Просмотр файла mc-2.7.0/modules/main/helpers/main_form.php

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 * MobileCMS
 * Open source content management system for mobile sites
 * @author MobileCMS Team <[email protected]>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2019, MobileCMS Team
 * @link https://mobilecms.pro Official site
 * @license MIT license
defined('IN_SYSTEM') or die('<b>403<br />Запрет доступа!</b>');

 * Функции для работы с формами (часть кода взята из Smarty)
class main_form {

     * Checkboxes
    public static function checkboxes($params) {
        $name = 'checkbox';
        $values = null;
        $options = null;
        $selected = null;
        $separator = '';
        $labels = true;
        $output = null;

        $extra = '';

        foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) {
            switch ($_key) {
                case 'name':
                case 'separator':
                    $$_key = $_val;

                case 'labels':
                    $$_key = (bool) $_val;

                case 'options':
                    $$_key = (array) $_val;

                case 'values':
                case 'output':
                    $$_key = array_values((array) $_val);

                case 'checked':
                case 'selected':
                    $selected = array_map('strval', array_values((array) $_val));

                case 'checkboxes':
                    die('html_checkboxes: the use of the "checkboxes" attribute is deprecated, use "options" instead');
                    $options = (array) $_val;

                case 'assign':

                    if (!is_array($_val)) {
                        $extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . $_val . '"';
                    } else {
                        die("html_checkboxes: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array");

        if (!isset($options) && !isset($values))
            return ''; /* raise error here? */

        settype($selected, 'array');
        $_html_result = array();

        if (isset($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $_key => $_val)
                $_html_result[] = self::checkboxes_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels);
        } else {
            foreach ($values as $_i => $_key) {
                $_val = isset($output[$_i]) ? $output[$_i] : '';
                $_html_result[] = self::checkboxes_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels);

        if (!empty($params['assign'])) {
            $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $_html_result);
        } else {
            return implode("\n", $_html_result);

     * Options
    public static function options($params) {
        $name = null;
        $values = null;
        $options = null;
        $selected = array();
        $output = null;

        $extra = '';

        foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) {
            switch ($_key) {
                case 'name':
                    $$_key = (string) $_val;

                case 'options':
                    $$_key = (array) $_val;

                case 'values':
                case 'output':
                    $$_key = array_values((array) $_val);

                case 'selected':
                    $$_key = array_map('strval', array_values((array) $_val));

                    if (!is_array($_val)) {
                        $extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . $_val . '"';
                    } else {
                        die("html_options: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array");

        if (!isset($options) && !isset($values))
            return ''; /* raise error here? */

        $_html_result = '';

        if (isset($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $_key => $_val)
                $_html_result .= self::options_optoutput($_key, $_val, $selected);
        } else {
            foreach ($values as $_i => $_key) {
                $_val = isset($output[$_i]) ? $output[$_i] : '';
                $_html_result .= self::options_optoutput($_key, $_val, $selected);

        if (!empty($name)) {
            $_html_result = '<select name="' . $name . '"' . $extra . '>' . "\n" . $_html_result . '</select>' . "\n";

        return $_html_result;

     * Select date
    public static function select_date($params) {
        global $q;
        /* Default values. */
        $prefix = "date_";
        $start_year = strftime("%Y");
        $end_year = $start_year;
        $display_days = true;
        $display_months = true;
        $display_years = true;
        $month_format = "%B";
        /* Write months as numbers by default  GL */
        $month_value_format = "%m";
        $day_format = "%02d";
        /* Write day values using this format MB */
        $day_value_format = "%d";
        $year_as_text = false;
        /* Display years in reverse order? Ie. 2000,1999,.... */
        $reverse_years = false;
        /* Should the select boxes be part of an array when returned from PHP?
          e.g. setting it to "birthday", would create "birthday[Day]",
          "birthday[Month]" & "birthday[Year]". Can be combined with prefix */
        $field_array = null;
        /* <select size>'s of the different <select> tags.
          If not set, uses default dropdown. */
        $day_size = null;
        $month_size = null;
        $year_size = null;
        /* Unparsed attributes common to *ALL* the <select>/<input> tags.
          An example might be in the template: all_extra ='class ="foo"'. */
        $all_extra = null;
        /* Separate attributes for the tags. */
        $day_extra = null;
        $month_extra = null;
        $year_extra = null;
        /* Order in which to display the fields.
          "D" -> day, "M" -> month, "Y" -> year. */
        $field_order = 'MDY';
        /* String printed between the different fields. */
        $field_separator = "\n";
        $time = time();
        $all_empty = null;
        $day_empty = null;
        $month_empty = null;
        $year_empty = null;
        $extra_attrs = '';

        foreach ($params as $_key => $_value) {
            switch ($_key) {
                case 'prefix':
                case 'time':
                case 'start_year':
                case 'end_year':
                case 'month_format':
                case 'day_format':
                case 'day_value_format':
                case 'field_array':
                case 'day_size':
                case 'month_size':
                case 'year_size':
                case 'all_extra':
                case 'day_extra':
                case 'month_extra':
                case 'year_extra':
                case 'field_order':
                case 'field_separator':
                case 'month_value_format':
                case 'month_empty':
                case 'day_empty':
                case 'year_empty':
                    $$_key = (string) $_value;

                case 'all_empty':
                    $$_key = (string) $_value;
                    $day_empty = $month_empty = $year_empty = $all_empty;

                case 'display_days':
                case 'display_months':
                case 'display_years':
                case 'year_as_text':
                case 'reverse_years':
                    $$_key = (bool) $_value;

                    if (!is_array($_value)) {
                        $extra_attrs .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . $_value . '"';
                    } else {
                        $smarty->trigger_error("html_select_date: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE);

        if (preg_match('!^-\d+$!', $time)) {
            // negative timestamp, use date()
            $time = date('Y-m-d', $time);
        // If $time is not in format yyyy-mm-dd
        if (preg_match('/^(\d{0,4}-\d{0,2}-\d{0,2})/', $time, $found)) {
            $time = $found[1];
        } else {
            // use smarty_make_timestamp to get an unix timestamp and
            // strftime to make yyyy-mm-dd
            //echo $time;
            $time = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $time);
        // Now split this in pieces, which later can be used to set the select
        $time = explode("-", $time);

        // make syntax "+N" or "-N" work with start_year and end_year
        if (preg_match('!^(\+|\-)\s*(\d+)$!', $end_year, $match)) {
            if ($match[1] == '+') {
                $end_year = strftime('%Y') + $match[2];
            } else {
                $end_year = strftime('%Y') - $match[2];
        if (preg_match('!^(\+|\-)\s*(\d+)$!', $start_year, $match)) {
            if ($match[1] == '+') {
                $start_year = strftime('%Y') + $match[2];
            } else {
                $start_year = strftime('%Y') - $match[2];
        if (strlen($time[0]) > 0) {
            if ($start_year > $time[0] && !isset($params['start_year'])) {
                // force start year to include given date if not explicitly set
                $start_year = $time[0];
            if ($end_year < $time[0] && !isset($params['end_year'])) {
                // force end year to include given date if not explicitly set
                $end_year = $time[0];

        $field_order = strtoupper($field_order);

        $html_result = $month_result = $day_result = $year_result = "";

        $field_separator_count = -1;
        if ($display_months) {
            $month_names = array();
            $month_values = array();
            $q[] = "";
            $q[] = "Января";
            $q[] = "Февраля";
            $q[] = "Марта";
            $q[] = "Апреля";
            $q[] = "Мая";
            $q[] = "Июня";
            $q[] = "Июля";
            $q[] = "Августа";
            $q[] = "Сентября";
            $q[] = "Октября";
            $q[] = "Ноября";
            $q[] = "Декабря";

            if (isset($month_empty)) {
                $month_names[''] = $month_empty;
                $month_values[''] = '';
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
                $month_names[$i] = $q[intval(date('n', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000)))];
                $month_values[$i] = strftime($month_value_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000));

            $month_result .= '<select name=';
            if (null !== $field_array) {
                $month_result .= '"' . $field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'month]"';
            } else {
                $month_result .= '"' . $prefix . 'month"';
            if (null !== $month_size) {
                $month_result .= ' size="' . $month_size . '"';
            if (null !== $month_extra) {
                $month_result .= ' ' . $month_extra;
            if (null !== $all_extra) {
                $month_result .= ' ' . $all_extra;
            $month_result .= $extra_attrs . '>' . "\n";

            $month_result .= self::options(array('output' => $month_names,
                        'values' => $month_values,
                        'selected' => (int) $time[1] ? strftime($month_value_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $time[1], 1, 2000)) : '',
                        'print_result' => false));
            $month_result .= '</select>';

        if ($display_days) {
            $days = array();
            if (isset($day_empty)) {
                $days[''] = $day_empty;
                $day_values[''] = '';
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
                $days[] = sprintf($day_format, $i);
                $day_values[] = sprintf($day_value_format, $i);

            $day_result .= '<select name=';
            if (null !== $field_array) {
                $day_result .= '"' . $field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'day]"';
            } else {
                $day_result .= '"' . $prefix . 'day"';
            if (null !== $day_size) {
                $day_result .= ' size="' . $day_size . '"';
            if (null !== $all_extra) {
                $day_result .= ' ' . $all_extra;
            if (null !== $day_extra) {
                $day_result .= ' ' . $day_extra;
            $day_result .= $extra_attrs . '>' . "\n";
            $day_result .= self::options(array('output' => $days,
                        'values' => $day_values,
                        'selected' => $time[2],
                        'print_result' => false));
            $day_result .= '</select>';

        if ($display_years) {
            if (null !== $field_array) {
                $year_name = $field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'year]';
            } else {
                $year_name = $prefix . 'year';
            if ($year_as_text) {
                $year_result .= '<input type="text" name="' . $year_name . '" value="' . $time[0] . '" size="4" maxlength="4"';
                if (null !== $all_extra) {
                    $year_result .= ' ' . $all_extra;
                if (null !== $year_extra) {
                    $year_result .= ' ' . $year_extra;
                $year_result .= ' />';
            } else {
                $years = range((int) $start_year, (int) $end_year);
                if ($reverse_years) {
                    rsort($years, SORT_NUMERIC);
                } else {
                    sort($years, SORT_NUMERIC);
                $yearvals = $years;
                if (isset($year_empty)) {
                    array_unshift($years, $year_empty);
                    array_unshift($yearvals, '');
                $year_result .= '<select name="' . $year_name . '"';
                if (null !== $year_size) {
                    $year_result .= ' size="' . $year_size . '"';
                if (null !== $all_extra) {
                    $year_result .= ' ' . $all_extra;
                if (null !== $year_extra) {
                    $year_result .= ' ' . $year_extra;
                $year_result .= $extra_attrs . '>' . "\n";
                $year_result .= self::options(array('output' => $years,
                            'values' => $yearvals,
                            'selected' => $time[0],
                            'print_result' => false));
                $year_result .= '</select>';

        // Loop thru the field_order field
        for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) {
            $c = substr($field_order, $i, 1);
            switch ($c) {
                case 'D':
                    $html_result .= $day_result;

                case 'M':
                    $html_result .= $month_result;

                case 'Y':
                    $html_result .= $year_result;
            // Add the field seperator
            if ($i < $field_separator_count) {
                $html_result .= $field_separator;

        return $html_result;

     * options_optoutput
    private static function options_optoutput($key, $value, $selected) {
        if (!is_array($value)) {
            $_html_result = '<option label="' . $value . '" value="' .
                    $key . '"';
            if (in_array((string) $key, $selected))
                $_html_result .= ' selected="selected"';
            $_html_result .= '>' . $value . '</option>' . "\n";
        } else {
            $_html_result = self::options_optgroup($key, $value, $selected);
        return $_html_result;

     * options_optgroup
    private static function options_optgroup($key, $values, $selected) {
        $optgroup_html = '<optgroup label="' . $key . '">' . "\n";
        foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
            $optgroup_html .= self::options_optoutput($key, $value, $selected);
        $optgroup_html .= "</optgroup>\n";
        return $optgroup_html;

     * checkboxes_output
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $extra
     * @param string $separator
     * @param boolean $labels
    private static function checkboxes_output($name, $value, $output, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels) {
        $_output = '';
        if ($labels) {
            $_output .= '<label>';
        $_output .= '<input type="checkbox" name="'
                . $name . '[]" value="'
                . $value . '"';

        if (in_array((string) $value, $selected)) {
            $_output .= ' checked="checked"';
        $_output .= $extra . ' /> ' . $output;
        if ($labels)
            $_output .= '</label>';
        $_output .= $separator;

        return $_output;

