Просмотр файла vendor/nelexa/zip/src/Util/DateTimeConverter.php
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namespace PhpZip\Util;
* Convert unix timestamp values to DOS date/time values and vice versa.
* The DOS date/time format is a bitmask:
* 24 16 8 0
* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
* |Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|M| |M|M|M|D|D|D|D|D| |h|h|h|h|h|m|m|m| |m|m|m|s|s|s|s|s|
* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
* \___________/\________/\_________/ \________/\____________/\_________/
* year month day hour minute second
* The year is stored as an offset from 1980.
* Seconds are stored in two-second increments.
* (So if the "second" value is 15, it actually represents 30 seconds.)
* @see https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-filetimetodosdatetime?redirectedfrom=MSDN
* @author Ne-Lexa [email protected]
* @license MIT
* @internal
class DateTimeConverter
* Smallest supported DOS date/time value in a ZIP file,
* which is January 1st, 1980 AD 00:00:00 local time.
const MIN_DOS_TIME = 0x210000; // (1 << 21) | (1 << 16)
* Largest supported DOS date/time value in a ZIP file,
* which is December 31st, 2107 AD 23:59:58 local time.
const MAX_DOS_TIME = 0xff9fbf7d; // ((2107 - 1980) << 25) | (12 << 21) | (31 << 16) | (23 << 11) | (59 << 5) | (58 >> 1);
* Convert a 32 bit integer DOS date/time value to a UNIX timestamp value.
* @param int $dosTime Dos date/time
* @return int Unix timestamp
public static function msDosToUnix($dosTime)
if ($dosTime <= self::MIN_DOS_TIME) {
$dosTime = 0;
} elseif ($dosTime > self::MAX_DOS_TIME) {
$dosTime = self::MAX_DOS_TIME;
// date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
return mktime(
(($dosTime >> 11) & 0x1f), // hours
(($dosTime >> 5) & 0x3f), // minutes
(($dosTime << 1) & 0x3e), // seconds
(($dosTime >> 21) & 0x0f), // month
(($dosTime >> 16) & 0x1f), // day
((($dosTime >> 25) & 0x7f) + 1980) // year
* Converts a UNIX timestamp value to a DOS date/time value.
* @param int $unixTimestamp the number of seconds since midnight, January 1st,
* 1970 AD UTC
* @return int a DOS date/time value reflecting the local time zone and
* rounded down to even seconds
* and is in between DateTimeConverter::MIN_DOS_TIME and DateTimeConverter::MAX_DOS_TIME
public static function unixToMsDos($unixTimestamp)
if ($unixTimestamp < 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Negative unix timestamp: ' . $unixTimestamp);
$date = getdate($unixTimestamp);
$dosTime = (
(($date['year'] - 1980) << 25) |
($date['mon'] << 21) |
($date['mday'] << 16) |
($date['hours'] << 11) |
($date['minutes'] << 5) |
($date['seconds'] >> 1)
if ($dosTime <= self::MIN_DOS_TIME) {
$dosTime = 0;
return $dosTime;