return [
'antimat' => [
'text' => '
All words from the list will be replaced by ***<br>
To delete a word, click on it, you can add a word in the form below<br>',
'words' => 'Word list',
'total_words' => 'Total words',
'confirm_clear' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all words?',
'empty_words' => 'No words yet!',
'enter_word' => 'Enter the word',
'not_enter_word' => 'You have not entered the word for listing!',
'word_listed' => 'The entered word is already in the list!',
'backup' => [
'create_backup' => 'Create backup',
'total_backups' => 'Total backups',
'empty_backups' => 'No backups yet!',
'total_tables' => 'Total tables',
'records' => 'Records',
'size' => 'Size',
'compress_method' => 'Compression method',
'not_compress' => 'Do not compress',
'compress_ratio' => 'Compression ratio',
'empty_tables' => 'There are no tables for backup!',
'no_tables_save' => 'No tables to save!',
'wrong_compression_method' => 'Wrong compression method!',
'wrong_compression_ratio' => 'Wrong compression ratio!',
'database_success_saved' => 'Database successfully processed and saved!',
'backup_not_indicated' => 'The name of the backup for deletion is not specified!',
'invalid_backup_name' => 'Invalid backup name!',
'backup_not_exist' => 'File to delete does not exist!',
'backup_success_deleted' => 'Backup successfully deleted!',
'banhists' => [
'history' => 'Story',
'search_user' => 'Search by user',
'empty_history' => 'There is no ban history yet!',
'view_history' => 'View History',
'bans' => [
'login_hint' => 'Enter the username of the user you want to edit',
'user_ban' => 'User Ban',
'change_ban' => 'Ban Change',
'time_ban' => 'Ban time',
'banned' => 'Ban',
'ban_hint' => 'Attention! Try to describe as much as possible the reason for the ban',
'confirm_unban' => 'Do you really want to unban the user?',
'forbidden_ban' => 'It is forbidden to ban the administration of the site!',
'user_banned' => 'This user is already blocked!',
'user_not_banned' => 'This user is not banned!',
'time_not_indicated' => 'You did not indicate the time of the ban!',
'time_not_selected' => 'No ban time selected!',
'time_empty' => 'Too little ban time!',
'success_banned' => 'User successfully banned!',
'success_unbanned' => 'User successfully unbanned!',
'blacklists' => [
'email' => 'Email',
'logins' => 'Logins',
'domains' => 'Domains',
'empty_list' => 'The list is still empty!',
'type_not_found' => 'The specified type was not found!',
'invalid_login' => 'Invalid characters in login!',
'caches' => [
'files' => 'Files',
'images' => 'Images',
'clear' => 'Clear cache',
'empty_files' => 'No files yet!',
'empty_images' => 'There are no images yet!',
'success_cleared' => 'Cache successfully cleared!',
'chat' => [
'clear' => 'Clear chat',
'confirm_clear' => 'Do you really want to clear the admin chat?',
'edit_message' => 'Editing a message',
'post_added_after' => 'Added after :sec sec.',
'success_cleared' => 'Admin chat successfully cleared!',
'checkers' => [
'new_files' => 'New files and new file options',
'old_files' => 'Deleted files and old file settings',
'empty_changes' => 'No change!',
'initial_scan' => 'An initial scan is necessary!',
'information_scan' => 'Scanning the system allows you to find out which files or folders have changed over a period of time',
'invalid_extensions' => 'Warning, the service does not take into account some file extensions',
'scan' => 'Scan',
'success_crawled' => 'Site successfully crawled!',
'delivery' => [
'online' => 'Online',
'active' => 'Active',
'admins' => 'Administration',
'users' => 'To all users',
'not_recipients_selected' => 'You have not selected mailing recipients!',
'not_recipients' => 'Missing mailing recipients!',
'success_sent' => 'Message sent successfully!',
'delusers' => [
'condition' => 'Delete users who have not visited the site',
'minimum_asset' => 'Minimum Asset',
'deleted_condition' => 'Users who have not visited the site more will be deleted',
'asset_condition' => 'And having in their assets no more',
'deleted_users' => 'Users will be deleted',
'delete_users' => 'Delete users',
'invalid_period' => 'The specified time for deletion is invalid!',
'users_not_found' => 'There are no users to delete!',
'success_deleted' => 'Users successfully deleted!',
'errors' => [
'hint' => 'Attention! Logging is turned off in the settings! ',
'errors' => 'Errors :code',
'autobans' => 'Autobahns',
'logs_not_exist' => 'The specified logs do not exist!',
'success_cleared' => 'Logs successfully cleared!',
'files' => [
'confirm_delete_dir' => 'Do you really want to delete this directory?',
'confirm_delete_file' => 'Do you really want to delete this file?',
'objects' => 'Objects',
'lines' => 'Rows',
'changed' => 'Modified',
'empty_objects' => 'There are no objects!',
'create_object' => 'Create a new object',
'directory_name' => 'Directory Name',
'create_directory' => 'Create directory',
'file_name' => 'File name (without extension)',
'create_file' => 'Create file',
'create_hint' => 'Latin characters and numbers are allowed, as well as hyphens and underscores',
'file_editing' => 'Editing a file',
'edit_hint' => 'Press Ctrl + Enter to translate a line, Shift + Enter to insert a line',
'writable' => 'Attention! The file is not writable! ',
'file_not_exist' => 'This file does not exist!',
'directory_not_exist' => 'This directory does not exist!',
'directory_not_writable' => 'Directory :dir is not writable!',
'file_required' => 'You must enter a file name!',
'directory_required' => 'You must enter a directory name!',
'file_invalid' => 'Invalid file name!',
'directory_invalid' => 'Invalid directory name!',
'file_success_saved' => 'File saved successfully!',
'file_success_created' => 'New file created successfully!',
'directory_success_created' => 'New directory successfully created!',
'file_success_deleted' => 'File deleted successfully!',
'directory_success_deleted' => 'Directory successfully deleted!',
'file_exist' => 'A file with the same name already exists!',
'directory_exist' => 'A directory with the given name already exists!',
'invitations' => [
'hint' => 'Invitation registration is turned off!',
'unused' => 'Unused',
'used' => 'Used',
'owner' => 'Owner',
'invited' => 'Invited',
'create_keys' => 'Create keys',
'list_keys' => 'Key list',
'empty_invitations' => 'No invitations yet!',
'creation_keys' => 'Key creation',
'key_generation' => 'Generation of new keys',
'send_to_user' => 'Send key to user',
'sending_keys' => 'Key distribution',
'send_to_active_users' => 'Send keys to active users',
'my_keys' => 'My keys',
'empty_keys' => 'You do not have invitation keys!',
'keys_not_amount' => 'Not specified the number of keys!',
'keys_success_created' => 'Keys successfully created!',
'keys_success_sent' => 'Keys sent successfully!',
'keys_empty_recipients' => 'Missing key recipients!',
'keys_success_deleted' => 'Selected keys successfully deleted!',
'ipbans' => [
'history' => 'History of the autobahns',
'empty_ip' => 'The ban list is still empty!',
'confirm_clear' => 'Do you really want to clear the IP list?',
'ip_invalid' => 'You entered an invalid IP address',
'ip_exists' => 'The IP you entered is already on the list!',
'ip_success_added' => 'IP successfully added to the list!',
'ip_selected_deleted' => 'The selected IPs have been successfully removed from the list!',
'ip_success_cleared' => 'IP list cleared successfully!',
'logs' => [
'page' => 'Page',
'referer' => 'Referer',
'confirm_clear' => 'Are you sure you want to clear the logs?',
'empty_logs' => 'There are no logs yet!',
'success_cleared' => 'The log file has been cleared successfully!',
'modules' => [
'module' => 'Module',
'migrations' => 'Migrations',
'symlink' => 'Symlink',
'empty_modules' => 'Modules not loaded yet!',
'confirm_delete' => 'Do you really want to remove the module?',
'hint' => 'Attention! When you remove the module, all migrations and changes to the database will be deleted',
'module_not_found' => 'This module was not found!',
'module_success_installed' => 'Module successfully installed!',
'module_success_updated' => 'Module updated successfully!',
'module_success_enabled' => 'Module successfully enabled!',
'module_success_disabled' => 'Module turned off successfully!',
'module_success_deleted' => 'Module successfully removed!',
'notices' => [
'confirm_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this template?',
'empty_notices' => 'There are no templates yet!',
'edit' => 'Editing a template',
'edit_system_template' => 'You are editing a system template',
'system_template' => 'System template',
'create' => 'Create a template',
'notice_invalid' => 'Invalid template type name!',
'notice_length' => 'Template type is too long or short!',
'notice_exists' => 'This type is already on the list!',
'notice_success_saved' => 'Template saved successfully!',
'notice_not_found' => 'This template was not found!',
'notice_protect' => 'It is forbidden to delete a protected template!',
'notice_success_deleted' => 'Template successfully deleted!',
'reglists' => [
'enabled' => 'Registration confirmation is enabled!',
'disabled' => 'Registration confirmation is turned off!',
'empty_users' => 'There are no users requiring registration confirmation!',
'users_not_selected' => 'Missing selected users!',
'users_success_approved' => 'Selected users successfully approved!',
'users_success_deleted' => 'Selected users successfully deleted!',
'rules' => [
'empty_rules' => 'Site rules have not yet been established!',
'editing_rules' => 'Editing rules',
'variables' => 'Internal variables',
'sitename' => 'Name of the site',
'rules_empty' => 'You have not entered a text with the site rules!',
'rules_success_saved' => 'Rules saved successfully!',
'spam' => [
'go_to_message' => 'Go to post',
'empty_spam' => 'There are no complaints yet!',
'paid_adverts' => [
'top_all' => 'All top',
'top' => 'Main top',
'forum' => 'Forum',
'bottom_all' => 'Bottom all',
'bottom' => 'Main bottom',
'create_advert' => 'Ad advert',
'edit_advert' => 'Editing ads',
'expires' => 'Expires',
'color' => 'Color',
'bold' => 'Bold text',
'place' => 'Place',
'link' => 'Site url',
'names' => 'Names',
'name' => 'Name',
'term' => 'Term',
'empty_links' => 'There are no sponsored links yet!',
'confirm_delete_advert' => 'Do you confirm deletion of the sponsored link?',
'not_found' => 'Sponsored link not found!',
'place_invalid' => 'Placement does not exist!',
'term_invalid' => 'The placement period must be longer than the current time!',
'names_count' => 'You must specify at least 1 name!',