Просмотр файла vendor/league/plates/doc/content/extensions/community.md
Размер файла: 663B
title = "Community"
parent = "extensions"
weight = 3
This is a list of all the known community extensions for the Plates library. Please feel free to submit a [Pull Request](https://github.com/thephpleague/plates) to add your extension to this list.
- [Laravel Provider](https://github.com/franzliedke/laravel-plates)
- [Attributes Rendering](https://github.com/RobinDev/platesAttributes) - Transforms arrays into html tag attributes.
- [Includer](https://github.com/odahcam/plates-includer) - Include your assets in an expert way.
- [Tapestry](https://github.com/tapestry-cloud/tapestry) - A blog aware, Plates based static site generator.