function search(twoD,oneD){
// Searches a two dimensional array to see if it contains a one dimensional array. indexOf doesn't work in this case
for(var i=0;i<twoD.length;i++){
if(twoD[i][0] == oneD[0] && twoD[i][1] == oneD[1]) {
return true;
return false;
function floodFill(hex, side, index, deleting) {
if (hex.blocks[side] === undefined || hex.blocks[side][index] === undefined) return;
//store the color
var color = hex.blocks[side][index].color;
//nested for loops for navigating the blocks
for(var x =-1;x<2;x++){
for(var y =-1;y<2;y++){
//make sure the they aren't diagonals
//calculate the side were exploring using mods
var curSide =(side+x+hex.sides)%hex.sides;
//calculate the index
var curIndex = index+y;
//making sure the block exists at this side and index
if(hex.blocks[curSide] === undefined){continue;}
if(hex.blocks[curSide][curIndex] !== undefined){
// checking equivalency of color, if its already been explored, and if it isn't already deleted
if(hex.blocks[curSide][curIndex].color == color && search(deleting,[curSide,curIndex]) === false && hex.blocks[curSide][curIndex].deleted === 0 ) {
//add this to the array of already explored
//recall with next block explored
function consolidateBlocks(hex,side,index){
//record which sides have been changed
var sidesChanged =[];
var deleting=[];
var deletedBlocks = [];
//add start case
//fill deleting
//make sure there are more than 3 blocks to be deleted
var i;
for(i=0; i<deleting.length;i++) {
var arr = deleting[i];
//just making sure the arrays are as they should be
if(arr !== undefined && arr.length==2) {
//add to sides changed if not in there
//mark as deleted
hex.blocks[arr[0]][arr[1]].deleted = 1;
// add scores
var now = MainHex.ct;
if(now - hex.lastCombo < settings.comboTime ){
settings.comboTime = (1/settings.creationSpeedModifier) * (waveone.nextGen/16.666667) * 3;
hex.comboMultiplier += 1;
hex.lastCombo = now;
var coords = findCenterOfBlocks(deletedBlocks);
hex.texts.push(new Text(coords['x'],coords['y'],"x "+hex.comboMultiplier.toString(),"bold Q","#fff",fadeUpAndOut));
settings.comboTime = 240;
hex.lastCombo = now;
hex.comboMultiplier = 1;
var adder = deleting.length * deleting.length * hex.comboMultiplier;
hex.texts.push(new Text(hex.x,hex.y,"+ "+adder.toString(),"bold Q ",deletedBlocks[0].color,fadeUpAndOut));
hex.lastColorScored = deletedBlocks[0].color;
score += adder;