View file includes/service/forum10/delrazdel.php

File size: 1.83Kb
if ($status<2)
	$sysmsg='<b>Недостаточно прав для удаления разделов.</b><br/>';

if ($addtopic>0)
	$q=mysql(DBName,"SELECT `l3` FROM `$table` WHERE `domain` = '$domain' AND `site` = '$site' AND `l1` = '$addtopic'");
	$sysmsg='<b>Раздел не существует (уже удален).</b><br/>';
	if ($s<1) include($rootpath_forum."main.php");

	@mysql(DBName,"DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE `domain` = '$domain' AND `site` = '$site' AND `l1` = '$addtopic'");

	$sysmsg='<b>Раздел удален.</b><br/>';

print cyr2utf('<card id="forum" title="'.$title.'Форум">'.

$q=mysql(DBName,"SELECT `l1` , `text` FROM `".$table."` WHERE `domain` = '$domain' AND `site` = '$site' AND `l2` = 0 AND `l3` = 0 ORDER BY `l1` ASC LIMIT 0, 29");

print cyr2utf('<anchor>Назад<prev/></anchor><br/><br/>'.
'<select name="pr" title="Удалить" value="1">');

for ($i=0;($i<$s);$i++)

    $q1=@mysql(DBName,"SELECT `status` FROM `$table` WHERE `domain` = '$domain' AND `site` = '$site' AND `status` < 2 AND `l1` = $l1 AND `l2` != 0 AND `l3` = 0");

    $q1=@mysql(DBName,"SELECT `status` FROM `$table` WHERE `domain` = '$domain' AND `site` = '$site' AND `status` < 2 AND `l1` = $l1 AND `l2` != 0 AND `l3` != 0");

	print cyr2utf('<option value="'.$l1.'">'.$text.'</option>');

print cyr2utf('</select><br/>'.

'<go href="'.$forum.'?'.$user.'&amp;a=dr" method="post">'.
'<postfield name="at" value="$(pr)"/>'.
