Просмотр файла includes/end.php

Размер файла: 2.41Kb
// Sitchi CMS - Mobile Content Management System //
// The author:  Nikoloz Sitchinava [sitchi]      //
// Link:        http://sitchicms.num.ge          //
// Skype:       SitchiCMS                        //
// License:     LICENSE.txt (see attached file)  //
// Version:     VERSION.txt (see attached file)  //
echo'</div><div class="efmenu">';
if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']!=='/index.php')
echo'<a href="/">'.$lng['1_33'].'</a><br/>';
echo'<div style="img-align:center">' .
'<a href="pages/rules.php">'.$lng['1_14'].'</a> | ' .
'<a href="pages/bb-code.php">'.$lng['1_49'].'</a> | ' .
'<a href="modules/smiles/">'.$lng['1_48'].'</a></div>';
$user_on_guest = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `user_guest` WHERE `lastvisit` > ".($time-600).""),0);
$user_on = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users` WHERE `lastvisit` > ".($time-600)."") ,0);
echo'<div class="footer">';
echo'Online: [<a href="'.$root_path.'pages/online.php">'.$user_on.'</a> | <a href="'.$root_path.'pages/online.php?act=user_guest">'.$user_on_guest.'</a>]<br/></div>';
if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']=='/index.php')
echo'<div class="efmenu"><a href="'.$root_path.'"><b>'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'</b></a></br>';
echo''.round(microtime(1)-$microtime,4).' sec</br>';
//                             ყურადღება!!!                            //
// თქვენ არ გაქვთ sitchicms.num.ge ლინკის მოხსნის უფლება!                  //
// დამატებითი ინფორმაციისთვის დაგვიკავშირდით სკაიპზე : sitchicms              //
echo'<div><small><a href="http://sitchicms.num.ge">SitchiCMS</a></small></div>';//
//                             Attention!!!                           //
// You do not have the right to withdraw sitchicms.num.ge link!       //
// For more information, please contact us at skype: sitchicms        //