"Sorry, this example needs to run on a browser which supports the image object.\");
	  // The Central Randomizer 1.3 (C) 1997 by Paul Houle ([email protected])
	  // See:  http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~houle/javascript/randomizer.html
	  // NOTE:- modified by Kif to produce integers between 1-limit
	  rnd.today=new Date(); rnd.seed=rnd.today.getTime();
	  function rnd() {
	    rnd.seed = (rnd.seed*9301+49297) % 233280;
	    return rnd.seed/(233280.0);
	  function rand(limit) { return Math.ceil(rnd()*limit); }
	  // The following function was written by Martin Webb at http://www.irt.org/
	  function makeArray(n) {
	    this.length= n; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { this[i] = new Image(); }
	    return this;
 	<div class='body'>
       Небольшое поощрение если:<br/> <img src=\"images/lucky_dice/".$bonus1_pic."\"><br>
      Главный бонус при: <br/> <img src=\"images/lucky_dice/".$bonus2_pic."\">
      <img src=\"images/lucky_dice/blank.gif\" name=\"die0\"><img src=\"images/lucky_dice/blank.gif\" name=\"die1\"><img src=\"images/lucky_dice/blank.gif\" name=\"die2\"><img src=\"images/lucky_dice/blank.gif\" name=\"die3\"><br>
	<td class='row1'><a id=\"Win_text\"></a></td></tr>
	<script language=\"JavaScript\"><!--//
		roll( 20 ); // how many times must the dices roll??
	// end javascript

	// update the winnings/loses:
	if( isset($money_str) )
		$newmoney = $userdata['user_points'] . $money_str;
		$sql = 'UPDATE '. USERS_TABLE .' SET user_points = '. $newmoney .' WHERE user_id = '. $userdata['user_id'];
		if(! ($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Fatal Error Getting Points Information!', '', __LINE__, __FILE__ ,$sql); }
	// update 'played', 'given', 'taken':
	$newplayed = $played + 1;
	$newgiven = (isset($winnings)) ? ($given + $winnings) : $given;
	$newtaken = $taken + $bet;
	$sql1 = 'UPDATE '. CONFIG_TABLE .' SET config_value = '. $newplayed .' WHERE config_name = "luckydice_played"';
	if(! $result = $db->sql_query($sql1) )
	{ message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Fatal Error Updating luckydice_played!', '', __LINE__, __FILE__ ,$sql1); }
	$sql2 = 'UPDATE '. CONFIG_TABLE .' SET config_value = '. $newgiven .' WHERE config_name = "luckydice_given"';
	if(! $result = $db->sql_query($sql2) )
	{ message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Fatal Error Updating luckydice_given!', '', __LINE__, __FILE__ ,$sql2); }
	$sql3 = 'UPDATE '. CONFIG_TABLE .' SET config_value = '. $newtaken .' WHERE config_name = "luckydice_taken"';
	if(! $result = $db->sql_query($sql3) )
	{ message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Fatal Error Updating luckydice_taken!', '', __LINE__, __FILE__ ,$sql3); }

//version 1.4.0
} 		//end of if( $stop )


$location = ' -> <a href="'.append_sid("LuckyDice.".$phpEx).'" class="nav">'.$page_title.'</a>';

// Start page output
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.' . $phpEx);

		'LDLOCATION' => $location,
		'TITLE' => $page_title,
		'MAIN' => $main, 
		'GAME' => $game, 
		'SUB' => $mainsub, 
	$template->assign_block_vars('', array());
			'body' => 'luckydice_body.tpl')

// Generate page

include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.' . $phpEx);
