View file Upload/Upload/error.php

File size: 1.49Kb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# eFusian
# Copyright (C) 2002 by the Fusian Development Team.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author:              Oliver James Ibbotson Esq.
# Date:                1st February 2003
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script Name:         error.php / FileFusian
# Script Version:      1.6
# Description:         This script is the error file for the
#                      file-fusian script.
# Revision History:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------


if($_GET['id'] == "filetype")
	echo '<html>';
	echo '<head><title>Error In FileType</title></head>';
	echo '<body>';
	echo '<font face="verdana" color="red" size="3">';
	echo '<img src="">';
	echo '<br><br>';
	echo '<center>';
	echo 'The file type you are attempting to upload has been disallowed on this server';
	echo '</font>';
	echo '<br><br>';
	echo '<font face="verdana" color="darkblue" size="2">';
	echo 'If you feel that this is incorrect then please contact the server administrator';
	echo '</font>';
	echo '<br><br>';
	echo '<font face="verdana" color="darkblue" size="1">';
	echo '<a href="javascript:window.close();">Close Error Window</a>';
	echo '</font>';
	echo '</html>';
