Просмотр файла vendor/nelexa/zip/src/Model/ZipData.php

Размер файла: 695B


 * This file is part of the nelexa/zip package.
 * (c) Ne-Lexa <https://github.com/Ne-Lexa/php-zip>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace PhpZip\Model;

use PhpZip\Exception\ZipException;

interface ZipData
     * @return string returns data as string
    public function getDataAsString(): string;

     * @return resource returns stream data
    public function getDataAsStream();

     * @param resource $outStream
     * @throws ZipException
    public function copyDataToStream($outStream);