Просмотр файла htmly-2.9.8/system/vendor/michelf/php-markdown/test/unit/MarkdownExtraTest.php

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class MarkdownExtraTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
	public function testSetupOfPredefinedAttributes()
		$obj = new \Michelf\MarkdownExtra();

		// Allows custom expansions of arreviations to their full version with the abbr tag
		$obj->predef_abbr = array(
			'foo' => 'foobar-test',
		$result = $obj->transform('**Hello world, foo**');

			'<p><strong>Hello world, <abbr title="foobar-test">foo</abbr></strong></p>',

	public function testSetupOfMultiplePredefinedAttributes()
		$obj = new \Michelf\MarkdownExtra();

		// Allows custom expansions of arreviations to their full version with the abbr tag
		$obj->predef_abbr = array(
			'foo' => 'foobar-test',
			'ISP' => 'Internet Service Provider',
		$result = $obj->transform('**I get internet from an ISP. foo.**');

			'<p><strong>I get internet from an <abbr title="Internet Service Provider">ISP' .
			'</abbr>. <abbr title="foobar-test">foo</abbr>.</strong></p>',

	public function testTransformWithNoMarkup()
		$obj = new \Michelf\MarkdownExtra();
		$obj->no_markup = true;

		$result = $obj->transform('This is a <strong class="custom">no markup</strong> test.');

			'<p>This is a &lt;strong class="custom">no markup&lt;/strong> test.</p>',