return [
'mains' => 'Basic settings',
'mails' => 'Mail and Newsletter',
'info' => 'Information output',
'guestbook' => 'Guest',
'news' => 'News',
'comments' => 'Comments',
'forums' => 'Forum',
'photos' => 'Gallery',
'messages' => 'Messages',
'contacts' => 'Contacts and ignore',
'loads' => 'Download Center',
'blogs' => 'Blogs',
'pages' => 'Page navigation',
'others' => 'Other and other',
'protects' => 'Protection and security',
'prices' => 'Cost and prices',
'adverts' => 'Advertising on the website',
'images' => 'Image upload',
'stickers' => 'Stickers',
'offers' => 'Suggestions and problems',
'adverts_count_links' => 'Qty. sponsored links',
'adverts_price' => 'Advertising price',
'adverts_points' => 'Asset for advertising',
'adverts_option' => 'Option price (bold text, color)',
'adverts_term' => 'Advertising term (hours)',
'adverts_max_links' => 'Maximum links allowed',
'adverts_per_page' => 'Listing all links',
'blogs_per_page' => 'Articles per page',
'blogs_groups' => 'Blog groups on page',
'blogs_symbols' => 'Qty. characters in the article ',
'blogs_points' => 'Asset to vote on articles',
'blogs_publish' => 'Allow users to publish articles',
'comments_symbols' => 'Characters in the comments',
'comments_per_page' => 'Comments per page',
'chat_per_page' => 'Posts in admin chat on page',
'contacts_per_page' => 'Listing in the contact list',
'ignores_per_page' => 'Listing on the ignore list',
'contacts_max_users' => 'Max. in the contact list ',
'ignores_max_users' => 'Max. on the ignore list ',
'topics_per_page' => 'Forum topics on page',
'posts_per_page' => 'Forum posts on page',
'posts_symbols' => 'Characters in a forum post',
'forums_upload_points' => 'Asset to upload files',
'guestbook_guests_allow' => 'Allow guests to write in guestbook',
'guestbook_points_add' => 'To earn points in the guest room',
'guestbook_per_page' => 'Guest posts on page',
'guestbook_symbols' => 'Characters in guest message',
'images_reduction_size' => 'Reducing photos when uploading',
'images_preview_size' => 'Size preview',
'images_copyright' => 'Copyright overlay',
'images_hint' => 'When resizing previews, you need to clear the image cache',
'counters_enable' => 'Counter display',
'performance_enable' => 'Performance',
'online_enable' => 'Online',
'online_time' => 'Online counting time (minutes)',
'online_time_hint' => 'For how many minutes to remember the users IP',
'loads_max_files' => 'Maximum load count. files',
'loads_per_page' => 'Files in downloads on page',
'loads_archives' => 'View archives on page',
'loads_files_allow' => 'Allow users to upload files',
'mails_count_days' => 'Qty. days before sending a private notification by email ',
'mails_send_emails' => 'Sending emails in one operation',
'page_title' => 'The title of all pages',
'caption_top' => 'Signature above',
'caption_bottom' => 'Signature below',
'logotype' => 'Logo Address',
'antiflood' => 'Anti-flood time (sec)',
'request_limit' => 'Limit of requests with IP (0 - Off)',
'currency' => 'Site Currency',
'language' => 'Language',
'fallback_language' => 'Reserve language',
'fallback_language_hint' => 'Reserve language is used when there is no translation of the main language',
'theme' => 'Theme',
'access_site' => 'Access to the site',
'registration_allow' => 'Allow Registration',
'registration_confirm' => 'Confirmation of registration',
'registration_invite' => 'Invitation Registration',
'registration_invite_hint' => 'To register you must enter a special invitation key',
'messages_per_page' => 'Letters in private on page',
'messages_captcha' => 'Threshold for turning off the protective picture',
'news_main' => 'The code. news on the main ',
'news_per_page' => 'News per page',
'offers_per_page' => 'Suggestions per page',
'offers_points' => 'Asset to create a proposal or problem',
'log_enable' => 'Enable logging',
'description' => 'Short description (description)',
'unscannable_ext' => 'Unscannable extensions (separated by commas)',
'moneys' => 'Game Currency Name',
'points' => 'Name of points',
'default_status' => 'Default Status',
'guestsuser' => 'Unauthorized user',
'deleted_user' => 'Remote user',
'ban_explanation' => 'Ban explanation',
'users_per_page' => 'Users in userlist',
'online_per_page' => 'Online Users',
'authority_per_page' => 'Users in reputation ranking on page',
'banned_per_page' => 'Users on the list of banned',
'history_ban_per_page' => 'Listing user ban history',
'search_users_per_page' => 'Users searching for users',
'ipban_per_page' => 'Listing in the IP-ban panel',
'logs_per_page' => 'View logs per page',
'blacklist_per_page' => 'Data per page blacklisted',
'reglist_per_page' => 'Users on the pending list',
'invites_per_page' => 'Invites to invitations',
'walls_per_page' => 'Posts on the wall of posts',
'history_login_per_page' => 'Authorization History',
'transfers_per_page' => 'Cash transactions',
'ratinglist_per_page' => 'Votes in ranking history',
'votes_per_page' => 'Number of votes on page',
'photos_per_page' => 'Number of photos on page',
'photos_groups' => 'Groups per page in the gallery',
'points_transfer' => 'Asset for money transfer',
'points_rating_edit' => 'Asset for changing reputation',
'points_topics_edit' => 'Asset to change forum topics',
'points_advert_hide' => 'Asset to hide advertising',
'points_status_edit' => 'Asset to change status',
'moneys_status_edit' => 'Cost of status change',
'moneys_bonus' => 'Daily bonus',
'moneys_registration' => 'Money for registration',
'captcha_valid_symbols' => 'Valid captcha characters',
'captcha_symbols' => 'Maximum number of characters',
'captcha_rotate' => 'Turn letters',
'captcha_amplitude' => 'Amplitude of character vibrations',
'captcha_distortion' => 'Distortion',
'captcha_blur' => 'Blur',
'captcha_public' => 'Public key',
'captcha_private' => 'The secret key',
'stickers_size' => 'Maximum Sticker Weight',
'stickers_max_weight' => 'Maximum Sticker Size',
'stickers_min_weight' => 'Minimum sticker size',
'stickers_per_page' => 'Stickers on page',
'page_invalid' => 'Invalid page!',
'settings_empty' => 'Site settings not transferred',
'field_required' => 'Field :field is required!',
'settings_success_saved' => 'Site settings successfully saved!',
'hosts_hosts_all' => 'Hosts | Hosts total',
'hits_hits_all' => 'Hits | Hits total',
'hits_hosts' => 'Hits | Hosts',
'hits_all_hosts_all' => 'Hits total | Hosts total',
'graphical' => 'Graphical',
'site_open' => 'The site is open',
'site_closed_guest' => 'Closed to guests',
'site_closed_all' => 'Closed to everyone',