<!-- IF not S_PRIVMSGS or S_SHOW_DRAFTS -->{S_FORM_TOKEN}</form><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF (S_SHOW_PM_BOX or S_EDIT_POST) and S_POST_ACTION -->{S_FORM_TOKEN}</form><!-- ENDIF -->
<div id="navMenu">
<!-- BEGIN l_block1 -->
<!-- IF l_block1.S_SELECTED -->
<div class="tab"><span class="gensmall">{l_block1.L_TITLE}</span></div>
<!-- IF S_PRIVMSGS -->
<!-- the ! at the beginning of the loop name forces the loop to be not a nested one of l_block1 (it gets parsed separately) -->
<!-- BEGIN !folder -->
<!-- IF folder.S_FIRST_ROW -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF folder.S_CUR_FOLDER -->
<div class="row1"><a href="{folder.U_FOLDER}">{folder.FOLDER_NAME}<!-- IF folder.S_UNREAD_MESSAGES --> ({folder.UNREAD_MESSAGES})<!-- ENDIF --></a></div>
<!-- ELSE -->
<div class="row1"><a href="{folder.U_FOLDER}">{folder.FOLDER_NAME}<!-- IF folder.S_UNREAD_MESSAGES --> ({folder.UNREAD_MESSAGES})<!-- ENDIF --></a></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF folder.S_LAST_ROW -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- END !folder -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- BEGIN l_block2 -->
<div class="row1"><!-- IF l_block1.l_block2.S_SELECTED -->{l_block1.l_block2.L_TITLE}<!-- ELSE --><a href="{l_block1.l_block2.U_TITLE}">{l_block1.l_block2.L_TITLE}</a><!-- ENDIF --></div>
<!-- END l_block2 -->
<!-- ELSE --><div class="tab"><a href="{l_block1.U_TITLE}" class="gensmall">{l_block1.L_TITLE}</a></div><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- END l_block1 -->
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