File size: 1.83Kb
All code is © 2003 Marc Cagninacci.
No files may be redistributed in whole or significant part.
----------------- mcgalleryPRO IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE -------------------
You should have receive a file called license.txt in this package
if (empty($_SESSION['private_login']))
$album_level = 'a.level = 1';
if ($_SESSION['level'] == 'admin' || $_SESSION['level'] == 'all') $album_level = 'a.level > 0';
else $album_level = 'a.level = 1 OR a.level IN ('. $_SESSION['level'].')';
echo '<td class="td2" colspan="3" align="center">';
echo '<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="td1" valign="top"><tr>';
echo '<td class="td1" width="'.$thumb_width.'">';
$query = "SELECT p.idalbum, p.file, p.album,, p.title, FROM mcgallery_albumphoto a, mcgallery_photo p WHERE $album_level AND p.idalbum = a.idalbum ORDER BY RAND()";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$rand = mysql_fetch_row($result);
list($path1,$path2) = split('_', $rand[1],2);
echo '<a href="show.php?rand=1&id='.$rand[5].'" onMouseOver="window.status=\'\';return true">';
echo '<img src="photos/'.$rand[0].'/small/'.$path2.'" border="0" alt="" width="'.$thumb_width.'" align="middle" class="img2"></a></td>';
echo '<td class="td2" valign="bottom">';
echo '<font size="1">';
if ($rand[4] != '') { echo ' '.$l_Titre.': '.stripslashes($rand[4]).'<br>'; }
if ($rand[3] != '') { echo ' '.$l_Auteur.': '.stripslashes($rand[3]).'<br>'; }
echo ' '.$l_Album.': '.stripslashes($rand[2]); echo $table;
echo '</font>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
echo '</td></tr><tr>';