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* Emoji class
* @description http://as3coder.blogspot.com/2014/08/emoji.html
* @author AS3Coder
* Define public access
* @private
var emoji = window.emoji = {};
emoji.replace = Replace;
* Grouping by range
* @constant
* @private
var GROUPS =
[/(\ud83c[\udde8-\uddfa])(\ud83c[\udde7-\uddfa])/g, ReplaceFlags], // Flags
[/[\u0023-\u0039]\u20E3/g, ReplaceNumbers], // Numbers
[/[\u2139-\u3299]/g, ReplaceStandard], // Unsorted
[/[\u203C\u2049]/g, ReplaceStandard], // Punctuation
[/([\ud800-\udbff])([\udc00-\udfff])/g, ReplaceSurrogate] // Other (surrogate pairs)
* Method to replace all emoji characters in the icon
* @param {String} Source string
* @return {String}
* @public
function Replace (source)
var pattern;
for(var i=0, j=GROUPS.length; i<j; i++)
pattern = GROUPS[i];
if(pattern && pattern[0] && pattern[1])
source = source.replace(pattern[0], pattern[1]);
* Method to replace flags
* @return {String}
* @private
function ReplaceFlags (match)
GetHexFromSurrogatePair(match.charCodeAt(0), match.charCodeAt(1)).toString(16),
GetHexFromSurrogatePair(match.charCodeAt(2), match.charCodeAt(3)).toString(16)
* Method to replace numbers
* @return {String}
* @private
function ReplaceNumbers (match)
return(GetHtmlCodeFromHex(match.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + match.charCodeAt(1).toString(16)));
* Method to replace srandard charters
* @return {String}
* @private
function ReplaceStandard (match)
* Method to replace surrogate pairs
* @return {String}
* @private
function ReplaceSurrogate (match, p1, p2)
* The method returns the hex code for a surrogate pair
* @return {String}
* @private
function GetHexFromSurrogatePair (a, b)
return((a - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (b - 0xDC00) + 0x10000);
* The method returns an html code for icon image
* @param {String} hex
* @return {String}
* @private
function GetHtmlCodeFromHex (hex)
return(['<span class="emojic"><span class="emoji emoji', hex, '"></span><span class="emojit">&#x', hex, ';</span></span>'].join(''));