File size: 2.2Kb
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\" \"\">";
print "<wml>\n";
print "<card title=\"Анкеты с фото\">\n";
// $text = "$name::$mail::$mess::$file_o";
// $xfile = fopen($file_o, "r") ;
$xfile = @file("guestWW.dat");
$p = 20;
if ($npage == ""){$npage = "1";}
$first = count($xfile) - ($p * ($npage - 1));
$second = count($xfile) - ($p * $npage) + 1;
if ($second < 1) {$second = 1;}
$npages = (int)(count($xfile) / $p);
if ($news_limiter>((int) ($npages*$p))) $npages = $npages+1;
if ($npage <= $npages and $npage>1) $gline_rew = "<a href=\"wievWWW.php?npage=".($npage-1)."\">назад</a>";
if ($npages > 1 and $npage<$npages) $gline_next = "<a href=\"wievWWW.php?npage=".($npage+1)."\">далее</a>";
// $line = " | ";
// for ($p = 1; $p <= $npages; $p++) {
// if ($p != $npage) { $line .= "<a href=\"wiev.php?npage=$p\"> $p </a>|";}
// if ($p == $npage) { $line .= "$p |"; }
// }
// print $line;
for ($i = $first-1; $i >= $second-1; $i--) {
$ii = $i;
$udata = explode("::",$xfile[$i]);
// print "$udata[0]";
$fjpg=trim ($udata[10]);
if (file_exists($fjpg2)) {
print "
<p><img src=\"icon7.jpg\" /><anchor>
<go href=\"wievWW2.php\" method=\"post\">
<postfield name=\"anketa\" value=\"$udata[0]\"/>
<postfield name=\"id2\" value=\"$udata[10]\"/>
print "<br/>";
print "<p>".$gline_next."</p>";
print "<p>".$gline_rew."</p>";
print "<br/>";
print "
<p><a href=\"znakWW.wml\">К анкетам</a></p>
<p><a href=\"\">На главную</a></p>