namespace Brick\VarExporter\Internal\ObjectExporter;
use Brick\VarExporter\ExportException;
use Brick\VarExporter\Internal\ObjectExporter;
use Closure;
use PhpParser\Error;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\NodeTraverser;
use PhpParser\NodeVisitor\FindingVisitor;
use PhpParser\NodeVisitor\NameResolver;
use PhpParser\Parser;
use PhpParser\ParserFactory;
use ReflectionFunction;
* Handles closures.
* @internal This class is for internal use, and not part of the public API. It may change at any time without warning.
class ClosureExporter extends ObjectExporter
* @var Parser|null
private $parser;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function supports(\ReflectionObject $reflectionObject) : bool
return $reflectionObject->getName() === \Closure::class;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function export($object, \ReflectionObject $reflectionObject, array $path, array $parentIds) : array
assert($object instanceof Closure);
$reflectionFunction = new \ReflectionFunction($object);
$file = $reflectionFunction->getFileName();
$line = $reflectionFunction->getStartLine();
$ast = $this->parseFile($file, $path);
$ast = $this->resolveNames($ast);
$closure = $this->getClosure($reflectionFunction, $ast, $file, $line, $path);
$prettyPrinter = new ClosureExporter\PrettyPrinter();
$code = $prettyPrinter->prettyPrintExpr($closure);
// Consider the pretty-printer output as a single line, to avoid breaking multiline quoted strings and
// heredocs / nowdocs. We must leave the indenting responsibility to the pretty-printer.
return [$code];
* @return Parser
private function getParser()
if ($this->parser === null) {
$this->parser = (new ParserFactory)->create(ParserFactory::ONLY_PHP7);
return $this->parser;
* Parses the given source file.
* @param string $filename The source file name.
* @param string[] $path The path to the closure in the array/object graph.
* @return Node\Stmt[] The AST.
* @throws ExportException
private function parseFile(string $filename, array $path) : array
if (substr($filename, -16) === " : eval()'d code") {
throw new ExportException("Closure defined in eval()'d code cannot be exported.", $path);
$source = @ file_get_contents($filename);
if ($source === false) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
throw new ExportException("Cannot open source file \"$filename\" for reading closure code.", $path);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
try {
$nodes = $this->getParser()->parse($source);
// throwing error handler
assert($nodes !== null);
return $nodes;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
} catch (Error $e) {
throw new ExportException("Cannot parse file \"$filename\" for reading closure code.", $path, $e);
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Resolves namespaced names in the AST.
* @param Node[] $ast
* @return Node[]
private function resolveNames(array $ast) : array
$nameResolver = new NameResolver();
$nodeTraverser = new NodeTraverser();
return $nodeTraverser->traverse($ast);
* Finds a closure in the source file and returns its node.
* @param ReflectionFunction $reflectionFunction Reflection of the closure.
* @param Node[] $ast The AST.
* @param string $file The file name.
* @param int $line The line number where the closure is located in the source file.
* @param string[] $path The path to the closure in the array/object graph.
* @return Node\Expr\Closure
* @throws ExportException
private function getClosure(
ReflectionFunction $reflectionFunction,
array $ast,
string $file,
int $line,
array $path
) : Node\Expr\Closure {
$finder = new FindingVisitor(function(Node $node) use ($line) : bool {
return ($node instanceof Node\Expr\Closure || $node instanceof Node\Expr\ArrowFunction)
&& $node->getStartLine() === $line;
$traverser = new NodeTraverser();
$closures = $finder->getFoundNodes();
$count = count($closures);
if ($count !== 1) {
throw new ExportException(sprintf(
'Expected exactly 1 closure in %s on line %d, found %d.',
), $path);
/** @var Node\Expr\Closure|Node\Expr\ArrowFunction $closure */
$closure = $closures[0];
if ($closure instanceof Node\Expr\ArrowFunction) {
$closure = $this->convertArrowFunction($reflectionFunction, $closure);
if ($closure->uses) {
$this->closureHandleUses($reflectionFunction, $closure, $path);
return $closure;
* Convert a parsed arrow function to a closure.
* @param ReflectionFunction $reflectionFunction Reflection of the closure.
* @param Node\Expr\ArrowFunction $arrowFunction Parsed arrow function.
* @param string[] $path The path to the closure in the array/object graph.
* @return Node\Expr\Closure
private function convertArrowFunction(
ReflectionFunction $reflectionFunction,
Node\Expr\ArrowFunction $arrowFunction
) : Node\Expr\Closure {
$closure = new Node\Expr\Closure([], ['arrow_function' => true]);
$closure->static = false;
$closure->params = $arrowFunction->params;
$closure->returnType = $arrowFunction->returnType;
$closure->stmts[] = new Node\Stmt\Return_($arrowFunction->expr);
$static = $reflectionFunction->getStaticVariables();
foreach (array_keys($static) as $var) {
$closure->uses[] = new Node\Expr\ClosureUse(
new Node\Expr\Variable($var)
return $closure;
* Handle `use` part of closure.
* @param ReflectionFunction $reflectionFunction Reflection of the closure.
* @param Node\Expr\Closure $closure Parsed closure.
* @param string[] $path The path to the closure in the array/object graph.
* @throws ExportException
private function closureHandleUses(
ReflectionFunction $reflectionFunction,
Node\Expr\Closure $closure,
array $path
) : void {
if (! $this->exporter->closureSnapshotUses) {
$message = $closure->hasAttribute('arrow_function')
? "The arrow function uses variables in the parent scope, this is not supported by default"
: "The closure has bound variables through 'use', this is not supported by default";
throw new ExportException("$message. Use the CLOSURE_SNAPSHOT_USE option to export them.", $path);
$static = $reflectionFunction->getStaticVariables();
$stmts = [];
$parser = $this->getParser();
foreach ($closure->uses as $use) {
$var = $use->var->name;
$export = array_merge(['<?php'], $this->exporter->export($static[$var], $path, []), [';']);
$nodes = $parser->parse(implode(PHP_EOL, $export));
// throwing error handler
assert($nodes !== null);
/** @var Node\Stmt\Expression $expr */
$expr = $nodes[0];
$assign = new Node\Expr\Assign(
new Node\Expr\Variable($var),
$stmts[] = new Node\Stmt\Expression($assign);
$closure->uses = [];
$closure->stmts = array_merge($stmts, $closure->stmts);