Размер файла: 1.67Kb
- <?php
- declare(strict_types=1);
- namespace App\Commands;
- use Illuminate\Support\Str;
- use Phinx\Console\Command\AbstractCommand;
- use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
- use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
- class KeyGenerate extends AbstractCommand
- {
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- protected function configure(): void
- {
- parent::configure();
- $this->setName('key:generate')
- ->setDescription('Set the application key');
- }
- /**
- * Setting application key
- *
- * @param InputInterface $input
- * @param OutputInterface $output
- *
- * @return int
- */
- protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
- {
- $key = Str::random(32);
- $this->writeNewEnvironmentFileWith($key);
- $output->writeln('<info>Application key ['.$key.'] set successfully.</info>');
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Write a new environment file with the given key.
- *
- * @param string $key
- *
- * @return void
- */
- protected function writeNewEnvironmentFileWith($key): void
- {
- if (is_writable(BASEDIR . '/.env')) {
- file_put_contents(BASEDIR . '/.env', preg_replace(
- $this->keyReplacementPattern(),
- 'APP_KEY=' . $key,
- file_get_contents(BASEDIR . '/.env')
- ));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get a regex pattern that will match env APP_KEY with any random key.
- *
- * @return string
- */
- protected function keyReplacementPattern(): string
- {
- $escaped = preg_quote('=' . config('app.key'), '/');
- return "/^APP_KEY{$escaped}/m";
- }
- }