// Create an auto-complete popup to show a list of members matching text behind the cursor.
// field: the field to monitor for input.
// character: a character to look for that indicates a member name (eg. @)
// clickHandler: a function to be called in a member is selected from the popup.
function ETAutoCompletePopup(field, character, clickHandler) {
var ac = this;
// Initialize ALL THE THINGS.
this.field = field;
this.character = character;
this.active = false;
this.items = 0;
this.index = 0;
this.cache = [];
this.searches = [];
this.value = "";
this.clickHandler = clickHandler;
// If no click handler was specified, use our own default one. The default click handler will replace
// everything from the cursor until the character denoting the beginning of this "token" with the member's
// name.
if (!this.clickHandler) this.clickHandler = function(member) {
var selection = ac.field.getSelection();
var value = ac.field.val();
var nameStart = 0;
// If nothing is selected in the field...
if (selection.length == 0) {
// From the selection position, go back up to 20 characters, searching for the start character.
for (var i = selection.start; i > selection.start - 20; i--) {
if (i != selection.start && (value.substr(i, 1) == "]")) break;
if (value.substr(i, ac.character.length) == ac.character) {
nameStart = i + ac.character.length;
// If we found the position of the character, replace it all with the member's name.
if (nameStart) {
ac.field.val(value.substring(0, nameStart) + member["name"] + " " + value.substr(selection.start));
var p = nameStart + member["name"].length + 1;
ac.field.selectRange(p, p);
// Now, construct the auto complete popup for this field.
this.popup = $("#autoCompletePopup-"+field.attr("id"));
if (!this.popup.length) this.popup = $("<div id='autoCompletePopup-"+field.attr("id")+"'/>");
this.popup.bind("mouseup", function(e) { return false; }).addClass("popup").addClass("autoCompletePopup").hide();
// Append it to the body, and hide it when the document is clicked.
$(document).mouseup(function(e) { ac.hide(); });
// Add a keydown handler to the field. This will be used to navigate the popup menu (down/up/enter/escape).
this.field.attr("autocomplete", "off").keydown(function(e) {
if (ac.active) {
switch (e.which) {
case 40: // Down
ac.updateIndex(ac.index + 1);
case 38: // Up
ac.updateIndex(ac.index - 1);
case 13: case 9: // Enter/Tab
case 27: // Escape
// Add a keyup handler to the field. This will be used to fetch new content based on the field's value.
this.field.keyup(function(e) {
switch (e.which) {
case 27: // Escape
if (ac.active) e.stopPropagation();
// Up, down, enter, tab, escape, left, right.
case 9: case 13: case 27: case 40: case 38: case 37: case 39: break;
// If we have a character to search for, backtrack from where the cursor is until we find it,
// and use that content.
if (ac.character) {
var selection = $(this).getSelection();
var value = $(this).val();
var nameStart = 0;
if (selection.length == 0) {
for (var i = selection.start; i > selection.start - 20; i--) {
if (i != selection.start && value.substr(i, 1) == "]") break;
if (value.substr(i, ac.character.length) == ac.character) {
nameStart = i + ac.character.length;
if (nameStart) {
var name = value.substring(nameStart, selection.start);
// Otherwise, just use the whole field's content.
else ac.fetchNewContent($(this).val());
// This function updates the items in the popup menu to show only those who match the current value of the
// field.
this.update = function() {
if (ac.value) {
// Convert spaces to non-breaking spaces.
var value = ac.value.replace(/ /g, "\xA0");
// Sanitize the current value of the field for use in a regular expression.
value = value.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
var regexp = new RegExp("(" + value + ")", "i");
var results = [];
// For all of the members in the member cache, test the regular expression and pull out matching results.
for (var i in ac.cache) {
if (regexp.test(ac.cache[i].name)) {
// Clear the popup menu.
ac.popup.html("<ul class='popupMenu'></ul>");
// If there are results, show them.
if (results.length) {
// Sort the results alphabetically by name.
results = results.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.name == b.name ? 0 : (a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1);
// Get the first 5 results.
results = results.slice(0, 5);
// Add each of the results to the popup.
var item;
for (var i in results) {
// Highlight the matching part of the name.
var name = $("<div/>").text(results[i].name).html();
name = name.replace(regexp, "<strong>$1</strong>");
// Create an <li> for the result and add some event handlers.
item = $("<li><a href='#'><i>"+results[i].avatar+"</i> "+name+"</a></li>").data("position", i).data("member", results[i]).mouseover(function() {
}).click(function(e) {
// Append it to the popup menu.
ac.items = results.length;
ac.active = true;
// If there are no results, hide the popup.
else ac.hide();
} else ac.hide();
this.timeout = null;
// This function fetches a list of members that match the specified value with AJAX.
this.fetchNewContent = function(value) {
// If we've not already search for this value, and it's 2 or more characters, proceed!
if (value && value != ac.value && ac.searches.indexOf(value) == -1 && value.length >= 2) {
// Set a timeout to make an AJAX request for a list of members.
ac.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
id: "autoComplete",
url: "members/autocomplete.ajax/"+encodeURIComponent(value),
global: false,
success: function(data) {
// Add the results to the cache.
results: for (var i in data.results) {
for (var j in ac.cache) {
if (ac.cache[j].type == data.results[i].type && ac.cache[j].memberId == data.results[i].memberId) continue results;
// Update the popup now that we've updated the cache.
}, 250);
ac.value = value;
// Show the popup
this.show = function() {
ac.popup.show().css({position: "absolute", zIndex: 9999});
// If we have a character that denotes the start of the token, we want to position the popup just below
// it. This is super-hard with a textarea. We have to create a dummy div and set its contents to whatever
// the textarea's is, up until the character. Then we can add a span at the end and get its position.
if (ac.character) {
var selection = ac.field.getSelection();
var value = ac.field.val().substr(0, selection.start - ac.value.length);
var testSubject = $('<div/>')
position: 'absolute',
top: ac.field.offset().top,
left: ac.field.offset().left,
width: ac.field.width(),
height: ac.field.height(),
fontSize: ac.field.css('fontSize'),
fontFamily: ac.field.css('fontFamily'),
fontWeight: ac.field.css('fontWeight'),
paddingTop: ac.field.css('paddingTop'),
paddingLeft: ac.field.css('paddingLeft'),
paddingRight: ac.field.css('paddingRight'),
paddingBottom: ac.field.css('paddingBottom'),
letterSpacing: ac.field.css('letterSpacing'),
lineHeight: ac.field.css('lineHeight')
.html(value.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "<br/>"))
.append("<span style='position:absolute'> </span>");
// Get the position of our dummy span and set the popup to the same position.
var offset = testSubject.find("span").offset();
ac.popup.css({left: offset.left, top: offset.top + testSubject.find("span").height()});
// If we don't have a character, we can just position the popup directly beneath the field.
else ac.popup.css({left: ac.field.offset().left, top: ac.field.offset().top + ac.field.outerHeight() - 1, width: ac.field.outerWidth()});
ac.active = true;
// Hide the popup.
this.hide = function() {
ac.active = false;
// Stop any active AJAX requests to fetch members and hide the popup.
this.stop = function() {
// Update the selected index of the popup.
this.updateIndex = function(index)
ac.index = index;
// Make sure the index is valid.
if (ac.index < 0) ac.index = ac.items - 1;
else if (ac.index >= ac.items) ac.index = 0;