Просмотр файла esoTalk-1.0.0g4/core/controllers/ETMembersController.class.php

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// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.

if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;

 * The members controller handles the member list, online members sheet, and the creation of new members.
 * @package esoTalk
class ETMembersController extends ETController {

 * Show the member list page.
 * @param string $orderBy What to sort the members by.
 * @param mixed $start Where to start the results from. This can be:
 * 		- An integer, in which case it will be used as a numerical offset.
 * 		- pX, where X is the "page" number.
 * 		- A letter to start from, if $orderBy is "name".
 * @return void
public function action_index($orderBy = false, $start = 0)
	if (!$this->allowed("esoTalk.members.visibleToGuests")) return;

	// Begin constructing a query to fetch results.
	$sql = ET::SQL()->from("member m");

	// If we've limited results by a search string...
	if ($searchString = R("search")) {

		// Explode separate terms by the comma character.
		$terms = explode(",", $searchString);

		// Get an array of all groups which we can possibly filter by.
		$groups = ET::groupModel()->getAll();
		$groups[GROUP_ID_MEMBER] = array("name" => ACCOUNT_MEMBER);
		$groups[GROUP_ID_GUEST] = array("name" => ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED);

		$conditions = array();

		$this->trigger("parseTerms", array(&$terms, $sql, &$conditions));

		foreach ($terms as $k => $term) {

			$term = strtolower(trim($term));

			// If the search string matches the start of any group names, then we'll filter members by their account/group.
			$group = false;
			foreach ($groups as $id => $g) {
				$name = $g["name"];
				if (strpos(strtolower(T("group.$name", $name)), $term) === 0 or strpos(strtolower(T("group.$name.plural", $name)), $term) === 0) {
					$group = $id;

			// Did we find any matching groups just before? If so, add a WHERE condition to the query to filter by group.
			if ($group !== false) {
				if ($group < 0) {
					$conditions[] = "account=:account$k";
					$sql->bind(":account$k", $groups[$group]["name"]);
				elseif (!$groups[$group]["private"] or ET::groupModel()->groupIdsAllowedInGroupIds(ET::$session->getGroupIds(), $group, true)) {
					$sql->from("member_group mg", "mg.memberId=m.memberId", "left");
					$conditions[] = "mg.groupId=:group$k";
					$sql->bind(":group$k", $group);

			// Also perform a normal LIKE search.
			$conditions[] = "username LIKE :search$k";
			$sql->bind(":search$k", "%".$term."%");


		$sql->where(implode(" OR ", $conditions));

	// Create a query to get the total number of results. Clone the results one to retain the same WHERE conditions.
	$count = clone $sql;
	$count = $count

	// Make an array of possible orders for the list.
	$orders = array(
		"name" => array(T("Name"), "username ASC"),
		"posts" => array(T("Posts"), "countPosts DESC"),
		"activity" => array(T("Last active"), "lastActionTime DESC")

	// If an invalid orderBy key was provided, just use the first one.
	if (!isset($orders[$orderBy])) $orderBy = reset(array_keys($orders));

	// Work out where to start the results from.
	$page = 0;
	if ($start) {

		// If we're ordering by name and the start argument is a single letter...
		if ($orderBy == "name" and strlen($start) == 1 and ctype_alpha($start)) {

			// Run a query to get the position of the first member starting with this letter.
			$start = ET::SQL()
				->select("COUNT(memberId)", "position")
				->where("STRCMP(username, :username) = -1")
				->bind(":username", $start)
			$start = min($count - C("esoTalk.members.membersPerPage"), $start);


		// If the start argument is "pX", where X is the page number...
		elseif ($start[0] == "p") {
			$page = ltrim($start, "p");
			$start = C("esoTalk.members.membersPerPage") * ($page - 1);

		// Otherwise, parse the start argument as a simple integer offset.
		else {
			$start = (int)($start);
			$page = round($start / C("esoTalk.members.membersPerPage"));

		// Apply the offset to the query.
		$start = max(0, $start);

	// Finish constructing the query. We want to get a list of member IDs to show as the results.
	$ids = $sql
	foreach ($ids as &$id) $id = $id["memberId"];

	// Finally, fetch the member data for the members with these IDs.
	if ($ids) $members = ET::memberModel()->getByIds($ids);
	else $members = array();

	// If we're ordering by last active, filter out members who have opted out of being displayed on the online list.
	if ($orderBy == "activity") {
		foreach ($members as $k => $member) {
			if (!empty($member["preferences"]["hideOnline"])) {

	// If we're doing a normal page load...
	if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {

		// Set the title and make sure this page isn't indexed.
		$this->title = T("Member List");
		$this->addToHead("<meta name='robots' content='noindex, noarchive'/>");

		// Work out the canonical URL for this page.
		$url = "members/$orderBy/p$page";
		$this->canonicalURL = URL($url, true);
		$this->pushNavigation("members", "members", URL($url));

		// Add JavaScript files and variables for the page to use.
		$this->addJSVar("membersPerPage", C("esoTalk.members.membersPerPage"));
		$this->addJSVar("countMembers", $count);
		$this->addJSVar("startFrom", $start);
		$this->addJSVar("searchString", $searchString);
		$this->addJSVar("orderBy", $orderBy);
                $this->addJSLanguage("Sort By");

	// Pass data to the view.
	$this->data("members", $members);
	$this->data("countMembers", $count);
	$this->data("startFrom", $start);
	$this->data("searchString", $searchString);
	$this->data("orders", $orders);
	$this->data("orderBy", $orderBy);

	// On an AJAX request, just render the list, and also pass back the startFrom position.
	if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_AJAX) {
		$this->json("startFrom", $start);

	else $this->render("members/index");

 * Show the "create member" sheet, containing a form to create a new member.
 * @return void
public function action_create()
	// Non-admins can't do this! Suckers.
	if (!ET::$session->isAdmin()) return;

	// Set up the form.
	$form = ETFactory::make("form");
	$form->action = URL("members/create");

	// Was the cancel button pressed?
	if ($form->isPostBack("cancel"))
		$this->redirect(URL(R("return", "members")));

	// Was the "create" button pressed?
	if ($form->validPostBack("submit")) {

		// Make sure the passwords match.
		if ($form->getValue("confirm") != $form->getValue("password"))
			$form->error("confirm", T("message.passwordsDontMatch"));

		// If there were no preliminary errors, proceed to attempt to create the member with the model.
		if (!$form->errorCount()) {

			$data = array(
				"username"  => $form->getValue("username"),
				"email"     => $form->getValue("email"),
				"password"  => $form->getValue("password"),
				"account"   => ACCOUNT_MEMBER,
				"confirmed" => true

			$model = ET::memberModel();
			$id = $model->create($data);

			// If there were any errors, pass them back to the form.
			if ($model->errorCount()) $form->errors($model->errors());

			// Otherwise, redirect to this new member's profile.
			else $this->redirect(URL(memberURL($id, $form->getValue("username"))));



	$this->data("form", $form);

 * Show the "online members" sheet.
 * @return void
public function action_online()
	// Check if we have permission to view the online list.
	if (!C("esoTalk.members.visibleToGuests") and !ET::$session->user) {
		return false;

	// Set the title and make sure this page isn't indexed.
	$this->title = T("Online Members");
	$this->addToHead("<meta name='robots' content='noindex, noarchive'/>");

	// Construct a query to get only members who are online.
	$sql = ET::SQL()
		->where((time() - ET::config("esoTalk.userOnlineExpire"))."<lastActionTime")
		->orderBy("lastActionTime DESC");

	// Pass this query to the member model and get all of these members' data.
	$members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);

	// Filter out members who have opted out of being displayed on the online list.
	$hidden = 0;
	foreach ($members as $k => $member) {
		if (!empty($member["preferences"]["hideOnline"])) {

	$this->data("members", $members);
	$this->data("hidden", $hidden);

 * Return a JSON array of up to 50 members whose usernames match a given string. This data can be used to
 * create a list of members in an autocomplete menu.
 * @param string $input The string to match member usernames against.
 * @return void
public function action_autocomplete($input = "")
	// Force the response type to JSON.
	$this->responseType = RESPONSE_TYPE_JSON;

	// Don't do this for strings less than three characters for performance reasons.
	if (strlen($input) < 2) return;

	// Construct a query to fetch matching members.
	$results = ET::SQL()
		->select("'member' AS type")
		->select("username AS name")
		->where("username LIKE :username")
		->bind(":username", $input."%")

	// Loop through the results and generate avatar HTML for each one.
	foreach ($results as $k => $v) {
		$results[$k]["avatar"] = avatar($v, "thumb");

		// Convert spaces in the member name to non-breaking spaces.
		$results[$k]["name"] = str_replace(" ", "\xc2\xa0", $results[$k]["name"]);

	$this->json("results", $results);
