Просмотр файла wkat/index.php

Размер файла: 5.98Kb
$start_time = microtime();
$start_array = explode(" ",$start_time);
$start_time = $start_array[1] + $start_array[0];
include "xconf.php";
include "agent.php";
include "oper.php";


If (is_numeric($id)) {
$ips = @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$ipss=str_replace("$ipsa","", $ips);
$test=mysql_query("select * from `kods` where id='$id' && kod1='$kod1';");
if ($rowsss>0){
mysql_query("delete  from `kods` where id='$id' && kod1='$kod1' ");
$test1=mysql_query("select * from `ips` where id='$id' && ip='$ip';");
if ($teest==0){
$q=mysql_query("select * from `cool_pro` where id='$id' && ip='$ipss';");
if ($rows==0){
@mysql_query("insert into `cool_pro` values('$id','$datecool','$ipss','$insss','$zzzz')");
@mysql_query("delete  from `ips` where id='$id' ");
@mysql_query("insert into `ips` values('$id','$ip')");
$q = @mysql_query("select * from `cool_site` where id='$id';");
$data = @mysql_fetch_array($q);
$tin = $data['tin']+1;
$ins = $data['ins']+1;
$tis=date("H:i:s", time());
$text =' '.$id.' || '.$ips.' || '.$mobile.' || '.$tis.' || '.$date_serv.' <br/>';
@fputs($fp,"$text \r\n");
@mysql_query("Update `opers` set `$oper`=`$oper`+'1'  where idaa='$id' ");
@mysql_query("Update `oper_in` set `$oper`=`$oper`+'1'  where idaa='$id' ");
@mysql_query("update `cool_site` set tin='$tin' where id='$id';");
@mysql_query("update `cool_site` set `ins`='$ins' where `id`='$id';");
$data = @mysql_fetch_array($q);
if ($zzzz>$ttime){
$q = @mysql_query("select * from `cool_site` where id='$id';");
$data = @mysql_fetch_array($q);
$tin = $data['tin']+1;
$ins = $data['ins']+1;
$tis=date("H:i:s", time());
$text =' '.$id.' || '.$ips.' || '.$mobile.' || '.$tis.' || '.$date_serv.' <br/>';
@fputs($fp,"$text \r\n");
@mysql_query("Update `opers` set `$oper`=`$oper`+'1'  where idaa='$id' ");
@mysql_query("Update `oper_in` set `$oper`=`$oper`+'1'  where idaa='$id' ");
@mysql_query("delete  from `ips` where id='$id' ");
@mysql_query("insert into `ips` values('$id','$ip')");
@mysql_query("update `cool_site` set tin='$tin' where id='$id';");
@mysql_query("update `cool_site` set `ins`='$ins' where `id`='$id';");
@mysql_query("update `cool_pro` set ip='$ipss', ttt='$zzzz' where `id`='$id' && ip='$ipss';");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
$result=mysql_query("select * from `cool_site` where tin>'0' && activ='1' order by rand() limit 1");
include "header.php";
print $begin;
print $p_l;
print $sm;
print $d_fl.'<br/>';

$result=mysql_query("select * from `cool_site` where tin>'0' && activ='1'  order by rand() limit 1");
$resultss2 =mysql_query("select id from `cool_site` where ins>'0'");
$topdayint2 = mysql_num_rows($resultss2);
$resultss =mysql_query("select id from `cool_site` where tin>'0'");
$topdayint = mysql_num_rows($resultss);
$q11 = mysql_query("select * from `obiav` where type='0' order by `id`  ");

//print $d_ms;
while($arr=mysql_fetch_array($q11)) {
echo "<a href=\"".$arr['site']."\">".$arr['title']."</a><br/>"; }
//print $d_e.'<br/>';
print $d_e;
print $d_ms;
$rall=mysql_query("select `id` from `cool_site` where tin>'0' && activ='1' ");
$resd=mysql_query("select `title` from `news` order by `id` desc limit 1");

print '<p align="center">
<b>Каталог сайтов!</b><br/>
<a href="news.php?ver='.$ver.'">Новости</a>('.$data.')<br/>
<a href="topmonth.php?ver='.$ver.'">Лучшие сайты!</a>('.$topdayint2.')<br/>';

print $sme;
print $sm;
print $d_e;
print '<br/>';
print "$d_msl";

print '<p align="left">
<a href="category.php?ver='.$ver.'"><b>Все сайты</b></a>('.$all.')<br/>';
$q=mysql_query("select * from `cool_raz` where 1 order by por asc");
while($data = @mysql_fetch_array($q)){
$qs=@mysql_query("select count(*) from `cool_site` where category='$catid' and activ='1' and tin>'0';");}else{
$qs=@mysql_query("select count(*) from `cool_site` where category='$catid' and activ='1';");}

print " <a href=\"category.php?c=$catid&amp;ver=$ver\">".$data['text']."</a>(".$i['count(*)'].") <br/>";
print "$d_e $d_fl $sme  $sm ";
if ($rand>0)  {
$zz=str_replace("http://","", $zz);
print "Случайный сайт:<br/>
<a href=\"go.php?go=".$xx."\">$zz</a><br/>"; }

print '-----<br/>';

$q12 = mysql_query("select * from `obiav` where type='1' order by `id`   ");
while($arr1=mysql_fetch_array($q12)) {
echo "<a href=\"".$arr1['site']."\">".$arr1['title']."</a><br/>"; }
print '-----<br/>'.$d_e.' '.$d_ms.'

<p align="center">
<a href="faq.php?ver='.$ver.'">FAQ</a><br/>
<a href="rules.php?ver='.$ver.'">Регистрация</a><br/>
<a href="edit.php?ver='.$ver.'">Ваш профиль</a><br/>
<a href="stat.php?ver='.$ver.'">Статистика каталога</a><br/>
<a href="reklama.php?ver='.$ver.'">Рекламодателям</a><br/>
'.$d_e.' '.$d_fl.'';

print '---<br/>';

if ($ver=="htm")
print '<a href="kontakt.php?ver='.$ver.'">&#169 '.$namecat2.'(2o1o)</a><br/>';
if ($ver=="wml")
print '<a href="kontakt.php?ver='.$ver.'">'.$namecat2.'(2o1o)</a><br/>';
@include "ber.php";
print $sme;
print $endpage;
