Просмотр файла resources/lang/en/main.php

Размер файла: 8.79Kb

return [
    'write'             => 'Write',
    'rules'             => 'Rules',
    'site_rules'        => 'Site rules',
    'stickers'          => 'Stickers',
    'tags'              => 'Tags',
    'search'            => 'Search',
    'rss'               => 'RSS',
    'print'             => 'Print',
    'review'            => 'Review',
    'management'        => 'Management',
    'reply'             => 'Reply',
    'quote'             => 'Quote',
    'complain'          => 'Complain',
    'create'            => 'Create',
    'created'           => 'Created',
    'upload'            => 'Upload',
    'edit'              => 'Edit',
    'change'            => 'Change',
    'changed'           => 'Changed',
    'get'               => 'Get',
    'open'              => 'Open',
    'close'             => 'Close',
    'unlock'            => 'Unlock',
    'lock'              => 'Lock',
    'move'              => 'Move',
    'delete'            => 'Delete',
    'delete_selected'   => 'Delete selected',
    'clear'             => 'Clear',
    'sort'              => 'Sort',
    'recount'           => 'Recount',
    'author'            => 'Author',
    'posted'            => 'Posted',
    'added'             => 'Added',
    'sent'              => 'Sent',
    'sent_out'          => 'Sent out',
    'menu'              => 'My menu',
    'verification_code' => 'Verification code',
    'pages'             => 'Pages',
    'page_num'          => 'Page :page',
    'message'           => 'Message',
    'messages'          => 'Messages',
    'rating'            => 'Rating',
    'votes'             => 'Votes',
    'views'             => 'Views',
    'date'              => 'Date',
    'status'            => 'Status',
    'color'             => 'Color',
    'download'          => 'Download',
    'downloads'         => 'Downloads',
    'comment'           => 'Comment',
    'comments'          => 'Comments',
    'empty_comments'    => 'No comments yet!',
    'empty_messages'    => 'No messages yet!',
    'empty_records'     => 'No records yet!',
    'my'                => 'My',
    'new'               => 'New',
    'all'               => 'All',
    'position'          => 'Position',
    'description'       => 'Description',
    'select'            => 'Select',
    'select_all'        => 'Select all',
    'add'               => 'Add',
    'save'              => 'Save',
    'publish'           => 'Publish',
    'unpublish'         => 'Unpublish',
    'title'             => 'Title',
    'text'              => 'Text',
    'close_comments'    => 'Close comments',
    'send'              => 'Send',
    'confirm'           => 'Confirm',
    'last_comments'     => 'Last comments',
    'all_comments'      => 'All comments',
    'continue'          => 'Continue',
    'copy'              => 'Copy',
    'note'              => 'Note',
    'total'             => 'Total',
    'record'            => 'Record',
    'analysis'          => 'Analysis',
    'version'           => 'Version',
    'undefined'         => 'Undefined',
    'automatically'     => 'Automatically',
    'type'              => 'Type',
    'execute'           => 'Execute',
    'action'            => 'Action',
    'amount'            => 'Amount',
    'not_specified'     => 'Not specified',

    'request'              => 'Request',
    'not_matter'           => 'Not matter',
    'period'               => 'Period',
    'look_in'              => 'Lock in',
    'all_time'             => 'All time',
    'last_day'             => 'Last day',
    'last_week'            => 'Last week',
    'last_month'           => 'Last month',
    'last_year'            => 'Last year',
    'request_type'         => 'Request type',
    'and'                  => 'And',
    'or'                   => 'Or',
    'full'                 => 'Full',
    'search_request'       => 'Search request',
    'total_found'          => 'Found matches',
    'empty_found'          => 'Your search did not match anything!',
    'request_requirements' => 'The request must contain between 3 and 50 characters!',

    'cost'              => 'Cost',
    'cash_money'        => 'You have in stock',
    'user_login'        => 'User login',
    'users'             => 'Users',
    'total_users'       => 'Total users',
    'empty_users'       => 'No users yet!',
    'reputation'        => 'Reputation',
    'registration_date' => 'Registration date',
    'expand_view'       => 'Expand to view',
    'hidden_content'    => 'Hidden content',
    'daily_bonus'       => 'Received daily bonus :money',

    'max_file_upload'       => 'Maximum upload files',
    'max_file_weight'       => 'Maximum file weight',
    'min_image_size'        => 'Minimum image size',
    'max_image_size'        => 'Maximum image size',
    'valid_file_extensions' => 'Valid file extensions',
    'attached_files'        => 'Attached files',
    'attach_files'          => 'Attach files',
    'attach_image'          => 'Attach image',
    'deleting_files'        => 'Deleting files',
    'files'                 => 'Files',
    'file_not_found'        => 'File not found',
    'not_uploaded'          => 'Files not uploaded!',
    'server_limit'          => 'Server limitation',

    'next'     => 'Next',
    'previous' => 'Previous',
    'plus'     => 'Plus',
    'minus'    => 'Minus',
    'pluses'   => 'Pluses',
    'minuses'  => 'Minuses',

    'your_vote'   => 'Your vote',
    'select_vote' => 'Select vote',
    'sucks'       => 'Sucks',
    'bad'         => 'Bad',
    'normal'      => 'Normal',
    'good'        => 'Good',
    'excellent'   => 'Excellent',
    'rate'        => 'Rate',

    'mo' => 'Mo',
    'tu' => 'Tu',
    'we' => 'We',
    'th' => 'Th',
    'fr' => 'Fr',
    'sa' => 'Sa',
    'su' => 'Su',

    'yesterday' => 'Yesterday',
    'today'     => 'Today',

    'january'   => 'January',
    'february'  => 'February',
    'march'     => 'March',
    'april'     => 'April',
    'may'       => 'May',
    'june'      => 'June',
    'july'      => 'July',
    'august'    => 'August',
    'september' => 'September',
    'october'   => 'October',
    'november'  => 'November',
    'december'  => 'December',

    'minutes' => 'Minutes',
    'hours'   => 'Hours',
    'days'    => 'Days',

    'plural_years'   => 'years',
    'plural_months'  => 'months',
    'plural_days'    => 'days',
    'plural_hours'   => 'hours',
    'plural_minutes' => 'minutes',
    'plural_seconds' => 'seconds',

    'male'   => 'Male',
    'female' => 'Female',

    'boss'   => 'Boss',
    'admin'  => 'Admin',
    'moder'  => 'Moder',
    'editor' => 'Editor',
    'user'   => 'User',
    'pended' => 'Pended',
    'banned' => 'Banned',

    'ban'   => 'Ban',
    'unban' => 'Unban',

    'refresh'          => 'Refresh',
    'install'          => 'Install',
    'installed'        => 'Installed',
    'not_installed'    => 'Not installed',
    'enable'           => 'Enable',
    'disable'          => 'Disable',
    'disabled'         => 'Disabled',
    'update_available' => 'Update available',
    'allow'            => 'Allow',
    'disallow'         => 'Disallow',

    'from' => 'From',
    'to'   => 'To',

    'text_missing'             => 'Missing message text!',
    'message_added_success'    => 'Message successfully added!',
    'message_edited_success'   => 'Post successfully edited!',
    'messages_deleted_success' => 'Messages successfully deleted!',
    'message_not_found'        => 'Message not found!',
    'comment_added_success'    => 'Comment successfully added!',
    'comment_edited_success'   => 'Comment edited successfully!',
    'record_added_success'     => 'Record successfully added!',
    'record_changed_success'   => 'Record changed successfully!',
    'record_saved_success'     => 'Record saved successfully!',
    'record_deleted_success'   => 'Record deleted successfully!',
    'records_deleted_success'  => 'Entries successfully deleted!',
    'records_cleared_success'  => 'Records successfully cleared!',
    'record_not_found'         => 'Selected entry not found!',
    'record_exists'            => 'Record already exists!',
    'editing_impossible'       => 'Editing is not possible, more than 10 minutes have passed!',
    'message_deleted'          => 'The message has been deleted or you are not the author of this message!',
    'comment_deleted'          => 'Comment has been deleted or you are not the author of this comment!',
    'already_authorized'       => 'You are already logged in!',
    'not_authorized'           => 'You must be logged in to perform actions!',
    'page_only_owner'          => 'Only the owner has access to the page!',
    'page_only_admins'         => 'Only administrators have access to the page!',
    'deleted_only_admins'      => 'Only administrators can delete entries!',
    'success_recounted'        => 'Data recounted successfully!',
    'action_not_selected'      => 'No action selected!',
    'directory_not_writable'   => 'The directory is not writable!',