* \note \n Functions available in cacheclass.php file:
* \n public static get( $key [, $ttl [, $group] ] )
* \n public static save( $key, $data [, $group ] )
* \n public static deleteCache( $key [, $group ] )
* \n public static deleteGroupCache( $group )
* \n private static function isCached( $file [, $ttl ] )
* \n private static function getPath( $key [, $group ])
* \n private static function hash( $key )
* \n private static function hashFolder( $hash )
* \n private static function getGroupPath( $group, $hash )
* \n private static function removeDir( $dir )
define("TPATH", BASEDIR . "used/datacache/");
final class Cache {
private static $CACHE_EXT = '.cache';
private static $CACHE_PATH = TPATH;
* \note \b This function gets the data from file cache matching key and group (optional)
* \param key - named key the data is saved with in file cache
* \param ttl - (optional) Time validity of the cache
* \param group - (optional) named group the data is saved with in
* \return Serialized-Cached-Data
final public static function get($key, $ttl=0, $group='') {
$file = self::getPath($key, $group);
$file .= '/'.$key.self::$CACHE_EXT;
if(self::isCached($file, $ttl) === false) return false;
return unserialize(file_get_contents($file));
* \note \b This function saves the data in file cache using key and group (optional)
* \param key - named key the data is saved with in file cache
* \param data - data to be saved in file cache
* \param group - (optional) named group to save cache with in
* \return void
final public static function save($key, $data, $group = NULL) {
$dirPath = self::getPath($key, $group);
$filePath = $dirPath.'/'.$key.self::$CACHE_EXT;
$f2 = fopen($filePath, 'w');
flock($f2, LOCK_EX);
fwrite($f2, serialize($data));
flock($f2, LOCK_UN);
* \note \b This function deletes the cache file matching key and group (optional)
* \param key - named key the data is saved with in file cache
* \param group - (optional) named group the data is saved with in
* \return true on success, false on failure
final public static function deleteCache($key, $group = NULL) {
$file = self::getPath($key, $group);
$file .= '/'.$key.self::$CACHE_EXT;
return unlink($file);
* \note \b This function deletes the entire group in the cache
* \param group - named group the data is saved with in
* \return void
final public static function deleteGroupCache($group) {
$path = self::$CACHE_PATH.$group.'*';
foreach( glob($path, GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $dirName ) {
* \note \b This function checks if data file is available in cache and valid with given ttl
* \param filepath - whole file path to cache file based on key and group (optional)
* \param ttl - (optional) Time validity of the cache
* \return Serialized-Cached-Data
final private static function isCached($file, $ttl=0) {
$createdTime = @filemtime($file);
return false;
if($ttl > 0) {
$expiryTime = $createdTime + $ttl;
if($expiryTime <= time())
return false;
return true;
* \note \b This function calculate the cache path based on key and group (optional)
* \param key - named key the data is saved with in file cache
* \param group - (optional) named group the saved with in
* \return full-path-to-cache-directory
final private static function getPath($key, $group=NULL) {
$hash = self::hash($key);
$hashFolder = self::hashFolder($hash);
$path = self::$CACHE_PATH;
if($group != NULL) {
$groupPath = self::getGroupPath($group,$hash);
$path .= $groupPath.'/';
return $path.$hashFolder;
* \note \b This function generates hash based on cache key
* \param key - named key the data is saved with in cache
* \return hash-value
final private static function hash($key) {
$count = 0;
$hash = 0;
$keyLen = strlen($key);
for ($i=0;$i<$keyLen;$i++)
{ $hash = $hash*23 + ord(substr($key,$i,1)); $hash %= 8000; }
return $hash;
* \note \b This function returns hash folder based on given hash
* \param hash - hash key to be used for hash folder
* \return hash-folder-name-(numeric)
final private static function hashFolder($hash) {
$hash >>= 3;
$hash %= 1000;
return $hash;
* \note \b This function returns group folder path with hash key
* \param group - named group the cache is saved or to save with in
* \param hash - hash key to generate the group folder
* \return group-folder-name
final private static function getGroupPath($group, $hash) {
return $group.(1+($hash % 8));
* \note \b This function removes all sub-directories, files and directory itself within given directory
* \param dir - absolute path to directory to be deleted
* \return void
final private static function removeDir($dir) {
$files = glob( $dir . '*', GLOB_MARK );
foreach( $files as $file ){
if( substr( $file, -1 ) == '/' )
self::removeDir( $file );
unlink( $file );
if (is_dir($dir)) rmdir( $dir );