// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;
* The database structure class provides a wrapper for defining table structures so that they can be easily
* manipluated and upgraded without having to run arbitrary queries in a linear upgrade script.
* Similar to the SQLQuery class, this implementation tries to be as SQL-neutral as possible, but is
* ultimately written to work with MySQL. It can be extended to provide structure management for a different
* database engine.
* @package esoTalk
class ETDatabaseStructure {
* The name of the table currently being constructed.
* @var string
protected $tableName = "";
* The engine of the table currently being constructed.
* @var string
protected $engine = "";
* Whether or not the table currently exists.
* @var bool
protected $exists = null;
* An array of existing columns and their information.
* @var array
protected $existingColumns = null;
* An array of existing keys and their information.
* @var array
protected $existingKeys = null;
* An array of columns in the table currently being constructed.
* @var array
protected $columns = array();
* An array of keys in the table currently being constructed.
* @var array
protected $keys = array();
* Class constructor: reset all variables in the instance so we have a fresh slate.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Reset the instance so that all structure information is cleared.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function reset()
$this->tableName = "";
$this->engine = "InnoDB";
$this->columns = array();
$this->keys = array();
$this->exists = null;
$this->existingColumns = null;
$this->existingKeys = null;
return $this;
* Start the construction of a table.
* @param string $tableName The name of the table.
* @param string $engine The table engine that the table should use.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function table($tableName, $engine = "InnoDB")
$this->tableName = $tableName;
$this->engine = $engine;
return $this;
* Add a column to the table.
* @param string $name The name of the column.
* @param string $type The type signature of the column.
* @param mixed $default The default value of the column. If this is false, the column will be NOT NULL.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function column($name, $type, $default = null)
$this->columns[$name] = array("type" => $type, "null" => $default !== false, "default" => $default);
return $this;
* Add a key to the table.
* @param mixed $columns The name of the column, or an array of columns, to index.
* @param string $type The type of key: primary, unique, fulltext, or empty for a normal key.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function key($columns, $type = "")
$columns = (array)$columns;
// If this is a primary key, and there's only one column, and that column's type is an int, set auto
// increment on it.
if ($type == "primary" and count($columns) == 1 and substr($this->columns[$columns[0]]["type"], 0, 3) == "int")
$this->columns[$columns[0]]["autoIncrement"] = true;
// If it's not a primary key, we must work out a name for the key.
if ($type != "primary") $name = $this->tableName."_".implode("_", $columns);
else {
$name = "PRIMARY";
foreach ($columns as $column) $this->columns[$column]["null"] = false;
// Add the key to the keys array.
$this->keys[$name] = array("type" => $type, "columns" => $columns);
return $this;
* Execute the queries necessary to bring the database structure up-to-date with the one that has been defined
* in the instance.
* @param bool $drop Whether or not an existing table should be dropped before creating one adhering to the
* structure definition.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function exec($drop = false)
// Do we need to drop the table before we recreate it?
if ($drop) {
ET::SQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."`");
$this->exists = false;
// Firstly, work out whether or not the table exists. If it doesn't, we'll have to create the table from
// scratch.
if (!$this->exists()) {
$sql = "CREATE TABLE `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."` (\n\t";
$lines = array();
// Add the columns.
foreach ($this->columns as $name => $column) {
$lines[] = "`$name` ".$this->columnDefinition($column);
// Add the keys.
foreach ($this->keys as $name => $key) {
$lines[] = $this->keyDefinition($name, $key);
// Put it all together.
$sql .= implode(",\n\t", $lines)."\n)";
if ($this->engine) $sql .= " ENGINE=$this->engine";
$sql .= " DEFAULT CHARSET=".C("esoTalk.database.characterEncoding");
// Otherwise, based on what's already there, we need to modify the table to be up-to-date.
else {
$alterPrefix = "ALTER TABLE `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."`";
// Set the table's engine and character set if necessary.
$engine = ET::SQL("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."'")->firstRow();
$engine = $engine["Engine"];
if ($engine != $this->engine)
ET::SQL($alterPrefix." ENGINE=$this->engine");
// Go through the columns and add/modify them as necessary.
$existingColumns = $this->existingColumns();
$previousColumn = false;
foreach ($this->columns as $name => $column) {
$definition = $this->columnDefinition($column);
// If the column doesn't exist, we'll need to add it.
if (!array_key_exists($name, $existingColumns)) {
ET::SQL($alterPrefix." ADD `$name` ".$definition.($previousColumn !== false ? " AFTER `$previousColumn`" : ""));
// If it does exist, work out if we need to modify it.
else {
$existingDefinition = $this->columnDefinition($existingColumns[$name]);
if ($definition != $existingDefinition) {
ET::SQL($alterPrefix." MODIFY `$name` ".$definition);
$previousColumn = $name;
// Go through the keys and add/modify them as necessary.
$existingKeys = $this->existingKeys();
foreach ($this->keys as $name => $key) {
$definition = $this->keyDefinition($name, $key);
// If this key already exists, and it's different to the one we want, drop it and re-add it.
if (array_key_exists($name, $existingKeys)) {
$existingDefinition = $this->keyDefinition($name, $existingKeys[$name]);
if ($definition != $existingDefinition) {
ET::SQL($alterPrefix." DROP ".($name == "PRIMARY" ? "PRIMARY KEY" : "KEY `$name`"));
ET::SQL($alterPrefix." ADD ".$definition);
// If the key doesn't exist, just add it.
else {
ET::SQL($alterPrefix." ADD ".$definition);
* Get the SQL definition string for a column (eg. int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT).
* @param array $column The column details.
* @return string
protected function columnDefinition($column)
$definition = $column["type"];
if (!$column["null"]) $definition .= " NOT NULL";
if ($column["default"] !== false) $definition .= " DEFAULT ".ET::$database->escapeValue(is_null($column["default"]) ? null : (string)$column["default"]);
if (!empty($column["autoIncrement"])) $definition .= " AUTO_INCREMENT";
return $definition;
* Get the SQL definition string for a key (eg. UNIQUE KEY `keyname` (`column1`,`column2`)).
* @param string $name The name of the the key.
* @param array $key The key details.
* @return string
protected function keyDefinition($name, $key)
foreach ($key["columns"] as &$column) $column = "`$column`";
if ($name == "PRIMARY")
return "PRIMARY KEY (".implode(",", $key["columns"]).")";
return ($key["type"] ? strtoupper($key["type"])." " : "")."KEY `$name` (".implode(",", $key["columns"]).")";
* Returns whether or not the current table exists in the database.
* @return bool
public function exists()
if ($this->exists === null) {
$this->exists = (bool)ET::SQL("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."'")->numRows();
return $this->exists;
* Returns whether or not a column exists in the database.
* @param string $name The name of the column to check.
* @return bool
public function columnExists($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->existingColumns());
* Returns whether or not an key exists in the database.
* @param string $name The name of the key, or "PRIMARY" for the primary key.
* @return bool
public function keyExists($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->existingKeys());
* Returns a list of columns and their information in the current table.
* @return array
public function existingColumns()
if ($this->existingColumns === null) {
$result = ET::SQL("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."`")->allRows();
$this->existingColumns = array();
foreach ($result as $column) {
$this->existingColumns[$column["Field"]] = array(
"type" => $column["Type"],
"null" => $column["Null"] == "YES",
"default" => ($column["Default"] !== null or $column["Null"] == "YES") ? $column["Default"] : false,
"autoIncrement" => $column["Extra"] == "auto_increment"
return $this->existingColumns;
* Returns a list of keys and their information in the current table.
* @return array
public function existingKeys()
if ($this->existingKeys === null) {
$result = ET::SQL("SHOW INDEXES FROM `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."`")->allRows();
$this->existingKeys = array();
foreach ($result as $key) {
if (!isset($this->existingKeys[$key["Key_name"]])) {
$this->existingKeys[$key["Key_name"]] = array(
"type" => $key["Non_unique"] ? "" : "unique",
"columns" => array()
if ($key["Index_type"] == "FULLTEXT")
$this->existingKeys[$key["Key_name"]]["type"] = "fulltext";
$this->existingKeys[$key["Key_name"]]["columns"][] = $key["Column_name"];
return $this->existingKeys;
* Drop the current table from the database.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function drop()
ET::SQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."`");
return $this;
* Drop the specified column from the current table.
* @param string $name The name of the column.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function dropColumn($name)
if ($this->columnExists($name))
ET::SQL("ALTER TABLE `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."` DROP COLUMN `$name`");
return $this;
* Drop the specified key from the current table.
* @param string $name The name of the key, or "PRIMARY" to drop the primary key.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function dropKey($name)
if ($this->keyExists($name))
ET::SQL("ALTER TABLE `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."` DROP ".($name == "primary" ? "PRIMARY KEY" : "KEY `$name`"));
return $this;
* Rename the current table.
* @param string $newName The new name of the table.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function rename($newName)
if ($this->exists())
ET::SQL("ALTER TABLE `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."` RENAME TO `$newName`");
return $this;
* Rename the specified column on the current table.
* @param string $name The name of the column.
* @param string $newName The new name of the column.
* @return ETDatabaseStructure
public function renameColumn($name, $newName)
if ($this->columnExists($name)) {
$existing = $this->existingColumns();
$definition = $this->columnDefinition($existing[$name]);
ET::SQL("ALTER TABLE `".ET::$database->tablePrefix.$this->tableName."` CHANGE COLUMN `$name` `$newName` $definition");
return $this;