Просмотр файла modules/downloads/controllers/downloads.php

Размер файла: 14.02Kb
 * Ant0ha's project
 * @package
 * @author Anton Pisarenko <[email protected]>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010, Anton Pisarenko
 * @license http://ant0ha.ru/license.txt
 * @link http://ant0ha.ru


 * Контроллер пользовательской части загруз центра
class Downloads_Controller extends Controller {
	* Construct
	public function __construct() {
		if($_GET['preview'] > 10 && $_GET['preview'] <= 100) $_SESSION['downloads_preview'] = intval($_GET['preview']);
		define('DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY', 'files/downloads/');
		# Хелпер загрузок
		# Максимальный размер файла для скачивания через force_download

	* Метод по умолчанию
	public function action_index() {

	* Выбор превьюшек
	public function change_previews() {

	* Листинг файлов
	public function action_list_files() {
		if(!isset($_SESSION['downloads_preview'])) $_SESSION['downloads_preview'] = 60;

      	if(empty($_GET['directory_id']) OR !is_numeric($_GET['directory_id'])) $directory_id = 0;
      	else $directory_id = intval($_GET['directory_id']);

      	if($directory_id != 0 && !$directory = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM #__downloads_directories WHERE directory_id = '$directory_id'")) {
      		a_error('Папка не найдена!');
        else {
            # Определяем папка с файлами или папками
            if($this->db->get_one("SELECT file_id FROM #__downloads_files WHERE directory_id = $directory_id")) {
                $files_directory = TRUE;
                $this->per_page = $this->config['downloads']['files_per_page'];
            else {
                $files_directory = FALSE;
                $this->per_page = $this->config['downloads']['directories_per_page'];

        if($directory['images'] == 'yes' && !isset($_GET['preview']) && !isset($_GET['start'])) {

      	$directory_path = downloads::get_path($directory_id, $this->db);
		$namepath = downloads::get_namepath($directory_path, ' » ');

      	# Получаем список папок и файлов
				dd.directory_id AS file_id,
				'directory' AS type,
				'directory' AS file_ext,
				COUNT(CASE WHEN status = 'active' THEN 1 END) AS count_files,
				COUNT(CASE WHEN time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 24 * 3600 THEN 1 END) AS new_day,
				0 AS real_name,
				0 AS filesize,
				0 AS time,
				0 AS path_to_file,
				0 AS downloads,
				0 AS screen1,
				0 AS about,
				0 AS previews,
				FROM #__downloads_directories AS dd
				LEFT JOIN #__downloads_files AS df
				 ON df.path_to_file LIKE CONCAT('%/', dd.directory_id, '/%')
				    AND df.status != 'moderate'
				    AND real_name != ''
				WHERE dd.parent_id = '$directory_id'
				GROUP BY dd.directory_id\n";
        $sql .= "UNION ALL\n";
        $sql .= "SELECT file_id, name, (SELECT 'file') AS type, file_ext,
				(SELECT 0) AS count_files,
				(SELECT 0) AS new_day,
				(SELECT 0) AS position
				FROM #__downloads_files
				directory_id = '$directory_id' AND
				status = 'active' AND
				real_name != ''\n";

        $sql .= "ORDER BY type ASC, ";

        # Сортировка
        if($files_directory) {
            switch($_SESSION['sort']) {
	            case 'name':
	            	$sql .= "name ASC ";
	            case 'downloads':
	            	$sql .= "downloads DESC ";
	            	$sql .= "time DESC ";
        else $sql .= "position ASC ";

        $sql .= " LIMIT $this->start, $this->per_page";

        $files = $this->db->get_array($sql);
        $total = $this->db->get_one("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");

        # Пагинация
        $pg_conf['base_url'] = a_url('downloads/list_files', 'directory_id='. intval($_GET['directory_id']) .'&amp;start=');
        $pg_conf['total_rows'] = $total;
        $pg_conf['per_page'] = $this->per_page;

        $pg = new CI_Pagination($pg_conf);

        	'files' => $files,
        	'total' => $total,
        	'namepath' => $namepath,
			'pagination' => $pg->create_links(),
			'directory' => @$directory


	* Скачивание файла
	public function action_download_file() {
		$file = $_GET['file'];
        preg_match('#([0-9]*)_#', $file, $matches);
        $file_id = $matches[1];

        if(!$file = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM #__downloads_files WHERE file_id = '$file_id'"))
                a_error('Файл не найден!');

        # Обновляем количество закачек файла
        $this->db->query("UPDATE #__downloads_files SET downloads = downloads + 1 WHERE file_id = '$file_id'");

        if(!file_exists(ROOT . $file['path_to_file'] .'/'. $file['real_name']))
        	a_error('Файл отсутствует!');

        if($file['filesize'] > FORCE_DOWNLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE) {
        	header('location: '. URL . $file['path_to_file'] .'/'. $file['real_name']);
        else {
        	$file_content = file_get_contents(ROOT . $file['path_to_file'] .'/'. $file['real_name']);
			downloads::force_download($file['real_name'], $file_content, $file_id .'_'. $CONFIG['downloads_prefix'] .'_', FALSE);

	* Получение jad из jar
	public function action_get_jad() {
		if(!$file = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM #__downloads_files WHERE file_id = '". intval($_GET['file_id']) ."'"))
    		a_error("Файл не найден!");

    	if(is_numeric($_GET['add_file'])) {
    		if(!empty($file['add_file_real_name_'. $_GET['add_file']])) {
    			$jar_name = $file['add_file_real_name_'. $_GET['add_file']];
    			$file_ext = array_pop(explode('.', $jar_name));
    		else a_error("Дополнительный файл не найтен!");
    	else {
    		$jar_name = $file['real_name'];
    		$file_ext = $file['file_ext'];

    	if($file_ext != 'jar') a_error("Это не JAR файл!");

    	# Увеличиваем количество скачиваний файла
    	$this->db->query("UPDATE a_downloads_files SET downloads = downloads + 1 WHERE file_id = '". $file['file_id'] ."'");

    	if(!class_exists('PclZip')) a_import('libraries/pclzip.lib');

        $jar_path = ROOT . $file['path_to_file'] .'/'. $jar_name;
        $jar_url = URL . $file['path_to_file'] .'/'. $jar_name;
        $jad_contents = j2me_tools::get_jad($jar_path, $jar_url);

        header('Content-type: text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor;charset=UTF-8');
        echo $jad_contents;

	* Просмотр деталей файла
	public function action_view_file() {
		# Инфо о файле
		if(!$file = $this->db->get_row("SELECT *,
		 	(SELECT username FROM #__users AS u WHERE u.user_id = df.user_id) AS username,
		 	(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__comments_posts WHERE module = 'downloads' AND item_id = df.file_id) comments
		 	FROM #__downloads_files AS df WHERE df.file_id = '". intval($_GET['file_id']) ."'"))
			a_error('Файл не найден!');

		$directory = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM #__downloads_directories WHERE directory_id = '". $file['directory_id'] ."'");
		if($this->db->get_one("SELECT id FROM a_rating_logs WHERE ip = '". a_safe($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ."' AND module = 'downloads' AND item_id = '". $file['file_id'] ."'"))
			$file['rated'] = true;
		else $file['rated'] = false;

		$directory_path = downloads::get_path($file['directory_id'], $this->db);
		$namepath = downloads::get_namepath($directory_path, ' &raquo; ');

        	'file' => $file,
        	'directory' => $directory,
        	'namepath' => $namepath


	* Изменение рейтинга файла
	public function action_rating_change() {
		if(!$file = $this->db->get_row("SELECT file_id, user_id FROM a_downloads_files WHERE file_id = '". intval($_GET['file_id']) ."'"))
			a_error("Файл не найден!");

		if($this->db->get_one("SELECT id FROM a_rating_logs WHERE module = 'downloads' AND ip = '". a_safe($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ."' AND item_id = '". $file['file_id'] ."'"))
			a_error("Вы голосовали за данный файл ранее!");

        if($file['user_id'] == USER_ID)
        	a_error("Голосовать за свой файл нельзя!");

        $est = intval($_GET['est']);
        if($est != 1 && $est != 2 && $est != 3 && $est != 4 && $est != 5)
        	a_error("Оценка не определена!");

		# Увеличиваем количество голосов
		$this->db->query("UPDATE a_downloads_files SET
			rating = (rating * rating_voices + $est) / (rating_voices + 1),
			rating_voices = rating_voices + 1
			WHERE file_id = '". $file['file_id'] ."'

		# Добавляем голос в логи
		$this->db->query("INSERT INTO a_rating_logs SET
			module = 'downloads',
			ip = '". a_safe($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ."',
			item_id = '". $file['file_id'] ."',
			time = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()

		a_notice("Оценка принята!", URL .'downloads/view/'. $file['file_id']);

	* Выгрузка файла пользователя
	public function action_add_file() {
    	if(USER_ID == -1) a_notice('Гости не имеют права загружать файлы', a_url('user/login'));

    	if(!$directory = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM #__downloads_directories WHERE directory_id = '". intval($_GET['directory_id']) ."' AND user_files = 'yes'"))
        	a_error('Папка не найдена, либо она не предназначена для загрузки файлов в неё');

        if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        	$file = array();

        	if(!empty($_FILES['file_upload']['tmp_name'])) {
        		$type = 'upload';
        		$file['real_name'] = $_FILES['file_upload']['name'];
        		$file['file_ext'] = array_pop(explode('.', $file['real_name']));
        		$file['filesize'] = filesize($_FILES['file_upload']['tmp_name']);
        	elseif(!empty($_POST['file_import']) && $_POST['file_import'] != 'http://') {
        		$type = 'import';
        		$file['real_name'] = basename($_POST['file_import']);
        		$file['file_ext'] = array_pop(explode('.', $file['real_name']));
        		$file['filesize'] = downloads::get_filesize($_POST['file_import']);
        	else $this->error = 'Укажите загружаемый файл<br />!';

        	if(!strstr(';'. $this->config['downloads']['allowed_filetypes'] .';', ';'. $file['file_ext'] .';'))
        		$this->error .= 'Вы пытаетесь загрузить запрещенный тип файла<br />';

			if(($file['filesize'] > $this->config['downloads']['max_filesize'] * 1048576) || $file['filesize'] === false)
				$this->error .= 'Размер загружаемого файла превышает допустимый размер ('. $this->config['downloads']['max_filesize'] .' Mb)<br />';

        	if(!$this->error) {
            	# Получаем ID файла
				$this->db->query("INSERT INTO #__downloads_files SET file_id = 'NULL'");
				$file_id = $this->db->insert_id();

				$directory_path = downloads::get_path($directory['directory_id'], &$this->db);
		   		$realpath = downloads::get_realpath($directory_path);
				$realpath = ($realpath != '' ? $realpath . '/' :  '') . ($directory['directory_id'] == 0 ? '' : $directory['directory_id'] . '/');

				# Создаем папку для файла
				mkdir(ROOT . DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY . $realpath . $file_id);
   				chmod(ROOT . DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY . $realpath . $file_id, 0777);

   				$path_to_file = DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY . ($realpath != '' ? $realpath : '') . $file_id;

   				if($type == 'upload') {
   					$file_path = ROOT . $path_to_file .'/'. $_FILES['file_upload']['name'];
               		copy($_FILES['file_upload']['tmp_name'], $file_path);
               	else {
               		$file_path = ROOT . $path_to_file .'/'. basename($_POST['file_import']);
               		copy($_POST['file_import'], $file_path);

				$file['name'] = $_POST['name'];
				$file['about'] = $_POST['about'];
                $file['status'] = 'moderate';
                $file['user_id'] = USER_ID;
				$file['path_to_file'] = $path_to_file;
				$file['directory_id'] = $directory['directory_id'];

				# Выполняем действия над определенными типами файлов
				$file = downloads::filetype_actions($file);

               	# Изменяем файл в базе
                downloads::update_file(&$this->db, $file_id, $file);

                a_notice('Файл успешно загружен, он будет доступен для скачивания другими пользователями после прохождения модерации', URL .'downloads/'. $directory['directory_id']);
        if(!isset($_POST['submit']) OR $this->error) {
         		'error' => $this->error
