- <?php
- $r=rand(10000,1000000);
- $file='./../data/dp.dat';
- if (file_exists($file))
- {
- $fp = fopen($file, "r");
- $dp = fread($fp, 20);
- fclose($fp);
- }
- else
- {
- $fp = fopen($file, "w");
- chmod($file, 0666);
- fwrite($file, 1000);
- fclose($fp);
- }
- include "./../ini.php";
- include "./../includes/header.php";
- include "./../includes/inc_online.php";
- print "<p><small>";
- $id=cyr(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($id))));
- $pass=cyr(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($pass))));
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $q = mysql_query("select secur,golod,voodoo,nums,guns,cars,id,login,pass,money,level,police,health,zav,lsd,ban from users where id='".$id."';");
- }
- else
- {
- die ($lang['empty_login']."</small></p></card></wml>");
- }
- $data = mysql_fetch_array($q);
- $id=$data['id'];
- $login=$data['login'];
- $money=$data['money'];
- $level=$data['level'];
- $police=$data['police'];
- $stage=$data['stage'];
- $health=$data['health'];
- $cars=$data['cars'];
- $guns=$data['guns'];
- $nums=$data['nums'];
- $voo_por=$data['voodoo'];
- $golod=$data['golod'];
- $secur=$data['secur'];
- $zav=$data['zav'];
- $lsd=$data['lsd'];
- $ban=$data['ban'];
- if($pass!=$data['pass'])
- {
- die ($lang['empty_login']."</small></p></card></wml>");
- }
- mysql_query("update users set last='".time()."',city='1' where id='".$id."';");
- if($ban==0)
- {
- include "./../includes/inc_secur.php";
- include "./../includes/inc_golod.php";
- include "./../includes/inc_hospital.php";
- include "./../includes/inc_police.php";
- include "./../includes/inc_die.php";
- include "./../includes/inc_voodoo.php";
- include "./../includes/inc_attack.php";
- include "./../includes/inc_mes.php";
- print "<b>[Зд: $health %][Сыт: $golod %][Зщ: $secur %]</b><br/>";
- print "<b>".$lang['game_city1']."</b><br/>";
- print "<u>[".$lang['area_play']."]</u><br/>";
- include "./../includes/inc_play.php";
- if (isset($stavka))
- {
- if ($money < $stavka)
- {
- print ''.$lang['pl_no_money'].'<br/>
- ><a href="play.php?id='.$id.'&pass='.$pass.'">'.$lang['area_play'].'</a><br/>';
- }
- else
- {
- /* */
- if ($stavka == $st[0])
- {
- $c1 = charGenerator("0178",1);
- $c2 = charGenerator("3567",1);
- $c3 = charGenerator("2497",1);
- }
- /* , ..) */
- elseif ($stavka == $st[1])
- {
- $c1 = charGenerator("01356789",1);
- $c2 = charGenerator("01356789",1);
- $c3 = charGenerator("01356789",1);
- }
- /* , */
- elseif ($stavka == $st[2])
- {
- $c1 = charGenerator("0125689",1);
- $c2 = charGenerator("0125689",1);
- $c3 = charGenerator("0125689",1);
- }
- /* */
- elseif ($stavka == $st[3])
- {
- $c1 = charGenerator("02479",1);
- $c2 = charGenerator("02479",1);
- $c3 = charGenerator("02479",1);
- }
- /* ) */
- elseif ($stavka == $st[4])
- {
- $c1 = charGenerator("2579",1);
- $c2 = charGenerator("2579",1);
- $c3 = charGenerator("2579",1);
- }
- else
- {
- print $lang['error'];
- $err=1;
- }
- if ($err != 1)
- {
- if ($c1 == $c2 and $c2 != $c3)
- {
- $money = $money + $two;
- mysql_query("update users set money='".$money."' where id='".$id."'");
- print "".$lang['pl_pr']." $two</b><br/>
- <b>$c1-$c2</b>-$c3<br/>";
- }
- elseif ($c2 == $c3 and $c2 != $c1)
- {
- $money = $money + $two;
- mysql_query("update users set money='".$money."' where id='".$id."'");
- print "".$lang['pl_pr']." $two</b><br/>
- $c1-<b>$c2-$c3</b><br/>";
- }
- elseif ($c1 == $c2 and $c2 == $c3)
- {
- if ($c1 != 7)
- {
- $m2 = what_money($c1);
- $money = $money + $m2;
- mysql_query("update users set money='".$money."' where id='".$id."'");
- print "".$lang['pl_pr']."".$m2."</b><br/>";
- }
- else
- {
- $money = $money + $dp;
- print "".$lang['pl_cool']."<br/><b>$$".$dp." </b> ".$lang['pl_your']."<br/>";
- mysql_query("update users set money='".$money."' where id='".$id."'");
- $fp = fopen($file, "w");
- fwrite($fp, 1000);
- fclose($fp);
- }
- print "<b>$c1-$c2-$c3</b><br/>";
- }
- else
- {
- $money = $money - $stavka;
- $dp = $dp + $stavka;
- $fp = fopen($file, "w");
- fwrite($fp, $dp);
- fclose($fp);
- mysql_query("update users set money='".$money."' where id='".$id."'");
- print "".$lang['pl_no']."<br/>$c1-$c2-$c3<br/>";
- }
- }
- print '<anchor>'.$lang['pl_al'].'
- <go href="play.php?id='.$id.'&pass='.$pass.'&r='.$r.'" method="post">
- <postfield name="stavka" value="'.$stavka.'"/>
- </go></anchor><br/>
- ><a href="play.php?id='.$id.'&pass='.$pass.'">'.$lang['area_play'].'</a><br/>';
- }
- }
- /* */
- else
- {
- print ''.$lang['pl_dp'].' <b>'.$dp.'</b><br/>'.$lang['pl_your_money'].''.$money.'</b><br/>['.$lang['pl_stavka'].']<br/>
- </small><select name="stavka" title="'.$lang['pl_stavka'].'">
- ';
- for ($i=0; $i < count($st); $i++)
- {
- print '<option value="'.$st[$i].'">'.$st[$i].'$$</option>';
- }
- print '
- </select><small><br/>
- <anchor>'.$lang['ok'].'
- <go href="play.php?id='.$id.'&pass='.$pass.'&r='.$r.'" method="post">
- <postfield name="stavka" value="$('.stavka.')"/>
- </go></anchor><br/>
- ><a href="kasino.php?id='.$id.'&pass='.$pass.'">'.$lang['area_kasino'].'</a><br/>
- ';
- }
- print "---<br/>><a href=\"index.php?id=$id&pass=$pass\">".$lang['in_city']."</a>";
- print "<br/>>><a href=\"./../game.php?id=$id&pass=$pass\">".$lang['menu']."</a>";
- print "<br/>---";
- mysql_close();
- include "./../includes/footer.php";
- }
- elseif($ban==1)
- {
- die ($lang['empty_login']."</small></p></card></wml>");
- }
- ?>