Размер файла: 1.85Kb
<?php if (!defined('HTMLY')) die('HTMLy'); ?>
if (login()) {
if (isset($_GET['file'])) {
$file = _h($_GET['file']);
$file = preg_replace('/\/|\\\\/','0',$file);
if (!empty($file)) {
<?php if (!extension_loaded('zip')) { ?>
<div class="callout callout-info">
<h5><i class="fa fa-info"></i> Note:</h5>
Please install the ZIP extension to use the backup feature.
<?php } ?>
<h2><?php echo i18n('Your_backups');?></h2>
<a class="btn btn-primary <?php if (!extension_loaded('zip')) { ?>disabled<?php } ?>" href="<?php echo site_url() ?>admin/backup-start"><?php echo i18n('Create_backup');?></a>
if (isset($_SESSION[site_url()]['user'])) {
$files = get_zip_files();
if (!empty($files)) {
echo '<table class="table backup-list">';
echo '<tr class="head"><th>' . i18n('Filename') . '</th><th>'.i18n('Date').'</th><th>' . i18n('Operations') . '</th></tr>';
foreach ($files as $file) {
$arr = explode('_', pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
$t = str_replace('-', '', $arr[1]);
$dt = new DateTime($t);
$timestamp = $dt->format("D, d F Y, H:i:s");
$url = site_url() . $file;
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>' . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME) . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $timestamp . '</td>';
echo '<td><a class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" target="_blank" href="' . $url . '">Download</a> <form method="GET"><input type="hidden" name="file" value="' . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME) . '"/><input type="submit" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" name="submit" value="Delete"/></form></td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
} else {
echo i18n('No_available_backup');