Размер файла: 2.82Kb
<? php $title = 'Топ файлов' ; require "../system/config.php" ; require "../system/func.php" ; require "../system/head.php" ; require "../system/error.php" ; echo '<div class="i">' . $title . '<br></div>' ; if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'st' ])){ $st = cifry ( $_GET [ 'st' ]);} else { $st = 0 ;} if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'str' ])){ $str = cifry ( $_POST [ 'str' ]);} else { $str = 0 ;} if (! empty ( $str )){ $st = $str * 10 - 10 ;} if ( empty ( $st ) or $st < 0 ){ $st = 0 ;} $num = 10 ; $ikm = 'file' ; $adata = mysql_query ( "select * from down_files where typer='$ikm' limit 50" ); $sdata = mysql_query ( "select * from down_files where typer='$ikm' order by prosm desc limit $st,$num" ); $kol = mysql_num_rows ( $adata ); if ( $st > $kol ){ echo 'Не верный номер страници' ; require "../system/foot.php" ; exit ;} if ( $kol == "" ){ echo '<div class="p"> ERROR<br> </div>' ; } else { while ( $ofile = mysql_fetch_array ( $sdata )){ $sotg = time ()- 86400 * 3 ; $newcolor = mysql_num_rows ( mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM `down_files` WHERE `dobav`>'$sotg' AND `typer`!='dir' AND `id_file`='" . $ofile [ 'id_file' ]. "'" )); $dokuda = '../down/' . $ofile [ 'put' ]. '/' . $ofile [ 'nastna' ]. '.' . $ofile [ 'format' ]; #Путь до файла $vesma = round ( filesize ( $dokuda )/ 1024 ); #Вес файла if ( $vesma == 0 ){ $vesma = 'Менее 1' ;} echo '<div class="p">' ; if ( empty ( $ofile [ 'name' ])){ $ofile [ 'name' ]= $ofile [ 'nastna' ]. '.' . $ofile [ 'format' ]; } echo '<b>Имя:</b> <a href="' . $ofile [ 'id_file' ]. '.info">' ; if ( $newcolor == 1 ){ echo '<font color="red">' ;} echo $ofile [ 'name' ]; if ( $newcolor == 1 ){ echo '</font>' ;} echo '</a><br><b>Описание: </b>' ; if ( $ofile [ 'opis' ]== "" ){ echo 'нет' ;} else { echo mb_substr ( $ofile [ 'opis' ], 0 , 200 , 'UTF-8' );} echo '<br> <small>Просмотров: ' . $ofile [ 'prosm' ]. '<br> <small>Скачали: ' . $ofile [ 'loads' ]. ' раз<br></small> <a href="load.php?id_load=' . $ofile [ 'id_file' ]. '&' . $s . '">Скачать</a> [' . strtoupper ( $ofile [ 'format' ]). '] [' . $vesma . 'Кб]<br> ' ; $koments = mysql_num_rows ( mysql_query ( "select * from koments where type='downs' and id_kogo='" . $ofile [ 'id_file' ]. "'" )); $koments = mysql_num_rows ( mysql_query ( "select * from koments where type='downs' and id_kogo='" . $ofile [ 'id_file' ]. "'" )); echo '<a href="../pages/koments.php?id_wm=' . $ofile [ 'id_file' ]. '&type=downs&' . $s . '">Комментарии</a> [' . $koments . ']<br> </div>' ; }} if ( $st != 0 ){ echo '<div class="p"><img src="../design/default/act.gif" alt="-"> <a href="top.php?st=' .( $st - $num ). '&' . $s . '">Назад</a><br></div>' ; } if ( $kol > $st + $num ){ echo '<div class="p"><img src="../design/default/act.gif" alt="-"> <a href="top.php?st=' .( $st + $num ). '&' . $s . '">Вперед</a><br></div>' ;} if ( $kol > 10 ){ echo '<div class="p"> <form action="top.php?' . $s . '" method="post"> На страницу (1-' . ceil (( $kol / 10 )). '):<br> <input type="text" name="str" maxlength="4" class="form" size="3" value="' . ceil (( $kol / 10 )). '"> <input type="submit" value="ОК" class="but"><br> </form></div>' ;} require "../system/foot.php" ; ?>