View file other/index.php

File size: 2.55Kb
include "../ini.php";
print '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link href="../css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body><div class="ablockin"><div class="bblockin">'.$kat.'</div>';

$conf["items_per_page"] = 5;
if (!isset($page)) {$page = 0;}
$total = 0;

if(!($dp = opendir("./"))) die ("Cannot open ./");
$file_array = array(); 
while ($file = readdir ($dp))
	if(substr($file,0,1) != '.' and $file != "index.php" and $file != "down.php" and $file != "add.php" and $file != "say.php" and $file != "komm.php" and $file != "data" and $file != "down2.php")
		$file_array[] =  $file;
$file_count = count ($file_array);
sort ($file_array);

		if ($file_count > 0)
			$first_record = $page * $conf["items_per_page"];
			$last_record = $first_record + $conf["items_per_page"];
			while (list($fileIndexValue, $file_name) = each ($file_array))
				if (($fileIndexValue >= $first_record) AND ($fileIndexValue < $last_record))
					echo "<a href=\"down.php?file=$file_name&amp;papka=$papka&amp;kat=$kat\">$file_name</a> (". round(filesize($file_name)/1024,1) . "kb)<br/>
					Скачиваний: ";include "data/$file_name.dat";
					print '<br/>';
print '<a href="komm.php?papka='.$papka.'&amp;kat='.$kat.'&amp;file2='.$file_name.'">Коментарии ('.$c.')</a><br/>';
					$total = $total + filesize($file_name);
			if (($file_count > 0) AND ($page != 0))
				// previous button
				$prev_page = $page -1;
				echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$prev_page&amp;papka=$papka&amp;kat=$kat\">Назад</a><br/>";
			if (($file_count > 0) AND ($last_record < $file_count))
				// next button
				$next_page = $page + 1;
				echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?page=$next_page&amp;papka=$papka&amp;kat=$kat\">Вперед</a><br/>";
			echo "<hr/>
			Файлов: $file_count<br/>";

			echo "Общий вес: " . round($total/1024,1) . "kb<br/>";

			if($file_count < 1)
print 'Файлов в этой папке, пока что нету!<br/>';}
			print '<a href="../index.php">К категориям</a><br/>
			<div class="bblock"><div class="bblockin">
<a href="http://'.$sait.'/?random='.$rand.'">На главную</a><br/>
© '.$sait.'<br/>