View file v0.01a/main.php

File size: 8.29Kb
// Wapmess, originally developed by Gцran (depeh) Johansson, Sweden
// Feel free to improve this program in any way you can, but please share your version!
// More info and the latest version is avaiable at:


// The current user ICQ user-id

// The current user ICQ password

// The receiver(ICQ Uin) of the message to be sent

// The message that should be sent to the icq-server

// m is 1 if the user wants to write a new Message

// c is the counter of how many times the wap-client has been refreshing

$nocache_no=rand(1000, 9999);


# Koppla upp mot databasservern
$db = mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_pass);


$query="SELECT lifesign FROM alive WHERE uin='".$my_uin."'";

$sqlres=mysql_query($query) or die("get_alive Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sqlres);

if ($num_rows==1)
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlres);

$query="SELECT statusstr FROM uinstatus WHERE uin='".$my_uin."'";

$sqlres=mysql_query($query) or die("get_unistatus Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sqlres);

if ($num_rows==1)
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlres);
		for ($x=0;$x<count($status_split);$x++)

$client_refresh_time=100; // 10 sek

if ($c>6)
		$client_refresh_time=200; // 20 sek
if ($c>10)
		$client_refresh_time=300; // 30 sek
if ($c>12)
		$client_refresh_time=600; // 1 min
if ($c>14)
		$client_refresh_time=1200; // 2 min
if ($c>16)
		$client_refresh_time=3000; // 5 min
if ($c>18)
		$client_refresh_time=6000; // 10 min
if ($c>20)
		$client_refresh_time=12000; // 20 min
$query="SELECT cnick,cuin FROM contactlist WHERE uin='".$my_uin."' ORDER BY cnick";

$sqlres=mysql_query($query) or die("contactlist Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sqlres);

if ($num_rows<1)
<card id="kort1" title="<?=$app_name?>">
<p align="center">
<b>No contacts in list!</b>
		$wml_list="<select name=\"mott\">";
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlres))
				if ($uin_status[$row["cuin"]]=="")
				else if ($uin_status[$row["cuin"]]=="1")
				else if ($uin_status[$row["cuin"]]=="0")
				$wml_list.="<option value=\"".$row["cuin"]."\">".$row["cnick"]." ".$status_symbol."</option>\n";



if ($lifesign<$now-$alive_limit_seconds)

// Kolla om meddelande ska skickas
if ($msg && $uin)
		// Lдgg till meddelandet i outgoing tabellen
		$when=date("Y-m-d H:i");				
		$query = "INSERT INTO outgoing ( `id` , `fromuin` , `touin` , `msg` , `msgtime` , `seen` ) VALUES (0,'".$my_uin."','".$uin."','".smart_utf8_decode($msg)."','".$when."',0)";
		if ($debug)print "sql=$query\n";
		$sqlres=mysql_query($query) or die("<wml><card id=\"card1\"><p>send_alive Invalid query: ". mysql_error()."</p></card></wml>");


if ($m==1)
<card id="card1" title="New Msg">
<p><a href="<?=amp($mainurl);?>">Back</a>
<input name="reply" type="text" emptyok="true"/>
	<anchor>Send Msg
	<go method="post" href="<?=amp($mainurl)?>">
	<postfield name="uin" value="$(mott)"/>
	<postfield name="msg" value="$(reply)"/>

if ($server_alive==1)
		$query = "SELECT DISTINCT incoming.fromuin from incoming,contactlist WHERE incoming.touin = contactlist.uin AND incoming.touin=\"".$my_uin."\" AND contactlist.cuin=incoming.fromuin AND incoming.seen=0 ORDER BY incoming.fromuin LIMIT 1";
		if ($debug)print "sql=$query\n";
		$sqlres=mysql_query($query) or die("<wml><card id=\"card1\"><p>send_alive Invalid query: ". mysql_error()."</p></card></wml>");
		$rescount = mysql_num_rows($sqlres);
		if ($rescount==1)
				$row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlres);

		// Sцk ut de meddelanden frеn anvдndare som finns pе min anvдndarlista
		$query = "SELECT,incoming.fromuin,incoming.touin,incoming.msg,incoming.msgtime,contactlist.uin,contactlist.cnick,contactlist.cuin from incoming,contactlist WHERE incoming.touin = contactlist.uin AND incoming.touin=\"".$my_uin."\" AND contactlist.cuin=incoming.fromuin AND incoming.seen=0 AND incoming.fromuin=\"".$mess_uin."\" ORDER BY incoming.msgtime";
		if ($debug)print "sql=$query\n";
		$sqlres=mysql_query($query) or die("<wml><card id=\"card1\"><p>send_alive Invalid query: ". mysql_error()."</p></card></wml>");

		$msg_count = mysql_num_rows($sqlres);
		if ($msg_count>0)

		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqlres))
				$start_of_day=strtotime(date("Y-m-d 00:00",time()));
				#print $msg_timestamp."\n";
				#print $start_of_day."\n";
				#print $a_week_ago."\n";
				if ($msg_timestamp>$start_of_day)
						$msg_date = date("H:i",$msg_timestamp);
				else if ($msg_timestamp>$a_week_ago)
						$msg_date = substr(date("l",$msg_timestamp),0,3)." ".date("H:i",$msg_timestamp);
						$msg_date = date("ymd H:i");

				$query = "UPDATE incoming SET incoming.seen = 1 WHERE = ".$row["id"];
				#if ($debug)print "sql=$query\n";
				$sqlres2=mysql_query($query) or die("<wml><card id=\"card1\"><p>update incoming Invalid query: ". mysql_error()."</p></card></wml>");

// Rita ut MAIN-sidan!
<? if (count($mess_text)!=1)
<card <?
if ($show_timer)
		print "ontimer=\"".amp($mainurl."&c=".$c)."\" ";
?>id="card1" title="<?=$app_name?>">
if ($show_timer)
		print "<timer value=\"$client_refresh_time\"/>";
if (count($mess_text)==0)
<p><a href="<?=amp($mainurl."&m=1");?>">New msg</a></p>

//for ($i=0;$i<count($mess_nick);$i++)

foreach ($mess_text as $key => $value)
		$mess_id[$key]=substr($mess_id[$key], 0, -1);
<card id="card<?=$card_num?>" title="<?=$mess_nick[$key];?>">
<p><a href="<?=amp($mainurl);?>">Back</a>
<input name="reply<?=$card_num?>" type="text" emptyok="true"/>
	<anchor>Send Reply
	<go method="post" href="<?=amp($mainurl);?>">
	<postfield name="uin" value="<?=$key?>"/>
	<postfield name="msg" value="$(reply<?=$card_num?>)"/>

		// Om man har skickat ett meddelande och blivit utloggad ur servern(SERVER DEAD) under tiden 
		// ska givetvis meddelandet skickas ivдg, loggas man in.
		if ($msg && $uin)
<card id="kort1" ontimer="<?=amp($indexurl);?>" title="Reconnecting">
		<timer value="1" />
		<p align="center">

<card id="kort1" title="<?=$app_name?>">
<p align="center">
<b>Timeout from Server!</b>
<p align="center">
<a href="<?=amp($indexurl);?>">Reconnect!</a>