Просмотр файла lng/english.lang.php

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$lang['sign_up_here'] = 'Sign up here';
$lang['register'] = 'Register';
$lang['email_or_user'] = 'Email or User';
$lang['req_pass_emp'] = 'To request password, detail must be submitted';
$lang['user_or_email_invalid'] = 'User or Email invalid';
$lang['forgot'] = 'Forgot';
$lang['password'] = 'Password';
$lang['log_in'] = 'Log In';
$lang['logout'] = 'Logout';
$lang['sign'] = 'Sign';
$lang['up'] = 'Up';
$lang['no_account'] = 'Don&#39;t have an account';
$lang['remember_me'] = 'Remember me';
$lang['need_a'] = 'Need a';
$lang['account'] = 'account';
$lang['request'] = 'Request';
$lang['email'] = 'Email';
$lang['delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['not'] = 'Not';
$lang['skip'] = 'Skip';
$lang['next'] = 'Next';
$lang['previous'] = 'Previous';
$lang['or'] = 'or';
$lang['no'] = 'No';
$lang['create'] = 'Create';
$lang['discussion'] = 'Discussion';
$lang['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$lang['save'] = 'Save';
$lang['ago'] = 'ago';
$lang['date_birth'] = 'Date of birth';
$lang['mm'] = 'MM';
$lang['dd'] = 'DD';
$lang['yyyy'] = 'YYYY';
$lang['gender'] = 'Gender';
$lang['male'] = 'Male';
$lang['female'] = 'Female';
$lang['about'] = 'About';
$lang['unread'] = 'Unread';
$lang['forward'] = 'Forward';
$lang['archive'] = 'Archive';
$lang['spam'] = 'Spam';
$lang['upload'] = 'Upload';
$lang['update'] = 'Update';
$lang['updated'] = 'Updated';
$lang['country'] = 'Country';
$lang['relationship'] = 'Relationship';
$lang['none'] = 'None';
$lang['single'] = 'Single';
$lang['it_complicated'] = 'It&#39;s Complicated';
$lang['in_relationship'] = 'In a relationship';
$lang['engaged'] = 'Engaged';
$lang['married'] = 'Married';
$lang['divorce'] = 'Divorce';
$lang['widowed'] = 'Widowed';
$lang['with'] = 'With';
$lang['WITH'] = 'with';
$lang['set_as'] = 'Set as';
$lang['unavailable'] = 'Unavailable';
$lang['not_single'] = 'if not single, divorce or widowed';
$lang['interested_in'] = 'Interested In';
$lang['no_user_found'] = 'No user found';
$lang['in_open_relationship'] = 'In an Open Relationship';
$lang['photo'] = 'Photo';
$lang['photos'] = 'Photos';
$lang['report'] = 'Report';
$lang['abuse'] = 'Abuse';
$lang['OR'] = 'or';
$lang['BY'] = 'by';
$lang['name'] = 'Name';
$lang['description'] = 'Description';
$lang['privacy'] = 'Privacy';
$lang['open'] = 'Open';
$lang['closed'] = 'Closed';
$lang['private'] = 'Private';
$lang['mark'] = 'Mark';
$lang['selected'] = 'Selected';
$lang['move_to'] = 'Move to';
$lang['other'] = 'Other';
$lang['view'] = 'View';
$lang['full'] = 'Full';
$lang['size'] = 'Size';
$lang['recipients'] = 'Recipients';
$lang['member'] = 'Member';
$lang['archived'] = 'Archived';
$lang['unarchive'] = 'Unarchive';
$lang['inbox'] = 'Inbox';
$lang['online'] = 'Online';
$lang['apply'] = 'Apply';
$lang['about_yourself'] = 'About yourself';
$lang['choose_an_action'] = 'Choose an action';
$lang['photos'] = 'Photos';
$lang['age'] = 'Age';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Confirm';
$lang['reject'] = 'Reject';
$lang['want_friend'] = 'wants to be your friend';
$lang['age_inappropriate'] = 'Age is inappropriate';
$lang['select_gender'] = 'Select gender';
$lang['saved_successfully'] = 'Saved successfully';
$lang['successful'] = 'Successful';
$lang['getting_started'] = 'Getting Started';
$lang['see_older_messages'] = 'See older messages';
$lang['see_newer_messages'] = 'See newer messages';
$lang['no_messages'] = 'No messages';
$lang['profile_setting'] = 'Profile setting';
$lang['write_message'] = 'Write a message';
$lang['send'] = 'Send';
$lang['seen'] = 'Seen';
$lang['reply'] = 'Reply';
$lang['home'] = 'Home';
$lang['profile'] = 'Profile';
$lang['message'] = 'Message';
$lang['messages'] = 'Messages';
$lang['friends'] = 'Friends';
$lang['compose'] = 'Compose';
$lang['search'] = 'Search';
$lang['seen'] = 'Seen';
$lang['message_empty'] = 'Message is empty';
$lang['change'] = 'Change';
$lang['share'] = 'Share';
$lang['profile_setting'] = 'Profile setting';
$lang['friend_request_sent'] = 'Friend request sent';
$lang['add_friend'] = 'Add friend';
$lang['unfriend'] = 'Unfriend';
$lang['add'] = 'Add';
$lang['feeds'] = 'Feeds';
$lang['like_this'] = 'like this';
$lang['notifications'] = 'Notifications';
$lang['groups'] = 'Groups';
$lang['group'] = 'Group';
$lang['pages'] = 'Pages';
$lang['confirm_friend'] = 'Confirm friend';
$lang['album_name'] = 'Album name';
$lang['photo_name'] = 'Photo name';
$lang['select_photo'] = 'Select a photo';
$lang['album_required'] = 'Album name required';
$lang['photo_required'] = 'Photo name required';
$lang['error_occur'] = 'Error occur';
$lang['not_support'] = 'File not supported';
$lang['file_large'] = 'File too large';
$lang['whats_on_your_mind'] = "What's on your mind";
$lang['incorrect_pass'] = 'Your password was incorrect';
$lang['easier_input'] = 'Your password will be shown to you in plain text below to make text input easier';
$lang['pwresetsuccess']	= 'A new password for your account has been generated and sent to your e-mail address you stated.<br/> To complete the activation of your new password, please click the link in the e-mail message.<br/> After clicking the link, you will be able to use the new password.';
$lang['regdisabled'] = 'We are sorry but we cannot accept new registrations at the moment.<br/> Please try again later.';
$lang['reglock'] = 'We are sorry but you cannot register at the moment because there was a registration from your IP address a short time ago. Please try again later.';
$lang['reset_successful'] = 'Password reset successful';
$lang['write_comment'] = 'Write a comment';
$lang['create_album'] = 'Create album';
$lang['invalid_user'] = 'Invalid Username';
$lang['invalid_group'] = 'Invalid Group';
$lang['and'] = 'and';
$lang['reminder'] = 'Reminder';
$lang['others'] = 'Others';
$lang['dont_exist'] = '"%s" don&#39;t exist';
$lang['you_must_log_in'] = 'You must log in first';
$lang['add_people_to_group'] = 'Add people to group';
$lang['no_friends_to_add'] = 'No friends to add';
$lang['add_selected'] = 'Add selected';
$lang['invalid_email'] = 'Invalid Email';
$lang['email_exist'] = 'Email "%s" already exist';
$lang['write_on_wall'] = "Write on %s's wall";
$lang['post'] = 'Post';
$lang['sign_up_for'] = 'Sign up for';
$lang['sign_up'] = "Sign Up";
$lang['password_dont'] = 'Password doesnt match';
$lang['repeat_password'] = 'Repeat Password';
$lang['invalid_password'] = 'Invalid Password';
$lang['invalid_answer'] = 'Invalid Answer';
$lang['comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['comments'] = 'Comments';
$lang['all'] = 'All';
$lang['like'] = 'Like';
$lang['likes'] = 'Likes';
$lang['unlike'] = 'Unlike';
$lang['continue'] = 'Continue';
$lang['members'] = 'Members';
$lang['recommended'] = 'Recommended';
$lang['no_group_available'] = 'No group available';
$lang['no_album'] = 'No album';
$lang['no_result'] = 'No result found for "%s"';
$lang['see_more'] = 'See more';
$lang['see_more_results'] = 'See more results';
$lang['see_more_feeds'] = 'See more feeds';
$lang['see_more_post'] = 'See more post';
$lang['see_more_albums'] = 'See more albums';
$lang['see_more_photos'] = 'See more photos';
$lang['no_feeds'] = 'No feeds';
$lang['user_exist'] = 'Username "%s" already exist';
$lang['already_user'] = 'Already a member';
$lang['group_exist'] = 'Group "%s" already exist';
$lang['user_not_found'] = 'User not found';
$lang['user_valid'] = 'Username "%s" is available';
$lang['registration_successful'] = 'Registration Successful';
$lang['you_can_now_access_your_account'] = 'You can now access your account';
