Просмотр файла vavok-1.5.3/lang/english/pagesregistration.php
Размер файла: 2.89Kb
// modified: 22.07.2020. 20:44:03
// (c) vavok.net
$lang_reg['registration'] = "Registration";
$lang_reg['againreg'] = "You have already been registered,you cannot register more than once";
$lang_reg['passagain'] = "Repeat password";
$lang_reg['reginfo'] = "You must complete all the fields. You can add more information about yourself after you register.<br />You will receive information via your email address<br />";
$lang_reg['keyinfo'] = "including the keycode you need to finish registration";
$lang_reg['quarantine1'] = "New members cannot write messages exactly";
$lang_reg['quarantine2'] = "hours after registration";
$lang_reg['siterules'] = "Site rules";
$lang_reg['regstoped'] = "Registration temporarily suspended, come back later";
$lang_reg['registration'] = "Registration";
$lang_reg['userexists'] = "Selected username is already in use, please choose another username";
$lang_reg['regonsite'] = "Registration on site";
$lang_reg['yourkey'] = "Your key";
$lang_reg['emailpart1'] = "You're now registered member of this site";
$lang_reg['emailpart2'] = "Your information for accessing the site";
$lang_reg['emailpart3'] = "We hope you will continue visiting us!";
$lang_reg['emailpart4'] = "Respectfully, site administration";
$lang_reg['emailpart5'] = "To confirm the registration it is required that you write in the keycode within 24 hours";
$lang_reg['emailpart6'] = "Enter this code when you log into the website\r\nor click on the link";
$lang_reg['emailpart7'] = "After 24 hours expire, unconfirmed registrations are automatically deleted";
$lang_reg['hello'] = "Hello";
$lang_reg['regoknick'] = "You have been successfully registered!<br> Your nickname";
$lang_reg['loginnow'] = "You can now login";
$lang_reg['entersite'] = "Enter website";
$lang_reg['enterkeymessage'] = "Enter keycode that has been sent to your email address.<br />
If you do not receive the confirmation message in next few minutes, please check your spam folder just in case email got delivered there.<br />
If email is selected as spam, please confirm that it is not spam, which should allow future messages to be delivered successfully.";
$lang_reg['autologinmsg'] = "You can save the link for automatical logging in, which looks like";
$lang_reg['copy'] = "Copy";
$lang_reg['badcaptcha'] = "Captcha code incorrect";
$lang_reg['badmail'] = "Incorrect email address!<br>It has to be written in the following format [email protected]<br>Try again";
$lang_reg['userexists'] = "You cannot register with that username because it has already been taken<br>Try again";
$lang_reg['emailexists'] = "Email address you used already exists in the database! Please use another email address";
$lang_reg['toomuchslashes'] = "You have used too many slashes in your username!<br>Try again";
$lang_reg['missingdata'] = "You didn't write data which is important for registration!<br>You have to complete all the fields";
$lang_home = array_merge($lang_home, $lang_reg);