- <?php
- declare(strict_types=1);
- namespace App\Http\Controllers\Forum;
- use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
- use App\Models\File;
- use App\Models\Polling;
- use App\Models\Post;
- use App\Models\Bookmark;
- use App\Models\Reader;
- use App\Models\Topic;
- use App\Models\User;
- use App\Models\Vote;
- use App\Models\Flood;
- use App\Classes\Validator;
- use App\Models\VoteAnswer;
- use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
- use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
- use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
- use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause;
- use Illuminate\Http\Request;
- use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
- use Illuminate\View\View;
- class TopicController extends Controller
- {
- /**
- * Main page
- *
- * @param int $id
- *
- * @return View
- */
- public function index(int $id): View
- {
- $user = getUser();
- $topic = Topic::query()
- ->where('topics.id', $id)
- ->when($user, static function (Builder $query) use ($user) {
- $query->select('topics.*', 'bookmarks.count_posts as bookmark_posts')
- ->leftJoin('bookmarks', static function (JoinClause $join) use ($user) {
- $join->on('topics.id', 'bookmarks.topic_id')
- ->where('bookmarks.user_id', $user->id);
- });
- })
- ->with('forum.parent')
- ->first();
- if (! $topic) {
- abort(404, __('forums.topic_not_exist'));
- }
- $posts = Post::query()
- ->where('topic_id', $topic->id)
- ->when($user, static function (Builder $query) use ($user) {
- $query->select('posts.*', 'pollings.vote')
- ->leftJoin('pollings', static function (JoinClause $join) use ($user) {
- $join->on('posts.id', 'pollings.relate_id')
- ->where('pollings.relate_type', Post::$morphName)
- ->where('pollings.user_id', $user->id);
- });
- })
- ->with('files', 'user', 'editUser')
- ->orderBy('created_at')
- ->paginate(setting('forumpost'));
- if ($posts->onFirstPage()) {
- $firstPost = $posts->first();
- } else {
- $firstPost = Post::query()->where('topic_id', $topic->id)->orderBy('created_at')->first();
- }
- if (isset($topic->bookmark_posts) && $topic->count_posts > $topic->bookmark_posts) {
- Bookmark::query()
- ->where('topic_id', $topic->id)
- ->where('user_id', $user->id)
- ->update(['count_posts' => $topic->count_posts]);
- }
- // Curators
- if ($topic->moderators) {
- $topic->curators = User::query()->whereIn('login', explode(',', (string) $topic->moderators))->get();
- $topic->isModer = $user ? $topic->curators->where('id', $user->id)->isNotEmpty() : false;
- }
- // Visits
- Reader::countingStat($topic);
- // Votes
- $vote = Vote::query()->where('topic_id', $topic->id)->first();
- if ($vote) {
- $vote->poll = $vote->pollings()
- ->where('user_id', $user->id ?? null)
- ->first();
- if ($vote->answers->isNotEmpty()) {
- $results = Arr::pluck($vote->answers, 'result', 'answer');
- $max = max($results);
- arsort($results);
- $vote->voted = $results;
- $vote->sum = ($vote->count > 0) ? $vote->count : 1;
- $vote->max = ($max > 0) ? $max : 1;
- }
- }
- $files = [];
- $description = $firstPost ? truncateDescription(bbCode($firstPost->text, false)) : $topic->title;
- if ($user) {
- $files = File::query()
- ->where('relate_type', Post::$morphName)
- ->where('relate_id', 0)
- ->where('user_id', $user->id)
- ->orderBy('created_at')
- ->get();
- }
- return view('forums/topic', compact('topic', 'posts', 'vote', 'description', 'files'));
- }
- /**
- * Message creation
- *
- * @param int $id
- * @param Request $request
- * @param Validator $validator
- * @param Flood $flood
- *
- * @return RedirectResponse
- */
- public function create(int $id, Request $request, Validator $validator, Flood $flood): RedirectResponse
- {
- $msg = $request->input('msg');
- if (! $user = getUser()) {
- abort(403, __('main.not_authorized'));
- }
- $topic = Topic::query()
- ->select('topics.*', 'forums.parent_id')
- ->where('topics.id', $id)
- ->leftJoin('forums', 'topics.forum_id', 'forums.id')
- ->first();
- if (! $topic) {
- abort(404, __('forums.topic_not_exist'));
- }
- $validator->equal($request->input('_token'), csrf_token(), ['msg' => __('validator.token')])
- ->empty($topic->closed, ['msg' => __('forums.topic_closed')])
- ->false($flood->isFlood(), ['msg' => __('validator.flood', ['sec' => $flood->getPeriod()])])
- ->length($msg, 5, setting('forumtextlength'), ['msg' => __('validator.text')]);
- // Проверка сообщения на схожесть
- /** @var Post $post */
- $post = Post::query()->where('topic_id', $topic->id)->orderByDesc('id')->first();
- $validator->notEqual($msg, $post->text, ['msg' => __('forums.post_repeat')]);
- if ($validator->isValid()) {
- $msg = antimat($msg);
- $countFiles = File::query()
- ->where('relate_type', Post::$morphName)
- ->where('relate_id', 0)
- ->where('user_id', $user->id)
- ->orderBy('created_at')
- ->count();
- if (
- $post
- && $post->created_at + 600 > SITETIME
- && $user->id === $post->user_id
- && $countFiles + $post->files->count() <= setting('maxfiles')
- && (utfStrlen($msg) + utfStrlen($post->text) <= setting('forumtextlength'))
- ) {
- $newpost = $post->text
- . '[i][size=1]'
- . __('forums.post_added_after', ['sec' => makeTime(SITETIME - $post->created_at)])
- . '[/size][/i]'
- . $msg;
- $post->update(['text' => $newpost]);
- } else {
- $post = Post::query()->create([
- 'topic_id' => $topic->id,
- 'user_id' => $user->id,
- 'text' => $msg,
- 'created_at' => SITETIME,
- 'ip' => getIp(),
- 'brow' => getBrowser(),
- ]);
- $user->increment('allforum');
- $user->increment('point');
- $user->increment('money', 5);
- $topic->update([
- 'count_posts' => DB::raw('count_posts + 1'),
- 'last_post_id' => $post->id,
- 'updated_at' => SITETIME,
- ]);
- $topic->forum->update([
- 'count_posts' => DB::raw('count_posts + 1'),
- 'last_topic_id' => $topic->id,
- ]);
- // Обновление родительского форума
- if ($topic->forum->parent_id) {
- $topic->forum->parent->update([
- 'last_topic_id' => $topic->id,
- ]);
- }
- }
- File::query()
- ->where('relate_type', Post::$morphName)
- ->where('relate_id', 0)
- ->where('user_id', $user->id)
- ->update(['relate_id' => $post->id]);
- clearCache(['statForums', 'recentTopics', 'TopicFeed']);
- $flood->saveState();
- sendNotify($msg, '/topics/' . $topic->id . '/' . $post->id, $topic->title);
- setFlash('success', __('main.message_added_success'));
- } else {
- setInput($request->all());
- setFlash('danger', $validator->getErrors());
- }
- return redirect('topics/end/' . $topic->id);
- }
- /**
- * Delete messages
- *
- * @param int $id
- * @param Request $request
- * @param Validator $validator
- *
- * @return RedirectResponse
- */
- public function delete(int $id, Request $request, Validator $validator): RedirectResponse
- {
- $del = intar($request->input('del'));
- $page = int($request->input('page'));
- if (! $user = getUser()) {
- abort(403, __('main.not_authorized'));
- }
- /** @var Topic $topic */
- $topic = Topic::query()->find($id);
- if (! $topic) {
- abort(404, __('forums.topic_not_exist'));
- }
- $isModer = in_array($user->login, explode(',', (string) $topic->moderators), true);
- $validator->equal($request->input('_token'), csrf_token(), __('validator.token'))
- ->notEmpty($del, __('validator.deletion'))
- ->empty($topic->closed, __('forums.topic_closed'))
- ->equal($isModer, true, __('forums.posts_deleted_curators'));
- if ($validator->isValid()) {
- // ------ Удаление загруженных файлов -------//
- $files = File::query()
- ->where('relate_type', Post::$morphName)
- ->whereIn('relate_id', $del)
- ->get();
- if ($files->isNotEmpty()) {
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- $file->delete();
- }
- }
- $delPosts = Post::query()->whereIn('id', $del)->delete();
- $topic->decrement('count_posts', $delPosts);
- $topic->forum->decrement('count_posts', $delPosts);
- setFlash('success', __('main.messages_deleted_success'));
- } else {
- setFlash('danger', $validator->getErrors());
- }
- return redirect('topics/' . $topic->id . '?page=' . $page);
- }
- /**
- * Close topic
- *
- * @param int $id
- * @param Request $request
- * @param Validator $validator
- *
- * @return RedirectResponse
- */
- public function close(int $id, Request $request, Validator $validator): RedirectResponse
- {
- if (! $user = getUser()) {
- abort(403, __('main.not_authorized'));
- }
- /** @var Topic $topic */
- $topic = Topic::query()->find($id);
- $validator->equal($request->input('_token'), csrf_token(), __('validator.token'))
- ->gte($user->point, setting('editforumpoint'), __('forums.topic_edited_points', ['point' => plural(setting('editforumpoint'), setting('scorename'))]))
- ->notEmpty($topic, __('forums.topic_not_exist'))
- ->equal($topic->user_id, $user->id, __('forums.topic_not_author'))
- ->empty($topic->closed, __('forums.topic_closed'));
- if ($validator->isValid()) {
- $topic->update([
- 'closed' => 1,
- 'close_user_id' => getUser('id'),
- ]);
- if ($topic->vote) {
- $topic->vote->update(['closed' => 1]);
- $topic->vote->pollings()->delete();
- }
- setFlash('success', __('forums.topic_success_closed'));
- } else {
- setFlash('danger', $validator->getErrors());
- }
- return redirect('topics/' . $topic->id);
- }
- /**
- * Open topic
- *
- * @param int $id
- * @param Request $request
- * @param Validator $validator
- *
- * @return RedirectResponse
- */
- public function open(int $id, Request $request, Validator $validator): RedirectResponse
- {
- if (! $user = getUser()) {
- abort(403, __('main.not_authorized'));
- }
- /** @var Topic $topic */
- $topic = Topic::query()->find($id);
- $validator->equal($request->input('_token'), csrf_token(), __('validator.token'))
- ->notEmpty($topic, __('forums.topic_not_exist'))
- ->equal($topic->user_id, $user->id, __('forums.topic_not_author'))
- ->equal($topic->close_user_id, $user->id, __('forums.topic_opened_author'))
- ->notEmpty($topic->closed, __('forums.topic_already_open'));
- if ($validator->isValid()) {
- $topic->update([
- 'closed' => 0,
- 'close_user_id' => null,
- ]);
- if ($topic->vote) {
- $topic->vote->update(['closed' => 0]);
- }
- setFlash('success', __('forums.topic_success_opened'));
- } else {
- setFlash('danger', $validator->getErrors());
- }
- return redirect('topics/' . $topic->id);
- }
- /**
- * Topic editing
- *
- * @param int $id
- * @param Request $request
- * @param Validator $validator
- *
- * @return View|RedirectResponse
- */
- public function edit(int $id, Request $request, Validator $validator)
- {
- if (! $user = getUser()) {
- abort(403, __('main.not_authorized'));
- }
- if ($user->point < setting('editforumpoint')) {
- abort(200, __('forums.topic_edited_points', ['point' => plural(setting('editforumpoint'), setting('scorename'))]));
- }
- /** @var Topic $topic */
- $topic = Topic::query()->find($id);
- if (! $topic) {
- abort(404, __('forums.topic_not_exist'));
- }
- if ($topic->user_id !== $user->id) {
- abort(200, __('forums.topic_not_author'));
- }
- if ($topic->closed) {
- abort(200, __('forums.topic_closed'));
- }
- $post = Post::query()->where('topic_id', $topic->id)
- ->orderBy('id')
- ->first();
- /** @var Vote $vote */
- $vote = Vote::query()->where('topic_id', $id)->first();
- if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
- $title = $request->input('title');
- $msg = $request->input('msg');
- $question = $request->input('question');
- $answers = (array) $request->input('answers');
- $validator->equal($request->input('_token'), csrf_token(), __('validator.token'))
- ->length($title, 3, 50, ['title' => __('validator.text')]);
- if ($post) {
- $validator->length($msg, 5, setting('forumtextlength'), ['msg' => __('validator.text')]);
- }
- if ($vote) {
- $validator->length($question, 5, 100, ['question' => __('validator.text')]);
- if ($answers) {
- $validator->empty($vote->count, ['question' => __('votes.answer_changed_impossible')]);
- $answers = array_unique(array_diff($answers, ['']));
- foreach ($answers as $answer) {
- if (utfStrlen($answer) > 50) {
- $validator->addError(['answers' => __('votes.answer_wrong_length')]);
- break;
- }
- }
- $validator->between(count($answers), 2, 10, ['answers' => __('votes.answer_not_enough')]);
- }
- }
- if ($validator->isValid()) {
- $title = antimat($title);
- $msg = antimat($msg);
- $topic->update(['title' => $title]);
- if ($post) {
- $post->update([
- 'text' => $msg,
- 'edit_user_id' => $user->id,
- 'updated_at' => SITETIME,
- ]);
- }
- if ($vote) {
- $vote->update([
- 'title' => $question,
- ]);
- if ($answers) {
- $countAnswers = $vote->answers()->count();
- foreach ($answers as $answerId => $answer) {
- /** @var VoteAnswer $ans */
- $ans = $vote->answers()->firstOrNew(['id' => $answerId]);
- if ($ans->exists) {
- $ans->update(['answer' => $answer]);
- } elseif ($countAnswers < 10) {
- $ans->fill(['answer' => $answer])->save();
- $countAnswers++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- setFlash('success', __('forums.topic_success_changed'));
- return redirect('topics/' . $topic->id);
- }
- setInput($request->all());
- setFlash('danger', $validator->getErrors());
- }
- if ($vote) {
- $vote->getAnswers = $vote->answers->pluck('answer', 'id')->all();
- }
- return view('forums/topic_edit', compact('post', 'topic', 'vote'));
- }
- /**
- * Post editing
- *
- * @param int $id
- * @param Request $request
- * @param Validator $validator
- *
- * @return View|RedirectResponse
- */
- public function editPost(int $id, Request $request, Validator $validator)
- {
- $page = int($request->input('page'));
- if (! $user = getUser()) {
- abort(403, __('main.not_authorized'));
- }
- /** @var Post $post */
- $post = Post::query()
- ->select('posts.*', 'moderators', 'closed')
- ->leftJoin('topics', 'posts.topic_id', 'topics.id')
- ->where('posts.id', $id)
- ->first();
- if (! $post) {
- abort(404, __('forums.post_not_exist'));
- }
- if ($post->closed) {
- abort(200, __('forums.topic_closed'));
- }
- $isModer = in_array($user->login, explode(',', (string) $post->moderators), true);
- if (! $isModer && $post->user_id !== $user->id) {
- abort(200, __('forums.posts_edited_curators'));
- }
- if (! $isModer && $post->created_at + 600 < SITETIME) {
- abort(200, __('main.editing_impossible'));
- }
- if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
- $msg = $request->input('msg');
- $validator->equal($request->input('_token'), csrf_token(), __('validator.token'))
- ->length($msg, 5, setting('forumtextlength'), ['msg' => __('validator.text')]);
- if ($validator->isValid()) {
- $post->update([
- 'text' => antimat($msg),
- 'edit_user_id' => $user->id,
- 'updated_at' => SITETIME,
- ]);
- setFlash('success', __('main.message_edited_success'));
- return redirect('topics/' . $post->topic_id . '?page=' . $page);
- }
- setInput($request->all());
- setFlash('danger', $validator->getErrors());
- }
- return view('forums/topic_edit_post', compact('post', 'page'));
- }
- /**
- * Voting
- *
- * @param int $id
- * @param Request $request
- * @param Validator $validator
- *
- * @return RedirectResponse
- */
- public function vote(int $id, Request $request, Validator $validator): RedirectResponse
- {
- if (! $user = getUser()) {
- abort(403, __('main.not_authorized'));
- }
- /** @var Vote $vote */
- $vote = Vote::query()->where('topic_id', $id)->first();
- if (! $vote) {
- abort(404, __('votes.voting_not_found'));
- }
- $poll = int($request->input('poll'));
- $page = int($request->input('page'));
- $validator->equal($request->input('_token'), csrf_token(), __('validator.token'))
- ->notEmpty($poll, __('votes.answer_not_chosen'))
- ->empty($vote->closed, __('votes.voting_closed'));
- if ($validator->isValid()) {
- $polling = $vote->pollings()
- ->where('user_id', $user->id)
- ->first();
- $validator->empty($polling, __('votes.voting_passed'));
- }
- if ($validator->isValid()) {
- /** @var VoteAnswer $answer */
- $answer = $vote->answers()
- ->where('id', $poll)
- ->where('vote_id', $vote->id)
- ->first();
- $validator->notEmpty($answer, __('votes.answer_not_found'));
- }
- if ($validator->isValid()) {
- $vote->increment('count');
- $answer->increment('result');
- Polling::query()->create([
- 'relate_type' => Vote::$morphName,
- 'relate_id' => $vote->id,
- 'user_id' => $user->id,
- 'vote' => $answer->answer,
- 'created_at' => SITETIME,
- ]);
- setFlash('success', __('votes.voting_success'));
- } else {
- setFlash('danger', $validator->getErrors());
- }
- return redirect('topics/' . $vote->topic_id . '?page=' . $page);
- }
- /**
- * Print topic
- *
- * @param int $id
- *
- * @return View
- */
- public function print(int $id): View
- {
- /** @var Topic $topic */
- $topic = Topic::query()->find($id);
- if (! $topic) {
- abort(404, __('forums.topic_not_exist'));
- }
- $posts = Post::query()
- ->where('topic_id', $topic->id)
- ->with('user')
- ->orderBy('created_at')
- ->get();
- $description = $posts->first() ? truncateDescription(bbCode($posts->first()->text, false)) : $topic->title;
- return view('forums/print', compact('topic', 'posts', 'description'));
- }
- /**
- * Forward to message
- *
- * @param int $id
- * @param int $pid
- *
- * @return RedirectResponse
- */
- public function viewpost(int $id, int $pid): RedirectResponse
- {
- $countTopics = Post::query()
- ->where('id', '<=', $pid)
- ->where('topic_id', $id)
- ->count();
- if (! $countTopics) {
- abort(404, __('forums.topic_not_exist'));
- }
- $end = ceil($countTopics / setting('forumpost'));
- return redirect('topics/' . $id . '?page=' . $end . '#post_' . $pid);
- }
- /**
- * Forward to the last message
- *
- * @param int $id
- *
- * @return RedirectResponse
- */
- public function end(int $id): RedirectResponse
- {
- /** @var Topic $topic */
- $topic = Topic::query()->find($id);
- if (! $topic) {
- abort(404, __('forums.topic_not_exist'));
- }
- $end = ceil($topic->count_posts / setting('forumpost'));
- return redirect('topics/' . $topic->id . '?page=' . $end);
- }
- }