// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;
* Enables dynamic construction of SQL queries.
* The purpose of this class is not so much to be a database abstraction layer and prevent
* the need to write straight SQL. It is more to allow query components be added/changed dynamically
* (by plugins, for example), and to aid in writing safe queries.
* This implementation tries to be as SQL-neutral as possible, but is ultimately written to work
* with MySQL. It can be extended to provide a query constructor for a different database engine.
* @package esoTalk
class ETSQLQuery {
* The type of query that is being constructed (select, update, insert, replace, delete, or union).
* @var string
protected $mode = "select";
* An array of expressions to SELECT.
* @var array
public $select = array();
* An array of tables to select FROM, including JOIN clauses, or to INSERT into, UPDATE, or DELETE from.
* @var array
public $tables = array();
* An array of WHERE conditions.
* @var array
public $where = array();
* An array of GROUP BY expressions.
* @var array
public $groupBy = array();
* The number of results to limit the query to.
* @var int
public $limit = null;
* The result number to start from.
* @var int
public $offset = null;
* An array of ORDER BY expressions.
* @var array
public $orderBy = array();
* An array of HAVING expressions.
* @var array
public $having = array();
* The name of an index to force use of.
* @var string
public $index = null;
* An array of fields to set in an INSERT query.
* @var array
public $insertFields = array();
* An array of fields => values to set for an UPDATE query, or an array of arrays of values to INSERT.
* @var array
public $set = array();
* An array of fields => values to set ON DUPLICATE KEY.
* @var array
public $setDuplicateKey = array();
* An array of SQL queries to UNION.
* @var array
public $union = array();
* An array of bound parameters to replace when the query is constructed.
* @var array
public $parameters = array();
* Bind a value to a parameter that will be substituted safely when the query is constructed.
* @param string $parameter The name of the parameter. This must begin with a colon (:).
* @param mixed $value The value to substitute.
* @param int $dataType Explicit data type for the parameter using PDO::PARAM_* constants. If null,
* the type of $value will be used.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function bind($parameter, $value, $dataType = null)
$this->parameters[$parameter] = array($value, $dataType);
return $this;
* Add an expression to the SELECT clause.
* @param string|array $expression The expression to select. If an array is passed, all values will be added.
* @param string $as An optional identifier to select the expression AS.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function select($expression, $as = false)
$this->mode = "select";
// If an AS name was specified, set a keyed value in the array.
if ($as !== false) $this->select[$as] = $expression;
// Otherwise, cast the expression to an array and add all its values to the SELECTs array.
else {
$expressions = (array)$expression;
foreach ($expressions as $expression) {
if (!empty($expression)) $this->select[] = $expression;
return $this;
* Add a table to the FROM clause, optionally as a JOIN.
* @param string $table The name of the table. This can include an alias at the end. The table prefix will
* automatically be added.
* @param string $on An optional condition to JOIN the table ON.
* @param string $type The type of JOIN (eg. left, inner, etc.)
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function from($table, $on = false, $type = false)
// If the first character is an opening bracket, then assume the table is a SELECT query. Otherwise,
// add the table prefix.
if ($table[0] != "(") {
$parts = explode(" ", ET::$database->tablePrefix.$table);
$parts[0] = "`".$parts[0]."`";
$table = implode(" ", $parts);
// If a JOIN type or condition was specified, add the table with JOIN syntax.
if (!empty($type) or !empty($on))
$this->tables[] = strtoupper($type ? $type : "inner")." JOIN $table".(!empty($on) ? " ON ($on)" : "");
// Otherwise, just add the table name normally.
else array_unshift($this->tables, $table);
return $this;
* Add a WHERE predicate to the query.
* @param string $predicate The predicate to add. This can be either:
* 1. A string and the only argument, and it is added as is.
* 2. A string with the $value argument specified, and it is used as the field name to be tested for equality.
* 3. An array of predicates. Non-numeric keys will be used as field names to be tested for equality with
* their values, while numeric keys will be added as is.
* @param mixed $value The value to test for equality with in case 2 above.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function where($predicate, $value = false)
if (empty($predicate)) return $this;
// If a value was specified, use the predicate as the field name.
if ($value !== false) $predicate = array($predicate => $value);
// Go through the predicates and add them to the query one by one.
$predicates = (array)$predicate;
foreach ($predicates as $field => $predicate) {
// If the key is non-numeric, use it as the field name add an equality predicate.
// Bind the value with a parameter called :where#.
if (!is_numeric($field)) {
$i = count($this->where);
$this->where[] = "$field=:where$i";
$this->bind(":where$i", $predicate);
// If the key is numeric, add the predicate as is.
else $this->where[] = $predicate;
return $this;
* Add an expression to the GROUP BY clause.
* @param string|array $expression The expression, or an array of expressions, to add.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function groupBy($expression)
$expressions = (array)$expression;
foreach ($expressions as $expression) {
if (!empty($expression)) $this->groupBy[] = $expression;
return $this;
* Add an expression to the ORDER BY clause.
* @param string|array $expression The expression, or an array of expressions, to add.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function orderBy($expression)
$expressions = (array)$expression;
foreach ($expressions as $expression) {
if (!empty($expression)) $this->orderBy[] = $expression;
return $this;
* Add an expression to the HAVING clause.
* @param string|array $expression The expression, or an array of expressions, to add.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function having($expression)
$expressions = (array)$expression;
foreach ($expressions as $expression) {
if (!empty($expression)) $this->having[] = $expression;
return $this;
* Force the use of an index in the query.
* @param string $index The name of the index to force use of.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function useIndex($index)
$this->index = $index;
return $this;
* Set the maximum number of results for the query to return.
* @param string $limit The maximum number of results.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function limit($limit)
$this->limit = $limit;
return $this;
* Set the row number to start getting results from.
* @param string $offset The row number to start from.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function offset($offset)
$this->offset = $offset;
return $this;
* Begin an UPDATE query and add a table to update.
* @param string $table The name of the table to update.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function update($table)
$this->mode = "update";
$this->tables[] = ET::$database->tablePrefix.$table;
return $this;
* Set a field to a value in an UPDATE or INSERT query.
* @param string|array $field The name of the field to set, or an array of fields => values to set.
* @param mixed $value The value to set the field to.
* @param bool $sanitize Whether or not to escape and quote the value.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function set($field, $value = false, $sanitize = true)
if (!is_array($field)) $field = array($field => $value);
foreach ($field as $field => $value) {
$value = $sanitize ? ET::$database->escapeValue($value) : $value;
// For an UPDATE query, simply add the field and value to the SET array.
if ($this->mode == "update")
$this->set[$field] = $value;
// But for an INSERT query, we need to add the field to $this->insertFields and the value to the
// first row in the SET array.
else {
$this->insertFields[] = $field;
$this->set[0][] = $value;
return $this;
* Begin an INSERT query and add a table to insert into.
* @param string $table The name of the table to insert into.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function insert($table)
$this->mode = "insert";
$this->tables[] = ET::$database->tablePrefix.$table;
return $this;
* Set multiple rows of data in an INSERT query.
* @param array $fields An array of field names to set.
* @param array $valueSets An array of arrays of values to insert.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function setMultiple($fields, $valueSets)
$this->insertFields = $fields;
foreach ($valueSets as &$row) {
foreach ($row as &$value) {
$value = ET::$database->escapeValue($value);
$this->set = $valueSets;
return $this;
* Set a field to a value when there is a duplicate key in an INSERT query.
* @param string|array $field The name of the field to set, or an array of fields => values to set.
* @param mixed $value The value to set the field to.
* @param bool $sanitize Whether or not to escape and quote the value.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function setOnDuplicateKey($field, $value = false, $sanitize = true)
if (!is_array($field)) $field = array($field => $value);
foreach ($field as $field => $value) {
$this->setDuplicateKey[$field] = $sanitize ? ET::$database->escapeValue($value) : $value;
return $this;
* Begin a REPLACE query and add a table to replace into.
* @param string $table The name of the table to replace into.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function replace($table)
$this->mode = "replace";
$this->tables[] = ET::$database->tablePrefix.$table;
return $this;
* Begin a DELETE query and add a table to delete.
* @param string $table The name of the table to delete.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function delete($table = null)
$this->mode = "delete";
if ($table) $this->select[] = $table;
return $this;
* Add a SELECT query to be UNIONed.
* @param ETSQLQuery $query The ETSQLQuery object to UNION.
* @return ETSQLQuery
public function union($query)
$this->mode = "union";
$this->union[] = $query;
return $this;
* Indent each line in each value of an array. This is used on each item in the SELECT, WHERE, and FROM clause
* so that sub-SELECTs appear indented.
* @param mixed $value The value to apply indentation to.
* @return mixed The value with indentation applied.
protected function indent($value)
if (is_array($value)) return array_map(array($this, "indent"), $value);
else return str_replace("\n", "\n\t\t", $value);
* Construct a WHERE clause from the query structure information gathered in this class.
* @return string
protected function getWhere()
return count($this->where) ? "\nWHERE (".implode(")\n\tAND (", $this->indent($this->where)).")" : "";
* Construct a FROM clause from the query structure information gathered in this class.
* @return string
protected function getOrderBy()
return count($this->orderBy) ? "\nORDER BY ".implode(", ", $this->orderBy) : "";
* Construct a SELECT SQL query from the query structure information gathered in this class.
* @return string
protected function getSelect()
// Construct the SELECT clause.
$select = array();
foreach ($this->select as $k => $v) {
if (!is_numeric($k)) $select[] = "$v AS $k";
else $select[] = $v;
$select = "SELECT ".implode(", \n\t", $this->indent($select));
// Construct some other clauses.
$from = count($this->tables) ? "\nFROM ".implode("\n\t", $this->indent($this->tables)) : "";
$index = $this->index ? "\nUSE INDEX ($this->index)" : "";
$having = count($this->having) ? "\nHAVING (".implode(") AND (", $this->indent($this->having)).")" : "";
$groupBy = count($this->groupBy) ? "\nGROUP BY ".implode(", ", $this->groupBy) : "";
$limit = $this->limit ? "\nLIMIT $this->limit" : "";
$offset = $this->offset ? "\nOFFSET $this->offset" : "";
// Put the whole query together and return it.
return $select.$from.$index.$this->getWhere().$groupBy.$this->getOrderBy().$limit.$offset;
* Construct an UPDATE SQL query from the query structure information gathered in this class.
* @return string
protected function getUpdate()
// Put together the tables to update.
$tables = implode(", ", $this->tables);
// Construct the SET clause.
$set = array();
foreach ($this->set as $k => $v) $set[] = "$k=$v";
$set = implode(", ", $set);
return "UPDATE $tables SET $set ".$this->getWhere();
* Construct an INSERT SQL query from the query structure information gathered in this class.
* @return string
protected function getInsert()
// Put together the tables to insert into.
$tables = implode(", ", $this->tables);
// Make a list of fields to insert data into.
$fields = implode(", ", $this->insertFields);
// Make a list of rows and their values to insert.
$rows = array();
foreach ($this->set as $row) $rows[] = "(".implode(", ", $row).")";
$values = implode(", ", $rows);
// Construct the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause.
$onDuplicateKey = array();
foreach ($this->setDuplicateKey as $k => $v) $onDuplicateKey[] = "$k=$v";
$onDuplicateKey = implode(", ", $onDuplicateKey);
return "INSERT INTO $tables ($fields) VALUES $values".($onDuplicateKey ? " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $onDuplicateKey" : "");
* Construct a REPLACE SQL query.
* @return string
protected function getReplace()
// Simply construct an INSERT query, replacing the word INSERT with REPLACE.
$query = $this->getInsert();
$query = "REPLACE".substr($query, 6);
return $query;
* Construct a DELETE SQL query from the query structure information gathered in this class.
* @return string
protected function getDelete()
$tables = implode(", ", $this->select);
$from = implode("\n\t", $this->indent($this->tables));
return "DELETE $tables FROM $from ".$this->getWhere();
* Construct a UNION SQL query from the query structure information gathered in this class.
* @return string
protected function getUnion()
// Convert the queries that we want to UNION to strings.
$selects = $this->union;
foreach ($selects as &$sql) $sql = "\t(".$sql->get().")";
// Implode them with the UNION keyword.
$selects = implode("\nUNION\n", $this->indent($selects));
// Add order by, limit, and offset clauses.
$limit = $this->limit ? "\nLIMIT $this->limit" : "";
$offset = $this->offset ? "\nOFFSET $this->offset" : "";
// Put the query together.
return $selects.$this->getOrderBy().$limit.$offset;
* Construct the SQL from the query structure information we've gathered in this class, substitute in parameter
* values, and return the final product it as a string.
* @return string
public function get()
// Run the appropriate get function depending on this query's mode.
switch ($this->mode) {
case "select":
$query = $this->getSelect();
case "update":
$query = $this->getUpdate();
case "insert":
$query = $this->getInsert();
case "replace":
$query = $this->getReplace();
case "delete":
$query = $this->getDelete();
case "union":
$query = $this->getUnion();
$query = "";
// Substitute in bound parameter values.
$query = preg_replace('/(:[A-Za-z0-9_]+)/e', 'array_key_exists("$1", $this->parameters)
? ET::$database->escapeValue($this->parameters["$1"][0], $this->parameters["$1"][1])
: "$1"', $query);
return $query;
* Construct the SQL query and execute it, returning the result.
* @return ETSQLResult
public function exec()
$query = $this->get();
return ET::$database->query($query);
public function __toString()
return $this->get();