// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;
* The ETFormat class provides various formatting methods which can be performed on a string. It also includes
* a way for plugins to hook in and add their own formatting methods.
* @package esoTalk
class ETFormat extends ETPluggable {
* The content string to perform all formatting operations on.
* @var string
public $content = "";
* Whether or not to do inline-only formatting, i.e. don't embed YouTube videos, images, etc.
* @var bool
public $inline = false;
* Initialize the formatter with a content string on which all subsequent operations will be performed.
* @param string $content The content string.
* @param bool $sanitize Whether or not to sanitize HTML in the content.
* @return ETFormat
public function init($content, $sanitize = true)
// Clean up newline characters - make sure the only ones we are using are \n!
$content = strtr($content, array("\r\n" => "\n", "\r" => "\n")) . "\n";
// Set the content, and sanitize if necessary.
$this->content = $sanitize ? sanitizeHTML($content) : $content;
return $this;
* Turn "inline", inline-only formatting on or off.
* @param bool $inline Whether or not inline formatting should be on.
* @return ETFormat
public function inline($inline)
$this->inline = $inline;
return $this;
* Format the content string using a standard procedure and plugin hooks.
* @return ETFormat
public function format()
// Trigger the "before format" event, which can be used to strip out code blocks.
// Format links, mentions, and quotes.
if (C("esoTalk.format.mentions")) $this->mentions();
if (!$this->inline) $this->quotes();
// Format bullet and numbered lists.
if (!$this->inline) $this->lists();
// Trigger the "format" event, where all regular formatting can be applied (bold, italic, etc.)
// Format whitespace, adding in <br/> and <p> tags.
if (!$this->inline) $this->whitespace();
// Trigger the "after format" event, where code blocks can be put back in.
return $this;
* Get the content string in its current state.
* @return string
public function get()
return trim($this->content);
public function firstLine()
$this->content = substr($this->content, 0, strpos($this->content, "\n"));
return $this;
* Clip the content string to a certain number of characters, appending "..." if necessary.
* @param int $characters The number of characters to clip to.
* @return ETFormat
public function clip($characters)
// If the content string is already shorter than this, do nothing.
if (strlen($this->content) <= $characters) return $this;
// Cut the content down to the last full word that fits in this number of characters.
$this->content = substr($this->content, 0, $characters);
$this->content = substr($this->content, 0, strrpos($this->content, " "));
// Append "...", and close all opened HTML tags.
$this->content .= " ...";
return $this;
* Close all unclosed HTML tags in the content string.
* @return ETFormat
public function closeTags()
// Remove any half-opened HTML tags at the end.
$this->content = preg_replace('#<[^>]*$#i', "", $this->content);
// Put all opened tags into an array.
preg_match_all('#<(?!meta|img|br|hr|input\b)\b([a-z]+)(?: .*)?(?<![/|/ ])>#iU', $this->content, $result);
$openedTags = $result[1];
// Put all closed tags into an array.
preg_match_all('#</([a-z]+)>#iU', $this->content, $result);
$closedTags = $result[1];
$numOpened = count($openedTags);
// Go through the opened tags backwards, and close them one-by-one until we have no unclosed tags left.
$openedTags = array_reverse($openedTags);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numOpened; $i++) {
// If there's no closing tag for this opening tag, append it.
if (!in_array($openedTags[$i], $closedTags))
$this->content .= "</".$openedTags[$i].">";
// Otherwise, remove it from the closed tags array.
unset($closedTags[array_search($openedTags[$i], $closedTags)]);
return $this;
* Convert whitespace into appropriate HTML tags (<br/> and <p>).
* @return ETFormat
public function whitespace()
// Trim the edges of whitespace.
$this->content = trim($this->content);
// Add paragraphs and breakspaces.
$this->content = "<p>".str_replace(array("\n\n", "\n"), array("</p><p>", "<br/>"), $this->content)."</p>";
// Strip empty paragraphs.
$this->content = preg_replace(array("/<p>\s*<\/p>/i", "/(?<=<p>)\s*(?:<br\/>)*/i", "/\s*(?:<br\/>)*\s*(?=<\/p>)/i"), "", $this->content);
$this->content = str_replace("<p></p>", "", $this->content);
return $this;
* Convert inline URLs and email addresses into HTML anchor tags.
* @return ETFormat
public function links()
// Convert normal links - http://www.example.com, www.example.com - using a callback function.
$this->content = preg_replace_callback(
array($this, "linksCallback"), $this->content);
// Convert email links.
$this->content = preg_replace("/[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}/i", "<a href='mailto:$0' class='link-email'>$0</a>", $this->content);
return $this;
* The callback function used to replace inline URLs with HTML anchor tags.
* @param array $matches An array of matches from the regular expression.
* @return string The replacement HTML anchor tag.
public function linksCallback($matches)
// If we're not doing inline formatting, YouTube embedding is enabled, and this is a YouTube video link,
// then return an embed tag.
if (!$this->inline and C("esoTalk.format.youtube") and preg_match('%(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/(?:[^/]+/.+/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)/|.*[?&]v=)|youtu\.be/)([^"&?/ ]{11})%i', $matches[2], $youtube)) {
$id = $youtube[1];
$width = 400;
$height = 225;
return "<div class='video'><object width='$width' height='$height'><param name='movie' value='//www.youtube.com/v/$id'></param><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'></param><param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always'></param><embed src='//www.youtube.com/v/$id' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' width='$width' height='$height'></embed></object></div>";
return $this->formatLink($matches[1].$matches[2], $matches[0]);
public function formatLink($url, $text = null)
if ($text === null) $text = $url;
if (!preg_match("/^(\w+:\/\/)/", $url)) $url = "http://".$url;
// If this is an internal link...
$baseURL = C("esoTalk.baseURL");
if (substr($url, 0, strlen($baseURL)) == $baseURL) {
return "<a href='".$url."' target='_blank' class='link-internal'>".$text."</a>";
// Otherwise, return an external HTML anchor tag.
return "<a href='".$url."' rel='nofollow external' target='_blank' class='link-external'>".$text." <i class='icon-external-link'></i></a>";
* Convert simple bullet and numbered lists (eg. - list item\n - another list item) into their HTML equivalent.
* @return ETFormat
public function lists()
// Convert ordered lists - 1. list item\n 2. list item.
// We do this by matching against 2 or more lines which begin with a number, passing them together to a
// callback function, and then wrapping each line with <li> tags.
$orderedList = create_function('$list',
'$list = preg_replace("/^[0-9]+[.)]\s+([^\n]*)(?:\n|$)/m", "<li>$1</li>", trim($list));
return $list;');
$this->content = preg_replace("/(?:^[0-9]+[.)]\s+([^\n]*)(?:\n|$)){2,}/me", "'</p><ol>'.\$orderedList('$0').'</ol><p>'", $this->content);
// Same goes for unordered lists, but with a - or a * instead of a number.
$unorderedList = create_function('$list',
'$list = preg_replace("/^ *[-*]\s*([^\n]*)(?:\n|$)/m", "<li>$1</li>", trim($list));
return "$list";');
$this->content = preg_replace("/(?:^ *[-*]\s*([^\n]*)(?:\n|$)){2,}/me", "'</p><ul>'.\$unorderedList('$0').'</ul><p>'", $this->content);
return $this;
* Convert [quote] tags into their HTML equivalent.
* @return ETFormat
public function quotes()
// Starting from the innermost quote, work our way to the outermost, replacing them one-by-one using a
// callback function. This is the only simple way to do nested quotes without a lexer.
$regexp = "/(.*?)\n?\[quote(?:=(.*?)(]?))?\]\n?(.*?)\n?\[\/quote\]\n{0,2}/ise";
while (preg_match($regexp, $this->content)) {
$this->content = preg_replace($regexp, "'$1</p>'.\$this->makeQuote('$4', '$2$3').'<p>'", $this->content);
return $this;
* The callback function to get quote HTML, given the quote text and its citation.
* @param string $text The quoted text.
* @param string $citation The citation text.
* @return string The quote HTML.
public function makeQuote($text, $citation = "")
// If there is a citation and it has a : in it, split it into a post ID and the rest.
if ($citation and strpos($citation, ":") !== false)
list($postId, $citation) = explode(":", $citation, 2);
// Construct the quote.
$quote = "<blockquote><p>";
// If we extracted a post ID from the citation, add a "find this post" link.
if (!empty($postId)) $quote .= "<a href='".URL(postURL($postId), true)."' rel='post' data-id='$postId' class='control-search postRef'><i class='icon-search'></i></a> ";
// If there is a citation, add it.
if (!empty($citation)) $quote .= "<cite>$citation</cite> ";
// Finish constructing and return the quote.
$quote .= "$text\n</p></blockquote>";
return $quote;
* Remove all quotes from the content string. This can be used to prevent nested quotes when quoting a post.
* @return ETFormat
public function removeQuotes()
while (preg_match("`(.*)\[quote(\=[^\]]+)?\].*?\[/quote\]`si", $this->content))
$this->content = preg_replace("`(.*)\[quote(\=[^\]]+)?\].*?\[/quote\]`si", "$1", $this->content);
return $this;
* Convert all @mentions into links to member profiles.
* @return ETFormat
public function mentions()
$this->content = preg_replace(
"'$1<a href=\''.URL('member/name/'.urlencode(str_replace(' ', ' ', '$2')), true).'\' class=\'link-member\'>@$2</a>'",
return $this;
* Get all of the @mentions present in a content string, and return the member names in an array.
* @param string $content The content string to get mentions from.
* @return array
public function getMentions($content)
preg_match_all('/(^|[\s,\.:\]])@([^\s[\]]{2,20})\b/iu', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$names = array();
foreach ($matches as $k => $v) $names[] = str_replace(" ", " ", $v[2]);
return $names;
* Highlight a list of words in the content string.
* @return ETFormat
public function highlight($words)
$highlight = array_unique((array)$words);
if (!empty($highlight)) $this->content = highlight($this->content, $highlight);
return $this;