// Conversation JavaScript
var ETConversation = {
// Conversation details.
id: 0,
title: "",
channel: "",
slug: "",
startFrom: 0,
searchString: null,
postCount: 0,
updateInterval: null,
editingReply: false, // Are we typing a reply?
editingPosts: 0, // Number of posts being edited.
// Initialize:
init: function() {
// If we're viewing an existing conversation...
if (ET.conversation) {
// Get the details.
this.id = ET.conversation.conversationId;
this.postCount = ET.conversation.countPosts;
this.startFrom = ET.conversation.startFrom;
this.channel = ET.conversation.channel;
this.slug = ET.conversation.slug;
this.searchString = ET.conversation.searchString;
// Make the controls into a popup button.
if ($("#conversationControls").length)
$("#conversation .search").after($("#conversationControls").popup({
alignment: "right",
content: "<i class='icon-cog'></i> <span class='text'>"+T("Controls")+"</span> <i class='icon-caret-down'></i>"
// Set up the timeline scrubber.
ETScrubber.body = $("#conversation");
ETScrubber.scrubber = $("#conversation .scrubberContent");
ETScrubber.items = $("#conversationPosts");
ETScrubber.count = this.postCount;
ETScrubber.perPage = ET.postsPerPage;
ETScrubber.moreText = T("Load more posts");
ETScrubber.startFrom = this.startFrom;
// Set a callback that will load new post data.
ETScrubber.loadItemsCallback = function(position, success, index) {
if (position == Infinity) position = "999999"; // Kind of hackish? Meh...
// If this "position" is an index in the timeline (eg. 201004), split it into year/month for the request.
if (index) {
position = (""+position).substr(0, 4)+"/"+(""+position).substr(4, 2);
// Make the request for post data.
url: "conversation/index.ajax/"+ETConversation.id+"/"+position,
data: {search: ETConversation.searchString},
success: function(data) {
var items = success(data);
global: false
// Set a callback that will run whenever we scroll to a specific index. We need it to change the URL.
ETScrubber.scrollToIndexCallback = function(index) {
var position;
if (index == Infinity) position = "last";
else position = (""+index).substr(0, 4)+"/"+(""+index).substr(4, 2);
$.history.load(ETConversation.slug+"/"+position, true);
// Initialize the scrubber.
// When the "add a reply" button in the sidebar is clicked, we trigger a click on the "now" item in
// the scrubber, and also on the reply textarea.
$("#jumpToReply").click(function(e) {
$(".scrubber-now a").click();
setTimeout(function() {
$("#reply textarea").click();
}, 1);
// Start the automatic reload timeout.
this.updateInterval = new ETIntervalCallback(this.update, ET.conversation.updateInterval);
// Store the conversation title and add a click handler to edit it.
this.title = $("#conversationTitle a").text() || $("#conversationTitle").text();
$("#conversationTitle a").live("click", function(e) {
// Add click handlers to the various conversation controls.
$("#control-sticky").click(function(e) {
$("#control-lock").click(function(e) {
$("#control-ignore").click(function(e) {
$("#control-delete").click(function(e) {
// Pause all auto-updaters so that we don't try to update when we regain focus
// on the window from the confirm popup.
if (!ETConversation.confirmDelete()) {
// Add tooltips to labels.
$("#conversationHeader .label").tooltip();
// Initialize the posts.
// If there's a post ID in the URL hash (eg. p1234), highlight that post, and scroll to it.
var hash = window.location.hash.replace("#", "");
if (hash.substr(0, 1) == "p" && $("#"+hash).length) {
ETConversation.scrollTo($("#"+hash).offset().top - 10);
}, 100);
// If we scroll below the header, pop the conversation title up in the forum header.
$(window).scroll(function() {
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
var title = $("#forumTitle");
if (y > $("#hdr").height()) {
if (!title.data("old")) {
title.data("old", title.html()).html("<a href='#'></a>").find("a").text(ETConversation.title);
title.find("a").click(function(e) {
$.scrollTo(0, "fast");
} else if (title.data("old")) {
title.html(title.data("old")).data("old", null);
// If we're starting a new conversation...
else {
// Auto-grow the title input.
$("#conversationTitle input").autoGrowInput({
comfortZone: 30,
minWidth: 300,
maxWidth: 500
// Show the "change channel" sheet straight away!
// Add click handlers to change the channel and members allowed.
$("#control-changeChannel").click(function(e) {
$("#control-changeMembersAllowed").click(function(e) {
// Make sure channels always have tooltips.
$(".channels a").tooltip({alignment: "left", delay: 250, className: "withArrow withArrowBottom"});
// Set up a members allowed popup if there's a "x others" link in the list.
ETMembersAllowedTooltip.init($("#conversationPrivacy .allowedList .showMore"), function() {return ETConversation.id;}, true);
// If there's a reply box, initilize it.
if ($("#reply").length) ETConversation.initReply();
// Add an onbeforeunload handler (to warn the user if they have an unsaved post/draft).
$(window).bind("beforeunload.conversation", ETConversation.beforeUnload);
// Scroll to a specific position, applying an animation and taking the fixed conversation header into account.
scrollTo: function(position) {
// On page exit, display a confirmation message if the user is editing posts or hasn't saved their reply.
beforeUnload: function onbeforeunload() {
if (ETConversation.editingPosts > 0) return T("message.confirmLeave");
else if (ETConversation.editingReply) return T("message.confirmDiscardPost");
//***** REPLY AREA
replyShowing: false,
// Initialize the reply section: disable/enable buttons, add click events, etc.
initReply: function() {
var textarea = $("#reply textarea");
ETConversation.editingReply = false;
// Auto resize our reply textareas
textarea.TextAreaExpander(200, 700);
// Disable the "post reply" button if there's not a draft. Disable the save draft button regardless.
if (!textarea.val()) $("#reply .postReply").disable();
$("#reply .saveDraft").disable();
// Add event handlers on the textarea to enable/disable buttons.
textarea.keyup(function(e) {
if (e.ctrlKey) return;
$("#reply .postReply, #reply .saveDraft")[$(this).val() ? "enable" : "disable"]();
ETConversation.editingReply = $(this).val() ? true : false;
if (ET.mentions) new ETAutoCompletePopup($("#reply textarea"), "@");
// Add click events to the buttons.
$("#reply .saveDraft").click(function(e){ ETConversation.saveDraft(); e.preventDefault(); });
$("#reply .discardDraft").click(function(e){ ETConversation.discardDraft(); e.preventDefault(); });
$("#reply .postReply").click(function(e){
if (ETConversation.id) ETConversation.addReply();
else ETConversation.startConversation();
// If the user can actually reply, condense the box so it expands when clicked on.
if (!$("#reply").hasClass("logInToReply") && ETConversation.id) {
// Make the reply box a placeholder.
$("#reply").click(function(e) {
if (!ETConversation.replyShowing) {
// Save the scroll position and then focus on the textarea.
var scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
$("#reply textarea").focus();
// Scroll to the bottom of the reply area.
$.scrollTo("#reply", "slow");
$("#reply").change(function(e) {
if (!ETConversation.replyShowing) {
ETConversation.replyShowing = true;
// Put the cursor at the end of the textarea.
var pos = textarea.val().length;
textarea.selectRange(pos, pos);
// If there's something in the reply textarea, show it.
if ($("#reply textarea").val()) $("#reply").trigger("change");
$(document).click(function(e) { ETConversation.hideReply(); });
$("#reply .controls a").tooltip();
$("#reply .discardDraft").tooltip();
// Register the Ctrl+Enter shortcut.
textarea.keydown(function(e) {
if (e.ctrlKey && e.which == 13 && !$("#reply .postReply").prop("disabled")) {
$("#reply .postReply").click();
// Condense the reply box back into a placeholder.
hideReply: function() {
if (!ETConversation.replyShowing || $("#reply textarea").val()) return;
// Save the scroll top and height.
var scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
var oldHeight = $("#reply .postContent").height();
// Condense it back into a placeholder.
ETConversation.replyShowing = false;
// Animate the change and scroll back to where we were before.
var newHeight = $("#reply .postContent").height();
$("#reply .postContent").height(oldHeight).animate({height: newHeight}, "fast", function() {
ETConversation.editingReply = false;
resetReply: function() {
$("#reply textarea").val("");
ETConversation.togglePreview("reply", false);
// Add a reply.
addReply: function() {
var content = $("#reply textarea").val();
// Disable the reply/draft buttons.
$("#reply .postReply, #reply .saveDraft").disable();
// Make the ajax request.
url: "conversation/reply.ajax/"+ETConversation.id,
type: "post",
data: {conversationId: ETConversation.id, content: content},
success: function(data) {
// If there are messages, enable the reply/draft buttons and don't continue.
if (!data.postId) {
$("#reply .postReply, #reply .saveDraft").enable();
// Hide messages which may have been previously triggered.
// Hide the draft label, clear the textarea, and initialize the reply area again.
$("#conversationHeader .labels .label-draft").remove();
// Create a dud "more" block and then add the new post to it.
var moreItem = $("<li></li>").appendTo("#conversationPosts");
ETScrubber.count = ETConversation.postCount;
var items = ETScrubber.addItems(ETConversation.postCount - 1, data.view, moreItem, true);
// Star the conversation if the user has the "star on reply" option on.
if (data.starOnReply) {
toggleStarState(ETConversation.id, true);
// Reset the post-checking timeout.
beforeSend: function() {
createLoadingOverlay("reply", "reply");
complete: function() {
hideLoadingOverlay("reply", false);
// Start a conversation.
startConversation: function(draft) {
// Prepare the conversation data.
var title = $("#conversationTitle input").val();
var content = $("#reply textarea").val();
var channel = $("#conversationHeader .channels :radio:checked").val();
// Disable the post reply and save draft buttons.
$("#reply .postReply, #reply .saveDraft").disable();
// Make the ajax request.
var data = {title: title, content: content, channel: channel};
if (draft) data.saveDraft = "1";
url: "conversation/start.ajax",
type: "post",
data: data,
beforeSend: function() {
createLoadingOverlay("reply", "reply");
ETConversation.editingReply = false;
complete: function() {
hideLoadingOverlay("reply", false);
$("#reply .postReply, #reply .saveDraft").enable();
success: function(data) {
// If there are messages, enable the reply/draft buttons and don't continue.
if (data.messages) {
if (data.messages.title) $("#conversationTitle input").focus();
if (data.messages.content) $("#reply textarea").focus();
// Save a draft.
saveDraft: function() {
// If this is a new conversation, just use the startConversation function
if (!ETConversation.id) {
// Make the ajax request.
url: "conversation/reply.ajax/"+ETConversation.id,
type: "post",
data: {saveDraft: true, content: $("#reply textarea").val()},
beforeSend: function() {
createLoadingOverlay("reply", "reply");
complete: function() {
hideLoadingOverlay("reply", false);
success: function(data) {
if (data.messages) return;
// Show the draft label, disable the save draft button, and enable the discard draft button.
$("#conversationHeader .labels").html(data.labels);
$("#reply .saveDraft").disable();
ETConversation.editingReply = false;
// Discard a draft.
discardDraft: function() {
if (!confirm(T("message.confirmDiscardPost"))) return;
// Disable the beforeUnload confirmation prompt, because the ajax request we make may
// redirect us back to the home page.
// Make the ajax request.
url: "conversation/discard.ajax/" + ETConversation.id,
type: "post",
beforeSend: function() {
createLoadingOverlay("reply", "reply");
complete: function() {
hideLoadingOverlay("reply", false);
success: function(data) {
// Hide the draft label and collapse the reply area.
$("#conversationHeader .labels").html(data.labels);
$(window).bind("beforeunload.conversation", ETConversation.beforeUnload);
//***** POSTS
// Get new posts at the end of the conversation by comparing our post count with the server's.
update: function() {
// Don't do this if we're searching, or if we haven't loaded the end of the conversation.
if (ETConversation.searchString || ETScrubber.loadedItems.indexOf(ETConversation.postCount - 1) == -1) return;
// Make the request for post data.
url: "conversation/index.ajax/"+ETConversation.id+"/"+ETConversation.postCount,
success: function(data) {
// If there are new posts, add them.
if (ETConversation.postCount < data.countPosts) {
ETConversation.postCount = data.countPosts;
// Create a dud "more" block and then add the new post to it.
var moreItem = $("<li></li>").appendTo("#conversationPosts");
ETScrubber.count = ETConversation.postCount;
ETScrubber.addItems(data.startFrom, data.view, moreItem, true);
var interval = ET.conversationUpdateIntervalStart;
// Otherwise, multiply the update interval by our config setting.
else var interval = Math.min(ET.conversationUpdateIntervalLimit, ETConversation.updateInterval.interval * ET.conversationUpdateIntervalMultiplier);
global: false
// Initialize the posts.
initPosts: function() {
// Add tooltips to post controls.
$("#conversationPosts .controls a").tooltip({alignment: "center"});
$("#conversationPosts h3 a").tooltip({alignment: "left", className: "withArrow withArrowBottom"});
$("#conversationPosts .time").tooltip({alignment: "left", className: "withArrow withArrowBottom"});
$("#conversationPosts .online").tooltip({alignment: "left", offset: [-9, 0], className: "withArrow withArrowBottom"}).css("cursor", "pointer");
// Add click handlers to the post controls.
$("#conversationPosts .controls .control-edit").live("click", function(e) {
var postId = $(this).parents(".post").data("id");
$("#conversationPosts .controls .control-delete").live("click", function(e) {
var postId = $(this).parents(".post").data("id");
$("#conversationPosts .controls .control-restore").live("click", function(e) {
var postId = $(this).parents(".post").data("id");
$("#conversationPosts .post:not(.edit) .controls .control-quote").live("click", function(e) {
var postId = $(this).parents(".post").data("id");
ETConversation.quotePost(postId, e.shiftKey);
// Add a click handler to any "post links" to scroll back up to the right post, if it's loaded.
$("#conversationPosts .postBody a[rel=post]").live("click", function(e) {
var id = $(this).data("id");
$("#conversationPosts .post").each(function() {
if ($(this).data("id") == id) {
ETConversation.scrollTo($(this).offset().top - 10);
return false;
ETConversation.initPost($("#conversationPosts .post"));
initPost: function(post) {
// Collapse quotes and add expand buttons.
collapseQuotes: function(items) {
$(".postBody blockquote:not(.collapsed)", items)
.each(function() {
if ($(this)[0].scrollHeight <= $(this).innerHeight() + 20) {
var link = $("<a href='#' class='expand'><i class='icon-ellipsis-horizontal'></i></a>");
link.click(function(e) {
// Highlight a post.
highlightPost: function(post) {
$("#conversationPosts .post.highlight").removeClass("highlight");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
// Hide consecutive avatars from the same member.
redisplayAvatars: function() {
// Loop through the avatars in the posts area and compare each one's src with the one before it.
// If they're the same, hide it.
var prevId = null;
$("#conversationPosts > li").each(function() {
if (prevId == $(this).find("div.post").data("memberid"))
prevId = $(this).find("div.post").data("memberid");
// Delete a post.
deletePost: function(postId) {
// Make the ajax request.
url: "conversation/deletePost.ajax/" + postId,
beforeSend: function() {
createLoadingOverlay("p" + postId, "p" + postId);
complete: function() {
hideLoadingOverlay("p" + postId, true);
success: function(data) {
if (data.messages) return;
// Restore a post.
restorePost: function(postId) {
// Make the ajax request.
url: "conversation/restorePost.ajax/" + postId,
beforeSend: function() {
createLoadingOverlay("p" + postId, "p" + postId);
complete: function() {
hideLoadingOverlay("p" + postId, true);
success: function(data) {
if (data.messages) return;
// Edit a post - make the post area into a textarea.
editPost: function(postId) {
var post = $("#p" + postId);
url: "conversation/editPost.ajax/" + postId,
type: "get",
beforeSend: function() {
createLoadingOverlay("p" + postId, "p" + postId);
complete: function() {
hideLoadingOverlay("p" + postId, true);
success: function(data) {
if (data.messages || data.modalMessage) return;
ETConversation.updateEditPost(postId, data.view);
updateEditPost: function(postId, html) {
var post = $("#p" + postId);
var startHeight = $(".postContent", post).height();
// Replace the post HTML with the new stuff we just got.
var newPost = $("#p" + postId);
var textarea = $("textarea", newPost);
// Save the old post HTML for later.
newPost.data("oldPost", post);
// Set up the text area.
var len = textarea.val().length;
textarea.TextAreaExpander(200, 700).focus().selectRange(len, len);
new ETAutoCompletePopup(textarea, "@");
// Add click handlers to the cancel/submit buttons.
$(".cancel", newPost).click(function(e) {
$(".submit", newPost).click(function(e) {
ETConversation.saveEditPost(postId, textarea.val());
// Animate the post's height.
var newHeight = $(".postContent", newPost).height();
$(".postContent", newPost).height(startHeight).animate({height: newHeight}, "fast", function() {
// Scroll to the bottom of the edit area if necessary.
var scrollTo = newPost.offset().top + newHeight - $(window).height() + 10;
if ($(document).scrollTop() < scrollTo) $.scrollTo(scrollTo, "slow");
// Regsiter the Ctrl+Enter and Escape shortcuts on the post's textarea.
textarea.keydown(function(e) {
if (e.ctrlKey && e.which == 13) {
ETConversation.saveEditPost(postId, this.value);
if (e.which == 27) {
// Save an edited post to the database.
saveEditPost: function(postId, content) {
// Disable the buttons.
var post = $("#p" + postId);
$(".button", post).disable();
// Make the ajax request.
url: "conversation/editPost.ajax/" + postId,
type: "post",
data: {content: content, save: true},
beforeSend: function() {
createLoadingOverlay("p" + postId, "p" + postId);
complete: function() {
hideLoadingOverlay("p" + postId, true);
$(".button", post).enable();
success: function(data) {
if (data.messages) return;
var startHeight = $(".postContent", post).height();
// Replace the post HTML with the new post we just got.
var newPost = $("#p" + postId);
// Animate the post's height.
var newHeight = $(".postContent", newPost).height();
$(".postContent", newPost).height(startHeight).animate({height: newHeight}, "fast", function() {
// Cancel editing a post.
cancelEditPost: function(postId) {
var post = $("#p" + postId);
var scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
// Change the post control and body HTML back to what it was before.
var startHeight = $(".postContent", post).height();
var newPost = $("#p" + postId);
// Animate the post's height.
var newHeight = $(".postContent", newPost).height();
$(".postContent", newPost).height(startHeight).animate({height: newHeight}, "fast", function() {
// Quote a post.
quotePost: function(postId, multi) {
var selection = ""+$.getSelection();
url: "conversation/quotePost.json/" + postId,
success: function(data) {
var top = $(document).scrollTop();
ETConversation.quote("reply", selection ? selection : data.content, data.postId + ":" + data.member, null, true);
// If we're "multi" quoting (i.e. shift is being held down), keep our scroll position static.
// Otherwise, scroll down to the reply area.
if (!multi) {
} else {
global: true
initMembersAllowed: function() {
// Show or hide the "Click on a member's name to remove them" text depending on if the conversation is private or not.
$("#addMemberForm .help").toggle($("#membersAllowedSheet .allowedList .name").length ? true : false);
var ac = new ETAutoCompletePopup($("#addMemberForm input[name=member]"), false, function(member) {
// Wrap a form around the add member form so that the submit event works properly.
$("#addMemberForm").parent().submit(function(e) {
ETConversation.addMember($("#addMemberForm input[name=member]").val());
// Add click handlers to each of the names, to remove them.
$("#membersAllowedSheet .allowedList .name a").die("click").live("click", function(e) {
ETConversation.removeMember($(this).data("type"), $(this).data("id"));
// Focus on the name input.
$("#addMemberForm input[name=member]").focus();
// Open up the "chang members allowed" sheet.
changeMembersAllowed: function() {
ETSheet.loadSheet("membersAllowedSheet", "conversation/membersAllowed.ajax/"+ETConversation.id, function() {
// Add a member to the conversation.
addMember: function(name) {
if (!name) return;
id: "addMember",
url: "conversation/addMember.ajax/" + ETConversation.id,
type: "post",
data: {member: name},
success: function(data) {
// If there was an error, select the contents of the name input.
if (data.messages) $("#addMemberForm input[name=member]").select();
// Otherwise, show the help text, clear the name input, and update the members allowed summary,
// list, and labels.
else {
$("#addMemberForm .help").show();
$("#addMemberForm input[name=member]").val("");
$("#conversationPrivacy .allowedList").html(data.allowedSummary);
$("#membersAllowedSheet .allowedList").html(data.allowedList);
$("#conversationHeader .labels").html(data.labels);
ETMembersAllowedTooltip.init($("#conversationPrivacy .allowedList .showMore"), function() {return ETConversation.id;}, true);
// Remove a member from the members allowed list.
removeMember: function(type, id) {
var data = {};
data[type] = id;
id: "addMember",
url: "conversation/removeMember.ajax/" + ETConversation.id,
type: "post",
data: data,
success: function(data) {
// Update the members allowed summary, list, and labels.
$("#conversationPrivacy .allowedList").html(data.allowedSummary);
$("#membersAllowedSheet .allowedList").html(data.allowedList);
$("#addMemberForm .help").toggle($("#membersAllowedSheet .allowedList .name").length ? true : false);
$("#conversationHeader .labels").html(data.labels);
ETMembersAllowedTooltip.init($("#conversationPrivacy .allowedList .showMore"), function() {return ETConversation.id;}, true);
//***** CHANNELS
// Open the change channel sheet.
changeChannel: function() {
ETSheet.loadSheet("changeChannelSheet", "conversation/changeChannel.view/"+ETConversation.id, function() {
// Hide the radio buttons, and set up a handler for when they're changed.
$("#changeChannelSheet .channelList input").hide().click(function() {
$("#changeChannelSheet form").submit();
$("#changeChannelSheet .buttons").hide();
// Add tooltips to channels that cannot be changed to.
$("#changeChannelSheet .channelList li").tooltip({alignment: "left", offset: [20, 43], className: "hoverable"});
// Add a submit event to the form.
$("#changeChannelSheet form").submit(function(e) {
var channelId = $(this).find("input:checked").val();
url: "conversation/save.json/" + ETConversation.id,
type: "post",
data: {channel: channelId},
success: function(data) {
if (data.messages) return;
// Update the members allowed summary.
$("#conversationPrivacy .allowedList").html(data.allowedSummary);
ETMembersAllowedTooltip.init($("#conversationPrivacy .allowedList .showMore"), function() {return ETConversation.id;}, true);
// Replace the conversation's channel with the new one.
ETConversation.channel = channelId;
$("#conversationHeader .channels").replaceWith(data.channelPath);
// Edit the title of the conversation.
editTitle: function() {
if (!$("#conversationTitle").hasClass("editing")) {
// Replace the title tag with an input.
var title = $("#conversationTitle a").text().trim();
$("#conversationTitle").html("<input type='text' class='text' maxlength='100'/>").addClass("editing");
$("#conversationTitle input").val(title).autoGrowInput({
comfortZone: 30,
minWidth: 250,
maxWidth: 500
// Add a key press and blur handler to the field.
$("#conversationTitle input").select().blur(function() { ETConversation.saveTitle(); }).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) ETConversation.saveTitle(); // Enter
if (e.which == 27) ETConversation.saveTitle(true); // Escape
// Save the conversation title.
saveTitle: function(cancel) {
if ($("#conversationTitle").hasClass("editing")) {
// Return the conversation title input back to normal.
var title = $("#conversationTitle input").val();
if (!title || cancel) title = ETConversation.title;
var sanitized = $('<div/>').text(title).html();
$("#conversationTitle").html("<a href='#'>"+sanitized+"</a>").removeClass("editing");
// If we're cancelling, that's all we need to do.
if (cancel || ETConversation.title == title) return;
// Otherwise, update the document title with the new title.
$(document).attr("title", $(document).attr("title").replace(ETConversation.title, title));
ETConversation.title = title;
// And save it.
url: "conversation/save.json/" + ETConversation.id,
type: "post",
data: {title: title},
global: true
// Toggle sticky.
toggleSticky: function() {
$("#control-sticky span").html(T($("#control-sticky span").html() == T("Sticky") ? "Unsticky" : "Sticky"));
url: "conversation/sticky.ajax/" + ETConversation.id,
success: function(data) {
$("#conversationHeader .labels").html(data.labels);
// Toggle lock.
toggleLock: function() {
$("#control-lock span").html(T($("#control-lock span").html() == T("Lock") ? "Unlock" : "Lock"));
url: "conversation/lock.ajax/" + ETConversation.id,
success: function(data) {
$("#conversationHeader .labels").html(data.labels);
// Toggle lock.
toggleIgnore: function() {
$("#control-ignore span").html(T($("#control-ignore span").html() == T("Ignore conversation") ? "Unignore conversation" : "Ignore conversation"));
url: "conversation/ignore.ajax/" + ETConversation.id,
success: function(data) {
$("#conversationHeader .labels").html(data.labels);
// Confirm deletion of the conversation.
confirmDelete: function() {
return confirm(T("message.confirmDelete"));
// Add a quote to a textarea.
quote: function(id, quote, name, postId, insert) {
var argument = postId || name ? (postId ? postId + ":" : "") + (name ? name : "Name") : "";
var startTag = "[quote" + (argument ? "=" + argument : "") + "]" + (quote ? quote : "");
var endTag = "[/quote]";
// If we're inserting the quote, add it to the end of the textarea.
if (insert) ETConversation.insertText($("#" + id + " textarea"), startTag + endTag + "\n");
// Otherwise, wrap currently selected text with the quote.
else ETConversation.wrapText($("#" + id + " textarea"), startTag, endTag);
// Add text to the reply area at the very end, and move the cursor to the very end.
insertText: function(textarea, text) {
textarea = $(textarea);
textarea.val(textarea.val() + text);
// Trigger the textarea's keyup to emulate typing.
// Add text to the reply area, with the options of wrapping it around a selection and selecting a part of it when it's inserted.
wrapText: function(textarea, tagStart, tagEnd, selectArgument, defaultArgumentValue) {
textarea = $(textarea);
// Save the scroll position of the textarea.
var scrollTop = textarea.scrollTop();
// Work out what text is currently selected.
var selectionInfo = textarea.getSelection();
if (textarea.val().substring(selectionInfo.start, selectionInfo.start + 1).match(/ /)) selectionInfo.start++;
if (textarea.val().substring(selectionInfo.end - 1, selectionInfo.end).match(/ /)) selectionInfo.end--;
var selection = textarea.val().substring(selectionInfo.start, selectionInfo.end);
// Work out the text to insert over the selection.
selection = selection ? selection : (defaultArgumentValue ? defaultArgumentValue : "");
var text = tagStart + selection + (typeof tagEnd != "undefined" ? tagEnd : tagStart);
// Replace the textarea's value.
textarea.val(textarea.val().substr(0, selectionInfo.start) + text + textarea.val().substr(selectionInfo.end));
// Scroll back down and refocus on the textarea.
// If a selectArgument was passed, work out where it is and select it. Otherwise, select the text that was selected
// before this function was called.
if (selectArgument) {
var newStart = selectionInfo.start + tagStart.indexOf(selectArgument);
var newEnd = newStart + selectArgument.length;
} else {
var newStart = selectionInfo.start + tagStart.length;
var newEnd = newStart + selection.length;
textarea.selectRange(newStart, newEnd);
// Trigger the textarea's keyup to emulate typing.
// Toggle preview on an editing area.
togglePreview: function(id, preview) {
// If the preview box is checked...
if (preview) {
// Hide the formatting buttons.
$("#" + id + " .formattingButtons").hide();
$("#" + id + "-preview").html("");
// Get the formatted post and show it.
url: "conversation/preview.ajax",
type: "post",
data: {content: $("#" + id + " textarea").val()},
success: function(data) {
// Keep the minimum height.
$("#" + id + "-preview").css("min-height", $("#" + id + "-textarea").innerHeight());
// Hide the textarea, and show the preview.
$("#" + id + " textarea").hide();
$("#" + id + "-preview").show()
$("#" + id + "-preview").html(data.content);
// The preview box isn't checked...
else {
// Show the formatting buttons and the textarea; hide the preview area.
$("#" + id + " .formattingButtons").show();
$("#" + id + " textarea").show();
$("#" + id + "-preview").hide();
// Make sure the preview checkbox is unchecked again.
$("#reply-previewCheckbox").prop("checked", false);
$(function() {