- <?php
- error_reporting(7);
- require_once('nast.php');
- require_once('shapka.php');
- require_once('func.php');
- require_once('function.php');
- require_once('win_to_utf.php');
- include('db.php');
- print $beginpage;
- include('rekl.php');
- $ip=mysql_escape_string($REMOTE_ADDR);
- $Host=preg_replace('/:\d+/s','',getenv('HTTP_HOST'));
- $user=mysql_escape_string($HTTP_USER_AGENT);
- $file=mysql_escape_string($file);
- while($file[0]=='/')
- $sd=substr($file,1,strlen($file));
- $dirname=dirname($file);
- $basename=basename($file);
- $filesize=@filesize($file);
- $result=mysql_query("SELECT * from `file` WHERE `sd`='$dirname' and `file`='$basename' limit 1");
- if($filesize>1024)
- $filesize=round($filesize/1024,2).' кб';
- else
- $filesize=$filesize.' бт';
- if(!strstr($dirname,"..") and file_exists($file) and filesize($file)<=$maxfile)
- {if(!mysql_num_rows($result))
- {
- mysql_query("INSERT into `file` VALUES(0,'$dirname','$basename','0','".time()."','".time()."')");
- $infof['rat']=0;
- $infof['ldate']=time();
- }
- else
- {
- $infof=mysql_fetch_array($result);
- }
- $papka=explode('/',$dirname);
- $papka[0]='';
- $papkaname=transdir(join('/',$papka));
- $filename=translit($basename);
- print "Папка: $papkaname<br/>";
- print "Файл: $filename<br/>";
- $infop=mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT MAX(`time`) FROM `send` WHERE `ip`='$ip' or `user`='$user'"));
- if($infop[0]>time()-60)
- print "Ошибка!Вы не можете отправлять файлы ччаще, чем 1 раз в 1 минуту.Пожалуйста повторите попытку позднее<br/>";
- else
- {
- class Mail
- {
- var $sendto = array();
- var $acc = array();
- var $abcc = array();
- var $aattach = array();
- var $xheaders = array();
- var $priorities = array( '1 (Highest)', '2 (High)', '3 (Normal)', '4 (Low)', '5 (Lowest)' );
- var $charset = "utf-8";
- var $ctencoding = "7bit";
- var $receipt = 0;
- function Mail()
- {
- $this->autoCheck( true );
- $this->boundary= "--" . md5( uniqid("myboundary") );
- }
- function autoCheck( $bool )
- {
- if( $bool )
- $this->checkAddress = true;
- else
- $this->checkAddress = false;
- }
- function Subject( $subject )
- {
- $this->xheaders['Subject'] = strtr( $subject, "\r\n" , " " );
- }
- function From( $from )
- {
- if( ! is_string($from) ) {
- echo "Class Mail: error, From is not a string";
- exit;
- }
- $this->xheaders['From'] = $from;
- }
- function ReplyTo( $address )
- {
- if( ! is_string($address) )
- return false;
- $this->xheaders["Reply-To"] = $address;
- }
- function Receipt()
- {
- $this->receipt = 1;
- }
- function To( $to )
- {
- // TODO : test validit? sur to
- if( is_array( $to ) )
- $this->sendto= $to;
- else
- $this->sendto[] = $to;
- if( $this->checkAddress == true )
- $this->CheckAdresses( $this->sendto );
- }
- function Cc( $cc )
- {
- if( is_array($cc) )
- $this->acc= $cc;
- else
- $this->acc[]= $cc;
- if( $this->checkAddress == true )
- $this->CheckAdresses( $this->acc );
- }
- function Bcc( $bcc )
- {
- if( is_array($bcc) ) {
- $this->abcc = $bcc;
- } else {
- $this->abcc[]= $bcc;
- }
- if( $this->checkAddress == true )
- $this->CheckAdresses( $this->abcc );
- }
- function Body( $body, $charset="" )
- {
- $this->body = $body;
- if( $charset != "" ) {
- $this->charset = strtolower($charset);
- if( $this->charset != "us-ascii" )
- $this->ctencoding = "8bit";
- }
- }
- function Organization( $org )
- {
- if( trim( $org != "" ) )
- $this->xheaders['Organization'] = $org;
- }
- function Priority( $priority )
- {
- if( ! intval( $priority ) )
- return false;
- if( ! isset( $this->priorities[$priority-1]) )
- return false;
- $this->xheaders["X-Priority"] = $this->priorities[$priority-1];
- return true;
- }
- function Attach( $filename, $filetype = "", $disposition = "inline" )
- {
- if( $filetype == "" )
- $filetype = "application/x-unknown-content-type";
- $this->aattach[] = $filename;
- $this->actype[] = $filetype;
- $this->adispo[] = $disposition;
- }
- function BuildMail()
- {
- $this->headers = "";
- if( count($this->acc) > 0 )
- $this->xheaders['CC'] = implode( ", ", $this->acc );
- if( count($this->abcc) > 0 )
- $this->xheaders['BCC'] = implode( ", ", $this->abcc );
- if( $this->receipt ) {
- if( isset($this->xheaders["Reply-To"] ) )
- $this->xheaders["Disposition-Notification-To"] = $this->xheaders["Reply-To"];
- else
- $this->xheaders["Disposition-Notification-To"] = $this->xheaders['From'];
- }
- if( $this->charset != "" ) {
- $this->xheaders["Mime-Version"] = "1.0";
- $this->xheaders["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=$this->charset";
- $this->xheaders["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = $this->ctencoding;
- }
- $this->xheaders["X-Mailer"] = "Php/libMailv1.3";
- if( count( $this->aattach ) > 0 ) {
- $this->_build_attachement();
- } else {
- $this->fullBody = $this->body;
- }
- reset($this->xheaders);
- while( list( $hdr,$value ) = each( $this->xheaders ) ) {
- if( $hdr != "Subject" )
- $this->headers .= "$hdr: $value\n";
- }
- }
- function Send()
- {
- $this->BuildMail();
- $this->strTo = implode( ", ", $this->sendto );
- $res = @mail( $this->strTo, $this->xheaders['Subject'], $this->fullBody, $this->headers );
- }
- function Get()
- {
- $this->BuildMail();
- $mail = "To: " . $this->strTo . "\n";
- $mail .= $this->headers . "\n";
- $mail .= $this->fullBody;
- return $mail;
- }
- function ValidEmail($address)
- {
- if( ereg( ".*<(.+)>", $address, $regs ) ) {
- $address = $regs[1];
- }
- if(ereg( "^[^@ ]+@([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{2}|net|com|gov|mil|org|edu|int|ru|ua|eu)\$",$address) )
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- function CheckAdresses( $aad )
- {
- for($i=0;$i< count( $aad); $i++ ) {
- if( ! $this->ValidEmail( $aad[$i]) ) {
- echo "Class Mail, method Mail : invalid address $aad[$i]";
- exit;
- }
- }
- }
- function _build_attachement()
- {
- $this->xheaders["Content-Type"] = "multipart/mixed;\n boundary=\"$this->boundary\"";
- $this->fullBody = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n--$this->boundary\n";
- $this->fullBody .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$this->charset\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: $this->ctencoding\n\n" . $this->body ."\n";
- $sep= chr(13) . chr(10);
- $ata= array();
- $k=0;
- for( $i=0; $i < count( $this->aattach); $i++ ) {
- $filename = $this->aattach[$i];
- $basename = basename($filename);
- $ctype = $this->actype[$i]; // content-type
- $disposition = $this->adispo[$i];
- if( ! file_exists( $filename) ) {
- echo "Class Mail, method attach : file $filename can't be found"; exit;
- }
- $subhdr= "--$this->boundary\nContent-type: $ctype;\n name=\"$basename\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\nContent-Disposition: $disposition;\n filename=\"$basename\"\n";
- $ata[$k++] = $subhdr;
- $linesz= filesize( $filename)+1;
- $fp= fopen( $filename, 'r' );
- $ata[$k++] = chunk_split(base64_encode(fread( $fp, $linesz)));
- fclose($fp);
- }
- $this->fullBody .= implode($sep, $ata);
- }
- } //class mail
- if(!$act)
- {
- if($str=='wml')
- {
- $r=rand(1,1000);
- echo "email:<br/></small>
- <input name=\"mail$r\" type=\"text\" title=\"\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"15\"/><br/>
- <small>Комментарии:<br/></small>
- <input name=\"komm$r\" type=\"text\" title=\"\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"150\"/><br/>
- <anchor title=\"go\">Отправить<go href=\"mail.php?act=nar&str=$str&file=$file\" method=\"post\">
- <postfield name=\"mail\" value=\"$(mail$r)\"/>
- <postfield name=\"komm\" value=\"$(komm$r)\"/>
- <postfield name=\"all\" value=\"$(all)\"/>";
- echo "</go></anchor><br/><small>";
- }
- else
- {
- print"
- <form action=\"mail.php?act=nar&str=$str&file=$file\" method=\"post\">
- email:<br/>
- <input name=\"mail\" maxlength=\"450\" value=\"\"/><br/>
- Комментарии:<br/>
- <input name=\"komm\" maxlength=\"450\" value=\"\"/><br/>
- <input type=\"submit\" name=\"a\" value=\"отправить\"/>
- </form>";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $mail=mysql_escape_string($mail);
- $komm=mysql_escape_string($komm);
- $err='';
- if(0==preg_match("/^[0-9a-z\-._]+@[0-9a-z_\-.]+\.[a-z]{2,3}$/si", $mail))
- $err.='Ошибка!Введите адрес сайта ввиде login@server.com<br/>';
- if($err)
- print $err;
- else
- {
- if(r($file)=="txt" || strpos($name,".dat"))$o="text/plain";
- if(r($file)=="gif")$o="image/gif";
- if(r($file)=="jpg" || r($file)=="jpeg")$o="image/jpeg";
- if(r($file)=="png")$o="image/png";
- if(r($file)=="zip")$o="archive/zip";
- if(r($file)=="rar")$o="archive/rar";
- if(r($file)=="mid")$o="media/midi";
- if(r($file)=="mmf")$o="media/mmf";
- if(r($file)=="jar")$o="application/java-archive";
- if(r($file)=="jad")$o="archive/jar";
- if(r($file)=="thm")$o="archive/vnd.eri";
- if(r($file)=="nth")$o="archive/vnh.nth";
- if(r($file)=="3gp")$o="video/3gpp";
- if(r($file)=="avi")$o="video/avi";
- if(r($file)=="mp3")$o="media/mp3";
- if(r($file)=="sdt")$o="application/vnd.siemens-mp.theme";
- if(r($file)=="scs")$o="application/vnd.siemens-mp.skin";
- if(r($file)=="sis")$o="application/vnd.symbian.install";
- $subj="Vam fajl ot $Host";
- $mess='Данный файл был отослан вам посетителем сайта '.$Host.$komm;
- //$mess=utf_to_win($mess);
- //$mess=convert_cyr_string($mess, "w","k");
- $m=new Mail;
- $m->From("files@$Host");
- $m->To("$mail");
- $m->Subject("$subj");
- $m->Body($mess);
- $m->Priority(4);
- $m->Attach(@realpath($file),$o);
- $m->Send();
- print 'Ваше сообщение успешно отправлено<br/>';
- mysql_query("INSERT into `send` VALUES('0','$mail','".time()."','$ip','$user')");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print 'Ошибка!Неверно указан файл<br/>';
- }
- $t=explode('/',dirname($file));
- $t[0]='';
- //unset($t[0]);
- print $razd."<a href=\"sd.php?sd=".substr(join('/',$t),1,150)."&str=$str\">Вернуться в папку /".transdir($t[count($t)-1])."</a><br/>";
- print '><a href="index.php?str='.$str.'">Выбрать раздел</a><br/>';
- print $endpage;
- ?>