Размер файла: 3.14Kb
include ('../../config.php');
include ('../../templates/run.php');
include ('../../templates/func.php');
$title_page = 'Состояние памяти';
$m_polozhenie = 'В админке';
if(isset($_SESSION['sespass']) && isset($passw) && $_SESSION['sespass'] == $passw && ($status == '1'))
include ('../../themes/'.$themes.'.php');
echo'<p class="modul_name"align="center">Состояние памяти</p>';
$user_home = "$putdisk";
$available_space = "$vsegodisk";
$size = '';
function size_of_dir_num($path)
$dir = opendir($path);
global $size;
while($d = readdir($dir))
if ($d == '.' || $d == '..')
$size = $size + filesize($path.'/'.
$mb = $size / 1024 / 1024 + $sdvigdisk;
$mb = round($mb,2);
$brugtplads = $mb;
$pladstilbage = $available_space - $brugtplads;
$p = $available_space / 100;
$p_brugtplads = round($brugtplads / $p);
$p_pladstilbage = round($pladstilbage / $p);
$bredde_brugt = $p_brugtplads * 3; # This is used as the "width" attribute in the "<img>" tag.
$bredde_tilbage = $p_pladstilbage * 3; # This is used as the "width" attribute in the "<img>" tag.
function afrunding($tal)
if (ereg("\.", $tal)) { # Example: $tal = 12.2547821
$tal = split("\.", $tal); # $tal[0] = 12 and $tal[1] = 2547821
$tal[1] = substr($tal[1], 0, 2); # $tal[1] = 25
$ciffer1 = substr($tal[1], 0, 1); # $ciffer1 = 2
$ciffer2 = substr($tal[1], 1, 2); # $ciffer2 = 5
if ($ciffer2 >= 5) $ciffer1 = $ciffer1 + 1; # $ciffer1 now becomes 3
$tal = "$tal[0].$ciffer1"; # $tal is now 12.3
return $tal;
echo'<p class="b">';
echo "<img src=image.gif height=20 width=$bredde_brugt alt=\"Занятая память: $p_brugtplads%\"><br />";
echo "<img src=image_gray.gif height=20 width=$bredde_tilbage alt=\"Свободная память: $p_pladstilbage%\"><br />";
echo "<img src=image.gif height=20 width=10 alt=\"Всего памяти:\"><img src=image_gray.gif height=20 width=10 alt=\"Всего памяти\">";
echo " Всего памяти: $available_space Mb (100%)<br />";
echo "<img src=image.gif height=20 width=20 alt=\"Занятая память\">";
echo " Занятая память: ".afrunding($brugtplads)." Mb ($p_brugtplads%)<br />";
echo "<img src=image_gray.gif height=20 width=20 alt=\"$l5\">";
echo " Свободная память: ".afrunding($pladstilbage)." Mb ($p_pladstilbage%)<br />";
echo'<p><a href="index.php?'.session_name().'='.session_id().'">В админку</a><br />';
echo'<a href="../kabinet/index.php?'.session_name().'='.session_id().'">В кабинет</a></p>';
include ('../../templates/foot.php');
include ('../../themes/'.$themes.'.php');
echo'<p class="err">Ошибка!!! Вы не авторизованы. Войдите в личный кабинет.</p>';
echo'<p><a href="../kabinet/index.php?'.session_name().'='.session_id().'">В кабинет</a></p>';
include ('../../templates/foot.php');