Просмотр файла servispro/yaponproiznowenie/index.php

Размер файла: 4.9Kb
<!-- Original: Momoko Sakura -->
<!-- Modified By: Ronnie T. Moore, Editor -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- Begin
function isvowel(v) {
if ((v == "a") || (v == "e") || (v == "i") || (v == "o") || (v == "u")) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function toJapanese(inp) {
name1 = inp;
otp = "";
cnt = 0;
k = "";
l = "";
inp = inp.toLowerCase();
while (cnt <= inp.length - 1) {
k = inp.charAt(cnt);
if ((cnt + 1) > (inp.length - 1)) {
l = "u";
else {
l = inp.charAt(cnt+1);
if ((k == " ") || (k == "-") || (k == "'")) {
otp = otp + k;
cnt += 1;
if ((l == "y") && (!isvowel(k))) {
l = "i";
if (k == "x") {
if (cnt == 0) {
k = "z";
else {
k = "k";
if (k == "g") {
if ((l == "e") || (l == "i") || (l == "y")) {
k = "j";
else { 
if (isvowel(l)) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
otp = otp + k + "u";
cnt += 1;
if (k == "j") {
if ((l == "a") || (l == "u") || (l == "o")) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt +=2;
if ((l == "e") || (l == "i")) {
otp = otp + "ji";
cnt += 2;
if (k == "y") {
if ((l == "a") || (l == "u") || (l == "o")) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
k = "i";
if (k == "m") {
if (isvowel(l)) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
if ((l == "b") || (l == "m") || (l == "p")) {
otp = otp + "n";
cnt += 1;
else {
otp = otp + "mu";
cnt += 1;
if (isvowel(k) || ((k == "n") && (!isvowel(l)))) {
otp = otp + k;
cnt = cnt + 1;
if (k == "q") {
k = "k";
if (k == "v") {
k = "b";
if (k == "l") {
k = "r";}
if (k == "c") {
if (l == "h") {
otp = otp + "chi"; 
cnt += 3;
else {
if ((l == "e") || (l == "i") || (l == "y")) {
k = "s";
else {
k = "k";
if (k == "w") {
if ((l == "a") || (l == "o")) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
if ((l == "i") || (l=="e")) {
otp = otp + "u" + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
k = "b";
if ((k == "b") || (k == "k") || (k == "r")) {
if (isvowel(l)) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
otp = otp + k + "u";
cnt += 1;
if (k == "d") {
if ((l == "i") || (l == "a") || (l == "e")) {
otp = otp + "de";
cnt += 2;
if ((l == "u") || (l == "o")) {
otp = otp + "do";
cnt += 2;
if (!isvowel(l)) {
otp = otp + "de";
cnt += 1;
if (k == "f") {
otp = otp + "fu"; 
cnt += 1;
if (isvowel(l)) {
cnt += 1;
if (k == "h") {
if (l == "u") {
otp = otp + "fu";
cnt += 2;
else {
if (isvowel(l)) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
otp = otp + "fu";
cnt += 1;
if (k == "z") {
if (l == "i") {
k = "j";
else {
if (isvowel(l)) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
otp = otp + "zu";
cnt += 1;
if (k == "n") {
if (isvowel(l)) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
if (k == "p") {
if (l == "h") {
otp = otp + "fu";
cnt += 2;
if (isvowel(l)) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
otp = otp + "pu";
cnt += 1;
if (k == "s") {
if ((l == "i") || (l == "h")) {
otp = otp + "shi";
cnt += 2;
if (l == "h") {
cnt += 1;
else {
if (isvowel(l)) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
else {
otp = otp + "su";
cnt += 1;
if (k == "t") { 
if ((l == "a") || (l == "e") || (l == "o")) {
otp = otp + k + l;
cnt += 2;
if ((l == "u") || ((!isvowel(l)) && (!(l == "h")))) {
otp = otp + "tsu";
cnt += 1;
if (l == "u") {
cnt += 1;
if ((l == "s") && (inp.charAt(cnt + 1) == "u")) {
cnt += 2;
if (l == "i") {
otp = otp + "chi";
cnt += 2;
if (l == "h") {
otp = otp + "fu";
cnt += 3;
name2 = "" + otp.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
for (j = 1; j <= otp.length - 1; j++) {
name2 += otp.charAt(j);
alert(name1 + " произносится по японски как: \"" + name2 + "\"");
// End -->



Введите Ваше имя латинскими буквами: <input type=text name="personname" size=15>
<input type=button value="Показать имя по-японски!" onClick="toJapanese(this.form.personname.value);">

echo'<br><img src="../images/img/homepage.gif" alt=""> <a href="../index.php">В сервисы</a>';
echo'<br><img src="../images/img/homepage.gif" alt=""> <a href="../../index.php?'.SID.'">На главную</a>';
include_once "../../themes/$config_themes/foot.php";