Просмотр файла includes/db_connect.php

Размер файла: 1.03Kb
// Sitchi CMS - Mobile Content Management System //
// The author:  Nikoloz Sitchinava [sitchi]      //
// Link:        http://sitchicms.num.ge          //
// Skype:       SitchiCMS                        //
// License:     LICENSE.txt (see attached file)  //
// Version:     VERSION.txt (see attached file)  //
defined('_SITCHICMS') or die ('Restricted access');
require $root_path.'includes/db_config.php';
$dblink= mysql_connect($dbhost,$dblogin,$dbpass);
head('Failed to connect to database server');
echo'Failed to connect to database server <br/>';
require $root_path.'includes/end.php'; // დასასრული 
$selected = mysql_select_db($dbbase, $dblink); 
head('The database was not found or access denied');
echo'The database was not found or access denied <br/>';
require $root_path.'includes/end.php'; // დასასრული