Просмотр файла vendor/intervention/image/src/Intervention/Image/ImageServiceProviderLaravelRecent.php

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namespace Intervention\Image;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class ImageServiceProviderLaravelRecent extends ServiceProvider
     * Determines if Intervention Imagecache is installed
     * @return boolean
    private function cacheIsInstalled()
        return class_exists('Intervention\\Image\\ImageCache');

     * Bootstrap the application events.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
            __DIR__.'/../../config/config.php' => config_path('image.php')

        // setup intervention/imagecache if package is installed
        $this->cacheIsInstalled() ? $this->bootstrapImageCache() : null;

     * Register the service provider.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $app = $this->app;

        // merge default config

        // create image
        $app->singleton('image', function ($app) {
            return new ImageManager($this->getImageConfig($app));

        $app->alias('image', 'Intervention\Image\ImageManager');

     * Bootstrap imagecache
     * @return void
    protected function bootstrapImageCache()
        $app = $this->app;
        $config = __DIR__.'/../../../../imagecache/src/config/config.php';

            $config => config_path('imagecache.php')

        // merge default config

        // imagecache route
        if (is_string(config('imagecache.route'))) {

            $filename_pattern = '[ \w\\.\\/\\-\\@\(\)]+';

            // route to access template applied image file
            $app['router']->get(config('imagecache.route').'/{template}/{filename}', [
                'uses' => 'Intervention\Image\ImageCacheController@getResponse',
                'as' => 'imagecache'
            ])->where(['filename' => $filename_pattern]);

     * Return image configuration as array
     * @param  Application $app
     * @return array
    private function getImageConfig($app)
        $config = $app['config']->get('image');

        if (is_null($config)) {
            return [];

        return $config;