Просмотр файла modules/registration/templates/registration_result.phtml

Размер файла: 945B
<?php $this->layout(
        'title'      => __('Registration'),
        'page_title' => __('Registration'),
) ?>

<h4><?= __('Your registration data') ?></h4>
    <?= __('Congratulations! You have successfully registered on the site.') ?>
    <?= __('Your ID') ?>: <b><?= $usid ?></b><br>
    <?= __('Your Username') ?>: <b><?= $reg_nick ?></b><br>
    <?= __('Your Password') ?>: <b><?= $reg_pass ?></b>
<?php if (! empty($config['user_email_confirmation'])): ?>
    <div class="alert alert-warning"><?= __('Now you just need to confirm your email address.<br> Please check your email and follow the instructions in it.') ?></div>
<?php elseif ($config['mod_reg'] === 1): ?>
    <div class="alert alert-warning"><?= __('Please, wait until a moderator approves your registration') ?></div>
<?php else: ?>
    <a href="/" class="btn btn-primary"><?= __('Enter') ?></a>
<?php endif ?>